Since there’s no rain in the forecast for the remainder of today, yesterday just might have concluded a seventeen-day rain streak here in Virginia. With all of the rain this past week and limited time to work outside in my yard, I took the opportunity to write my Ragnar Trail Richmond Ultra Recaps, Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Please (I’m begging you 😉 ) take the time to read my recaps, especially Part 3 considering it took me two days to write (#bloggerproblems – more on that later), and the opportunity to see me in a running skirt.
- Monday
- Lift – 1 hour
- Tuesday
- Interval Run- 1 mile warm-up, 4 x 966 at 8:00, 8:27, 8:27, 8:34 pace (7:47 goal pace), 1 mile cool-down, 644 easy run between intervals
- Rodney Yee’s Yoga Conditioning For Athletes (affiliate link) – Yoga for Runners
- Gardening – 1 hour
With the chance of storms rolling in and out all day on Tuesday, I opted to do some gardening between raindrops and then run my intervals on my treadmill later in the day. Big mistake! I don’t do well running later in the day and get bored on my treadmill, so suffice it to say, I had a horrible run. I’m not really sure I can even count it as intervals with as many times as I hit pause…
In case you’re wondering how I came up with 966 meter intervals and 644 meter easy run in between intervals, I changed my distances simply to make it easier to do the math on my treadmill. Since I was supposed to run 1000 meter intervals, I changed those to the closest even number in miles which was 6/10 of a mile, and used the remaining 4/10 of that mile as a recovery. It made for longer recoveries than the scheduled 400 meters, but on that particular day, it was probably a good thing.
- Wednesday
- Strength Training – 1 hour
- Bike – 15 miles – 59:40
- Rodney Yee’s Complete Yoga For Beginners (affiliate link) – Yoga For Flexibility
- Thursday
- Easy Pace Run – 5 miles at 9:20 pace
- Yoga Basics
- Teeter Hang Ups (affiliate link) Inversion – 15 minutes
- Friday
- Strength Training – 1 hour
- Yoga for Runners
Friday was the most frustrating day of my three-year blogging life. I could not get WordPress to save what I was writing. It would show it “saving draft” for two, three, four hours until it finally saved. showed my website down at times, and not at other times. Anyway, without going into any of the ridiculous antics I pulled to try to get my final Ragnar recap written and saved, it took me until almost midnight Friday to finish it, and I’d started it Thursday early afternoon with the plan to publish it early Friday morning. Today, knock on wood, I’m not having any problems with my website.
- Saturday
- Long Run – 8.4 miles at 9:43 pace
- Gardening – 2 hours
- Rodney Yee’s Intermediate Yoga (affiliate link) Sun Salutations
- Teeter – 15 minutes
Still annoyed with my blog, Cranky Pants Deb showed up to meet her MRTT running friends at the trail on Saturday morning. The run did wonders, and I came home feeling so much better, albeit a little embarrassed for not being my usual happy-go-lucky self and perhaps, dare I say, a little bitchy. Sorry friends!

- Sunday
- Yoga for Runners
This week I’ll be taking it easy as I continue to taper for my upcoming half on Sunday with my friend Janet. See you in Chicago!
- Weekly Overview:
- Weight Training: Monday, Wednesday and Friday
- Running: Tuesday – 5.6 miles, Thursday – 5 miles, Saturday – 8.4 miles (Total: 19 miles)
- Biking: 15 miles
- Yoga: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday
- Teeter Inversion: Thursday and Saturday
- Average Steps Per Day: 17,611
- Average Hours Sleep Per Night: 6:36 hours
- Questions:
- Do you easily get cranky or are you pretty even tempered?
- Bloggers, how long does it usually take you to write an average blog post? Race recap?
- Did you race this weekend?
Have a great week!
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means if you click on the blue product link and then make a purchase, I will receive a commission for referring you. You will pay no more or less for the product; however, Amazon will show their gratitude for my referral by paying me.
I’m linking up with Holly at HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin for their Weekly Wrap. Be sure to check out not only the hosts, but the other great bloggers joining in on the fun!

That stinks that you had so much trouble with your blog. If it makes you feel better, I know other bloggers who often have trouble with Word Press, so it’s not just you.
I have been waiting for a good thunderstorm in my Seems like it’s mine raining in all neighboring towns lately except mine!
Oh wow, I haven’t talked to other bloggers who’ve had problems with their WordPress. Good to know…
Sounds like you’ve been lucky, unless of course, you need the rain.
I get cranky when I am hungry 🙂 I think I must spend way too much time writing my blog posts. I don’t know how people write one everyday
You and me both – I sometimes think it takes me about four times as long to write a blog post as compared to some of my friends. I do spend a lot of time editing photos, though…
Oh how frustrating! I have issues sometimes with Blogger but I hear stories like yours and I think no one’s immune!
I promise I’ll check out your recap later. Right now the pup is barking at me to play!
HaHa, thanks – nothing like begging for readers! 😉
17 days of rain?? Did I read that correctly?? OH MY. It’s been pretty rainy here too – we actually had some SNOW today. WTH??? It didn’t stick around but none the less. It’s MAY, that’s so wrong. I have become horrible at writing blog posts. Race reports I can put together fairly quickly as long as I sit down to write it fairly soon after the race. Other general ideas I have usually require research so it takes me FOREVER to get a post up. Thus the reason I’m only posting once a week these days. 🙁 I’m hoping to change that soon.
Yes, you read that correctly – seventeen days of measurable rain! And you had snow? I guess I shouldn’t complain.
I usually take so many pictures at races, that it takes me a very long time to edit them; and then if Bill shoots pictures, too, it takes me forever to decide which ones to use.
Since I’m solar powered, I would be very witchy after 17 days of rain! It doesn’t take me too long to actually write a race recap. I think more time is spent loading the pictures and getting them like you want. I think I already saw a picture of you in a wonder woman skirt. And I thought, surely that is not Deb! I have one of those, by the way. I want to read your recaps! Just give me a few days to digest the WW. 😉 Thanks for linking with us Deb!
Agreed – with race reports I spend most of my time choosing which pictures to use and then forever editing them.
You saw me last year in a sparkle skirt on National Running Day – something I won’t be doing this year. 😉
Ha! Well, these days I barely blog lol I mostly just do a weekly recap so I can stay in the game. That way I can hopefully make some real life connections. It is fun to meet online friends 🙂
The weather here has been just blah! I have not been on my bike at all, which is part of the reason, I had such a hard time running 13 miles this weekend! Today was so nice, very windy, but nice, so I biked and it felt great!!
Rock on Deb, we all have our days 🙂
Oh my goodness was it windy here today, too!
I read about your race and meeting Holly. How fun! I can’t wait to read your recap, too.
UGH! I know technology is where it’s at these days…but I kinda want off of this ship. There are times when I’m desperately trying to get a post written, then posted, only to have it magically disappear (???). Most times, I can download pics via my phone (MOST times)…but then they also mysteriously vanish. I feel your pain!
Both of those things sound extremely frustrating. Sometimes I feel like I’m in over my head with this technology thing, and other times I feel like I have it completely under control. This past week was the former…
That’s so frustrating about your blogging issues. It takes me forever to write a race recap especially for longer races. Wow, 17 days of rain! That would drive me crazy!
Same here, I sometimes feel like it takes me forever to write some of my race recaps.
I’m new at blogging and I often have trouble with mine sometimes it’s my fault but often it’s not.
I have been learning it all slowly. So sorry you have had trouble.
Hope the rain give you a break soon, if we had that much rain here we would be flooded.
Hope you get some sun this week.
Today was a beautiful day! 🙂
Welcome to the world of blogging!
All my posts seem to take me forever to write! I want to get better/faster at it so I can get more done. I haven’t had any trouble with wordpress yet, knock on wood. That’s a great picture you legs look so strong and lean! Nice workouts. I love my Yoga for Runners DVD…..when I remember to use it. Have a great week and a great time during race weekend!
Thanks, Diane!
I’ve been using WordPress for over three years, and overall it’s been very easy to use and without a lot of problems, so I can’t really complain too much.
Having blog technical issues is such a pain. When I write race recaps, they take me a few hours usually. I’ve had some issues with uploading photos that was extremely frustrating, so I know how you feel!
Isn’t that the truth! Part of what I love about blogging is the chance to destress and relax, and technical issues ruin that.
HAHA, this made me giggle, I’m sorry! I have been known to have a quick temper that I try to work on all the time! hehe You are not alone!
That’s good; glad I’m not alone!
Technical issues makes me rage. I am usually pretty even-tempered, but once in a while… I can be quite even-keeled for quite some time, but when my patience goes, it goes.
With photo editing, watermarking, etc, it takes about an hour or less to write a post. Blogging comes pretty easily for the most part, so I am happy to get the posts out. Sometimes, I run behind, but it’s ok.
Sounds like we’re very much alike – technical issues get me angry quicker than most other things.
I get cranky when I am hungry- I have had blog issues like that. I worked and typed and typed and I thought it looked like the draft saved, when I came back to it more than 3/4 of it was gone! Sucked! I never went back to finish it!
Ugh, that’s awful! I’m sorry to hear that.
Technical issues seem to be the story of my life lately! Mostly with my phone but I can sympathise with this. It’s so frustrating! Love the picture and look at those lean legs!!! Headed to catch the recap you worked so hard on!
I love technology – as long as it works! 😀
I’m glad you were able to get part 3 completed and published! What a pain!! Good thing you had a long run the next day to make you feel better 🙂 Most of my blog posts take me 10 to 30 minutes to write. But race reports are another beat entirely. I feel like they’re really difficult for me to write, and it’s not uncommon for me to take 1-2 hours to write them.
Compared to me, you’re a speedy blogger! I definitely take longer to write most posts, but race recaps take a lot longer – mainly because of all the pictures Bill and I take.