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Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links.   It’s time to sit down once again over a beverage of your choice and chat about things other than just running, riding, and training. Won’t you join me? I’ll go first…   If we were having coffee….. I’d tell you that I’ve recently been noticing that my posture […]


When in Blacksburg… Arriving in Blacksburg Thursday evening with bright and expectant eyes for another fun-filled football weekend, Bill and I unpacked our stuff and headed straight to Cabo Fish Taco for dinner and drinks. Our friends Jim and Dee joined us to help close the place down (it closes at 10 PM LOL) and […]


Wrapping up Our Weekend On Sunday, the day after the race, we drove from our friends Beth and Tom’s beach condo to their home a couple of hours inland. There, we were treated to a different kind of water view complete with a double rainbow just before dinner. We had another delightful evening and relaxing […]


Visiting Friends for the Marine Corps Half in Camp Lejeune

It Was a Busy Week and I Loved It It never fails that whenever I plan to head out of town, I have at least one new client reach out to me wanting to schedule a consultation or session for that week. This past week, I had three new clients scheduled plus I taught Fitness […]


Block Party Forgiveness To say my neighbors outdid themselves when planning our block party for Labor Day evening would be an understatement. We had a dunk tank, bounce house, two corn hole sets, ladder golf, a fire pit for making s’mores, and fireworks, but most importantly, we had a Chick-fil-A truck! Additionally, we had several […]


  It’s time to sit down once again over a beverage of your choice and chat about things other than just running, riding, and training. Won’t you join me? I’ll go first…   If we were having coffee….. First of all, I’d tell you that I am not making this up! I saw a guy […]


It’s Taper Time and My First Salmon Bowl

I Just Can’t Help Myself… Before I talk about my workouts, I have to share a few pictures of Pablo taken during the last fews day of his visit. Bill and I are finally starting to get a little more relaxed with him and let him play off-leash in our yard. Like any good dog, […]


Runfessions of a Vanilla Scented Runner

  ~ Runfessions ~ A collection of statements admitting that one is guilty of a variety of running crimes…   It’s time again to join in on the fun and clear my conscious of recent running, biking, fitness, and nutrition related faux pas. I know I’ll feel better when I’m done, and maybe, just maybe, I’ll give you […]


Workouts Are More Fun with Friends by Your Side

He’s Baaack… Pablo is enjoying another long weekend at Camp Mim and Grandpab while his parents are enjoying time with Jess’ family in California. BTW, Grandpab is not a typo. 😉 I can’t stand how cute he is and really miss the little fellow when he goes home. We’ll be watching him two more times […]


Making the Most of an Easy Work Week

This post contains affiliate links…   A Down Week With several of my clients on vacation this past week and another sick, I had a rather easy week. I used my spare time to work on my blog; although, I only posted one additional recap from our June vacation (I’d planned for two). I did; […]


Our much anticipated family vacation began on June 22nd with a ridiculously early flight out of Dulles International Airport. Once we landed in Las Vegas, Nevada, we met up with the rest of our family, grabbed our baggage, and picked up our rental SUV. Lunch was a priority and gave us an opportunity to catch […]


What if Deer were Mountain Lions

Relaxing on the Patio Knowing that we didn’t really have a lot on our weekend’s agenda, I ran on Friday morning so I could enjoy the rare opportunity of sleeping in on Saturday. Originally we’d invited ten couples (running friends) to our home on Friday evening for happy hour and when I’d planned my runs […]


Out of Sorts I’ve been out of sorts all week. There, I said it! I’m usually full of pep and energy with a glass half full attitude, but not this past week. Perhaps it was post-vacation reentry, or the fact that our usual five-and-a-half-hour drive home from visiting my mom took three hours longer than […]


Please enjoy this slightly updated Deb Runs favorite as Bill and I celebrate our thirty-eighth wedding anniversary…   There once was a college freshman who threw a snowball at the window of a nearby dorm. Even though she didn’t know it at the time, inside that room was her prince charming. She started dating the cute guy inside […]


Bear Sightings, a Cold Snap, and Time on the Farm

Bears, Bears, Everywhere As I mentioned last week, I extended my stay after our two-day family reunion and spent this past week with my mom. Last weekend, my relatives local to the area were telling stories of all the recent bear encounters. One had been seen on a section of the road along the river […]


Mid-day Runs, Bike Rides, and the Zoomies

Visitors of the Best Kind I’ll start with one of the highlights of my week when three of my four favorite guys stopped by to visit – my other favorite guy lives with me. 😉 Joseph happened to be in town on Thursday afternoon, so Daniel and Pablo joined him for a visit. We missed […]


About the Firecracker 5K The 2019 Firecracker 5K, hosted by PR Races, celebrated its 10th anniversary on Independence Day. It was my 7th consecutive year of running what has become one of my favorite races. I can’t think of a better way to kick off the celebration of our nation’s birthday than with a fun […]


A Wet Start to the Week On Monday at around 7:20 AM, I arrived one of the gyms where I work just as the sky opening up to a torrential downpour as I pulled into the gym parking lot. I considered waiting it out in my car until I finally gave up and made a […]