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Cheering on Runners and Bunny Hopping

Paying it Back to the Running Community On Sunday, Erin, Tracy, and I met to cheer on the runners of the Loudoun Half as they closed in on their final half mile of the race. It was fun seeing our MRTT and Cruiser friends out racing and being on the other side of the cheering/encouraging […]


Blogging Friends Just Wanna Have Fun

Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links.   Girls Just Wanna Have Fun On Sunday evening I got a text from Deborah asking if I’d like to join her, Kim, Coco, Erica, Linda, and several of Deborah’s MRTT friends for dinner on Friday as they celebrated their upcoming race, the Cherry Blossom Ten Miler. Imagine about […]


Catching Up Over Coffee:  Our Bench, Cherry Blossoms, and Setting the Record Straight

It’s time to sit down once again over a beverage of your choice and chat about things other than just running, riding, and training. I’ll go first…   If we were having coffee….. I’d tell you that I’m excited to see both of our fabulous coffee date hosts tonight at a pre-race dinner hosted by […]


Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links… I Love Me Some Power Tools We have a planter built into our deck that was once painted to match the lattice work on the sides of the deck. The paint constantly chipped and peeled and unless it had just been painted, it looked terrible. Sanding it down and […]


A Sixteen-Week High in Running Miles

Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links… Shout-out to Mekhi Lewis Last night Virginia Tech got its first ever individual title when Mekhi Lewis, a red-shirt freshman, became the NCAA Champion at 165 pounds. Bill and I watched Mekhi wrestle when we were in Blacksburg in February. He is such a strong and dominate athlete and […]


Let’s Talk Running Medicine and What I Learned

Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links… Running Medicine 2019 On Thursday and Saturday I attended the Running Medicine 2019 Conference at the University of Virginia Darden School of Business in Charlottesville, Virginia. My sister-in-law Eva works for the Office of Continuing Medical Education at UVA and is the program manager of the conference. I had […]


Heading South to Warmer Weather and Where Did my Running Endurance Go?

Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links… A Little Winter Respite Bill and I just returned from a quick getaway to Tampa, Florida where we attended our niece’s wedding. It was a delightful and much-needed mini-vacation where we enjoyed temps in the 70’s while it snowed back home. These pasty white legs enjoyed some breathing room […]


A Run is a Run, No Matter How Short!

Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links…   A Name I Can Get Behind Welcome to the new weekly linkup of all things fitness related, especially recaps of the previous week’s workouts. It’s the same recap, but with a new name and new hosts. I have to admit that when I saw the name of the […]


It’s time to sit down once again over a beverage of your choice and chat about things other than just running, riding, and training. I’ll go first…   Drum Roll Please   If we were having coffee….. I’d tell you that I ran yesterday for the first time since my New Year’s Day 5K. Granted it […]


Snow, Rain, and Wind Surrounding a Quick Trip to the Farm

An Unexpected Snow Day Wednesday was an unexpected snow day! I knew the snow was coming, but didn’t expect the gym to actually announce the day before that it would be closed all day on Wednesday. My clients who were scheduled to come to my home gym didn’t have 4-wheel drive and chose to ere […]


Working Toward Recovery and Another Pablo Visit

Hydration is the Key Earlier this week I mentioned on Instagram that I’ve been sluggish recently and eating mindlessly. Initially, I attributed it to being injured and not able to run, but then I realized that I’d not been very good at hydrating lately. I spent last week focusing on staying properly hydrated and eating […]


Physical Therapy and Dry Needling:  Getting me Closer to the Running Trail with Each Visit

Planking and Foot Numbness I’ve been doing daily five-minute planks for two and a half years. As a result, my core has gotten much stronger and helps support my weakened lower back. A few weeks ago I started noticing that my right foot would be numb when I stood up at the end of my […]


When the Nose Knows and Three More Days of my Giveaway

Last Week’s Newsworthy Happenings Our son Daniel’s birthday was on Wednesday and we drove down to Arlington to celebrate with him and his girlfriend Jess. We walked about five blocks to the Green Pig Bistro in the 11° (feels like 2°) temps. I feel so metropolitan when we visit our sons because we usually walk […]


It’s time to sit down once again over a beverage of your choice and chat about things other than just running, riding, and training. I’ll go first…   If we were having coffee….. I’d tell you that yesterday was my six year blogiversary and to celebrate, I’m giving you the chance to win two fun Kudos coasters. […]


Celebrating my Blogiversary with a Kudos Coaster Giveaway

How it Began One evening over dinner, Julie, my oldest son’s girlfriend (now wife) had me enthralled as she talked about a running blog she followed. Intrigued, I asked questions and knew immediately that I wanted to start a blog of my own. I had recapped a few of my races on Facebook notes and […]


We Have a Plan!

We Have a Plan On Friday, I finally had my long awaited appointment with my spine doctor. Basically, he said exactly what I thought he’d say – they don’t call me Dr. Deb for nothing! Most likely my L4-L5 disc bulge is inflamed and swollen again, and is pressing against my sciatic nerve, much like […]


Runfessions of a Nincompoop Race Shirt Hoarder Who Drinks Margaritas out of a Pint Glass

~ Runfessions ~ A collection of statements admitting that one is guilty of a variety of running crimes…   It’s time again to join in on the fun and clear my conscious of recent running, biking, fitness, and nutrition related faux pas. I know I’ll feel better when I’m done!   I runfess:  I’m considering throwing out most of […]


Hoping to Get Some Answers On Friday I’ll finally have my long awaited appointment with my spine doctor and will hopefully get some answers on why my sciatic nerve has been acting up causing both a sharp pain in my right glute and my right foot to go numb. More importantly, I hope to find […]


FOMO While reminiscing through texts with my friends about how much fun we had at last years New Year’s Day race, I signed up to bring in 2019 with equal fanfare at the New Day New Year 5K. Because I’d been experiencing some pain in my right glute/hammie, I had waited until the Friday night […]


Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links…   Whining Alert and Toning Down the Workouts  As I mentioned last week, I have a cold – it’s in its second full week and still hanging on. Actually, I feel pretty good so I can’t complain. I’m just being overly cautious with this lingering cough and congestion and […]