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Torso Stretches I notice when I’m riding my bike that I’m really tight whenever I turn to look over my shoulder. Even though I’ve got a Varia rear radar detector (affiliate link) which notifies my bike Garmin (affiliate link) that a vehicle or another cyclist is behind me, for safety reasons seeing what’s back there […]


  ~ Runfessions ~ A collection of statements admitting that one is guilty of a variety of running crimes…   It’s time again to join in on the fun and clear my conscience of recent running, biking, fitness, nutrition, and life in general faux pas. I know I’ll feel better when I’m done, and maybe, just maybe, I’ll […]


Florida Coast to Coast Bike Tour The following is a detailed Florida coast to coast bike tour broken down into the six days it took our group to complete the ride.   Touring Florida from the Atlantic Ocean to Tampa Bay Within minutes of finishing our 2022 epic bike ride from North Key Largo to […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   Tour Teasers I’m keeping it to only one picture and a brief summary for each day of our fabulous Florida coast-to-coast tour because I plan to have a full recap chocked full of pictures up on the blog on Tuesday. In the meantime, a little about our trip… […]


New Year’s Day: to Run or Ride Torn between a New Year’s Day race or bike ride, and sad that I’d missed the previous year’s New Day New Year 5K, I texted my friends to see who was running. Three friends were running so I registered. My decision turned out to be a good one […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   Looking Forward to 2024 With 2023 neatly packed away, the year is off to a good start in the fitness department. My first week even included a race with my friends. I adore those ladies and even though we get together several times a year for dinner, I […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   Wrapping Up 2023 Based on my Strava, I spend 495 hours, 12 minutes (or 20 days, 15 hours, 12 minutes) participating in my 4 favorite types of exercise during 2023… • Cycling – 3,415.7 miles in 247 hours, 56 minutes • Running – 142.6 miles in 24 hours, […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   Snowy Gravel Two to three inches of snow fell at the farm on Monday and by Thursday when we arrived most had melted except for on the north facing hills and gravel road kept shaded by those hills. We may not have a white Christmas, but seeing snow […]


As the year draws to an end, it’s time to reflect back on 2023 and my year of running, something I’ve been doing as the year dwindles to an end each year since 2013. For whatever reason I can’t find my 2015 post so I can only assume that it’s been sucked into the great […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   Keeping up with Workouts Between work and the holidays it’s a busy time of year for sure and I’m trying not to fall into the trap of using that as a excuse to skip workouts. As I’ve mentioned many times, before I’m a morning exerciser and truly that’s […]


2023 found me toeing the starting line at only one race even though I was mostly injury-free and able to run comfortably using a shorter-distance and fewer-days running schedule that I adopted a few years ago. When I first started this blog almost eleven years ago I declared that I wanted to run forever – […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   Layering My goal is to cycle outside at least once a week throughout the winter unless weather or trail conditions prevent it. I’m still trying to figure out cold weather cycling clothing and this past week I nailed it on one ride and failed on the other. The […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   Garmin Badges Earned Last Week I’m not sure when Garmin badges came on my radar, but at first I thought Garmin just gave them out periodically – like if you ran on Global Running Day. When I discovered that there are a wide variety of monthly challenges that […]


  About Turkey Dash Charlotte In its eleventh year, the 2023 Turkey Dash Charlotte was once again held at The Village at Robinson Farm in Charlotte, NC on a gorgeous Thanksgiving morning with near perfect racing weather. The 2023 race benefitted Changing Lives Together. From their website: This year, Turkey Dash is honored to support Changing […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   Busy, Busy, Busy not Working Out Last week may have been low on workouts, but it was filled with fun family time, lots of cooking, many miles (902 miles to be exact) in the car, and time spent Christmas decorating. As soon as we arrived at the farm […]


Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links   Birthday Miles My favorite way to celebrate my birthday is to go for a bike ride and run using the number of years old I’m turning as my mileage goal. On Tuesday, my actual birthday, I rode 66 miles and on Thursday, I ran and walked a total […]


Disclaimer: This Summiting Prospect Mountain on Bikes recap contains affiliate links…   Discovering a Mountain and Planning a Route Even though we were on a gravel grinding expedition in New England and the ride to the summit of Prospect Mountain was all paved, I knew that I wouldn’t be happy unless I attempted this ride. […]


Working Out Even While Traveling Even though we had a whirlwind trip to Charlotte, NC to see Pablo and his humans, I took my workout clothes with me and didn’t miss a beat. My Wednesday through Friday clients, though? They were on their own!   Overview of the Week Before getting into each day’s workouts, […]


Disclaimer: This Touring Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom recap contains affiliate links…   The Spinney My husband and I enjoy watching YouTube videos of cycling adventures, particularly on gravel. One channel we regularly watch is produced by the guys at Green Mountain Gravel who ride Vermont’s country roads. Wanting to tour Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom, we found a […]


Leaves at the Farm Past Their Peak We were a little disappointed that the leaf color at the higher elevation of the farm was well past peak with at least half of the leaves fallen. After enjoying near peak color in New England, we had our fingers crossed that we might enjoy three falls this […]