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A Marathon Deck Makeover; And Remembering A Warmer Spring

Currently, while living through an April that refuses to bring anything remotely similar to spring-like weather, I’m reduced to daydreaming of gorgeous days spent out on my deck and in my backyard two years ago as I gave our deck a facelift that was long overdue… The previous fall, contractors had remodeled our deck with […]


Negotiating Workouts With My Doctor

With surgery scheduled to remove yet another basal cell carcinoma from my right bicep on Wednesday afternoon, I front loaded my workouts to early in the week to get as much accomplished as possible prior to my appointment. Tuesday morning I ran laps around my neighborhood from 5:30 to 6:30 AM and loved that it’s […]


  It had been two years since my last trail race, but once I learned about the Hungry Mother 25K, I knew I wanted in on the action. Hungry Mother State Park is near where I grew up, and my husband Bill and I have enjoyed running the well-manicured trails around the lake for several […]


My Fondest And Funniest Boston Marathon Memories

In celebration of today’s 122nd running of the Boston Marathon, I’m sharing some of my fondest and funniest Boston Marathon memories from the two times I ran this amazing race in 1998 and 2010.  Before I jump into those memories, though, I want to wish all of my friends who are running to have a wonderful […]


Recovering From My 25K And Preparing For High Altitude

I left off last week with a little tease about running the Hungry Mother 25K, but didn’t mention that it snowed the entire afternoon after the race. Our drive back across Walker Mountain the following morning on our way home from our race weekend getaway gave us gorgeous views of what looked like trees covered […]


I really wish I’d taken screen shots each time I checked the weather forecast for Marion, Virginia this past week as I debated what to pack for the Hungry Mother 25K Trail Race on Saturday, but it’s safe to say that most of the time, the forecast looked very similar to this…   By Wednesday evening […]


Welcome to Wednesday Word, a monthly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. On the first Wednesday of every month you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. […]


Yesterday morning was our ninth-annual Easter Bunny Hop. The tradition started when my Cruiser friend Jerome and I planned an excursion taking us off the W&OD Trail, winding along smaller neighborhood trails until we arrived at Bill’s and my back yard where we’d hidden bottles of Gatorade and plastic Easter eggs filled with packets of […]


Race Linkup: March 2018 Edition

Welcome to Race Linkup, a monthly linkup opening on the last Monday of every month and staying open for four weeks. Link your race schedule so everyone can see who else will be at the next race and we can arrange meet-ups with other bloggers and our readers. You can link up your race schedule every month or only when you register for […]


Welcome To March Weather And Endless Wildlife Entertainment

It’s been weeks since I was on my Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday running schedule and I hope that once spring weather finally moves in to stay, I’ll be back to consistently running on those days. For now, though, I carefully plan out my runs based on the weather forecast so that I don’t find myself running on my […]


Six Running Safety Tips That Could Save Your Life

  Safety Tips for Runners Running safety demonstration classes pop up occasionally at running stores and in gyms; usually with very good attendance, and for good reason. Whether running solo or in a group, in the city or the country, during daylight or dark, runners should always be aware that something could go wrong putting […]


Twenty Not So Boring Laps, Baby!

This past week was a really good week of training. I’m the type who gets more done when I’m crunched for time because it makes me carefully plan ahead when I need to run, lift, etc. to assure that I fit it all into my busy schedule. When I have a more relaxed schedule, I […]


The End Of The Jumpie? Say It Ain’t So!

I’m not positive, but I think those jump shot pictures I love taking could be causing me to injure myself… I’ll start from the beginning. Late last summer I had a situation occur where the area around my SI joint flared up into a three-day painful mess, only to go away almost as quickly as […]


Important Dates For Fitness Lovers

There’s National Margarita Day (February 22), National Ice Cream Day (third Sunday in July), and there’s even a No Pants Day (first Friday in May), but what about fitness? Our calendar is chocked full of national holidays so I thought it would be a great idea to pull together these important dates for fitness lovers […]


Training For Two Races Of Very Different Types

With four weeks left until my Hungry Mother 25K Trail Race and twelve weeks until the Grand Tetons Half my week of training included: Running – 19.5 miles Trail Running – 0 miles Cross Training – see yellow Weekly RunDown infographic below I am running both races for fun so I am not doing any speed work, […]


A Little Too Brash? A Non-Runner’s Guide To Runner Speak

Welcome to Wednesday Word, a monthly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. On the first Wednesday of every month you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. […]


Downed Trees And Flooded Trails, But I Got It Done; And Without The Help Of My Treadmill

It’s official! I signed up for the Grand Teton Half Marathon which means that on June 2nd I will be toeing the starting line at 6,169 feet gasping for air before I even start running… My plan is to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate and research recipes for adding extra electrolytes into my drinks. Prior to the Grand […]


Wind, Sailing Furniture, New Shoes, And More

It’s time to sit down once again and chat about things other than just running and training. Today’s focus will be on what’s howling outside right now – fierce wind! I love talking about the weather. It’s always changing – always has been and always will be; and I think it’s the farmer’s blood in […]