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Yoga Blogger in the Making

Meet Jerome…  We ran together when I coached him at Worldgate Sport & Health; and he stayed with me when I retired from “official” coaching and formed our fun little running/social group.  In fact, he’s the one that named us the Cruisers. Over time Jerome was plagued with a number of injuries and eventually decided […]


Sooner or Later, We All Have a Crappy Run!

Here on the east coast we have a saying, “It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity!” Today was one of those days.  Despite my legs looking like they always do with pale white skin… and freckles… and scars… and stubble, today they were filled with lead.  I kept looking behind me to see if Susan […]


Marine Corps Historic Half and Carter’s Run 5K Race Recaps

Our Cruisers were busy on Sunday morning running in two very different and very important races:  the MarineCorps Historic Half and Semper Fred 5K, and the Carter’s Run 5K. On Sunday Cruisers Chuck, Kati, and Dan ran in the Marine Corps Historic Half Marathon and the Marine Corps Semper Fred 5K held in historic Fredericksburg, […]


There’s a Bat in the Exercise Room!

My job is not boring… I missed the excitement by about 30 minutes… When I got to my client’s home she told me that animal control had just left with the little guy.  Who knows how he had gotten into the house, but apparently he was looking for some exercise tips.  My client’s husband had […]


Floral Scented Sunday Run

After a fun filled weekend at Virginia Tech, Bill and I didn’t get our Sunday run in until late this afternoon.  It was humid, but clouds covered the sun and there was a decent breeze, so it wasn’t too bad.  I usually don’t do well on afternoon runs, but we ended up running our ten […]


At Least I Tried!

It all started about a week ago when Julie posted a link to a pinata cake on her Facebook.  Comments ensued and the next thing I knew I had volunteered to make a pinata cake for Julie and her roommates, Kelly and Becky.  Their graduation from Virginia Tech was the following weekend and the occasion […]


Georgetown Cupcakes, Need I Say More?

Lucky for me, I just happened to walk into the main office of the wellness center before I left today and found this!  I may or may not have eaten one…  One of our reps brought these delicious pieces of art to the office earlier in the day, and the staff was just cracking the […]


Cruiser Geese

My morning started with a three-mile run/walk with a client who wants to become a runner.  Our current routine is to alternate running and walking in half-mile segments.  After three miles we return to my house to do a little core work and stretching, and then she’s on her way. As soon as my client […]


Ten Reasons Why We Should Drink Our Water

When was the last time you felt totally hydrated? Truly HYDRATED? Today I’m going to talk about why water is so important to us. In fact, I’ll give you ten reasons to drink plenty of water (in no particular order). Water plumps up our cells and makes our skin look much healthier. Dehydration reduces our […]


Motivational Monday

I couldn’t have said the above quote better myself…  Of course I couldn’t have; Mr. Burfoot is a running legend, the winner of the 1968 Boston Marathon, and is an editor-at-large at Runner’s World. There are many reasons my clients hire me to help them get fit and learn how to live a healthier lifestyle.  […]


Grilling on Mother’s Day

In my post earlier today, Mother’s Day = BEST. RUN. EVER, I talked about my Mother’s Day run with my husband and BOTH OF MY SONS!!!  This post will solely focus on the delicious dinner we made as a family! This afternoon while I called my mom to wish her a happy Mother’s Day, Bill […]


Mother’s Day = BEST. RUN. EVER

Happy Mother’s Day to my wonderful mom and to all of my mom readers out there! Before I talk about my special day today, I have huge news to share with you from last evening!  Joseph went out on a long run yesterday afternoon… a 26.2-mile run to be exact!  Bill and I walked to […]


2013 TKO Melanoma 5K Race Recap

This morning two of my Cruiser friends and I ran in the TKO Melanoma 5K.  This race was in memory of Theresa Kay O’Conner, a loving wife and mom who lost her battle with melanoma last fall.  This race was very near and dear to me as a melanoma survivor, and also because I lost […]


Preparing for the Heat

Today’s temperature is expected to climb above 85 degrees here in the mid-Atlantic region after a spring of slightly below normal temperatures.  This is a time when runners struggle… We need to acclimate our bodies to the heat and humidity and we should expect our runs to be a little less than stellar for about […]


Running to the Nursery

Warning:  Today’s post has nothing to do with running, maybe running around like a chicken, but nothing to do with lacing up my Asics and heading out on the trail… In addition to running, I love gardening!  I grew up on a farm, so I guess it sort of makes sense that I love digging […]


Lunch With My Coach, Mentor, and Friend

Today I had lunch with my coach, mentor, and friend Miles.  We met years ago when I worked at The Health Club of Reston.  Miles came to the gym during lunch to workout, and I would hang on his every word telling me about his marathon training.  One day Miles told me that he had […]


Top Ten Tuesday

A few weeks ago my family and I brainstormed about fun weekday post titles that I could use occasionally just to change things up.  One of the ideas we came up with was… Today’s interpretation of “Top Ten Tuesday” is my list of ten fitness related things that make me happy. 1.  Today while training […]


Sights Along the Trail on Cuatro de Mayo

Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone!  I’m thinking of being lazy and going to Chipotle to pick up chicken bowls, but the least I can do is make us a batch of margaritas! Let’s back up to Cuatro de Mayo, shall we?  Yesterday was an exciting day on the W&OD Trail for the Cruisers!  We saw […]


Track Repeats:  Love to Hate Speed Work

I love to run, and I love to run fast.  There are several different types of runs that will help us get faster, but today I’m talking about track repeats.  I don’t  necessarily love the work that goes into getting faster through track workouts until I’m in my second or third repeat; but if it […]


Yay, It’s Friday

Yay, it’s Friday! After taking four days off to visit my parents, today was filled with make-up sessions with clients.  Can  just spend a second here to tell you that I have the nicest clients in the world? Yesterday my running friend Kati posted this on my facebook.  You’ve got to go check out the […]