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Running Along the River

Today I’m heading home after a nice visit with my parents and shortly I will hop in my car for a six-hour drive home.  On days that I don’t head east for my run, I can head in the opposite direction and run along the river.  It’s a beautiful run, but there’s a bit more […]


Wake Up Sunshine, I’m Going for a Run

I am taking a few days off of work to visit may parents and because you guys are so nice to me, I want to share a little secret with you..  I grew up in one of the most gorgeous places on earth! This morning I got up and went for my run on the […]


Vive Les Coureurs!  Paris Marathon Recap, Part 2

Yesterday I published Beth’s Paris Marathon Recap, Part 1.  We left off with Beth in the early miles of her marathon.  Here is part 2, in her words… At about the 9 km mark, I was happy to spot a familiar tee shirt “Montgomery County Parks ½ Marathon” being sported by a fellow DC native!  […]


Beth’s Paris Marathon Recap, Part 1

My Cruiser friend, Beth, ran in the Paris Marathon on April 7.  I told her that I would love to publish her race review on my blog, if she would write it up and send me photos to go along with it.  Here is the review, written by Beth and her husband Tom… Finally!  After […]


I’m a Bad Mom

If your baby had taken his or her first steps over the weekend, and you were a blogger, would have written about it?  I thought so…  My son took his first steps many years ago, but he did something huge on Saturday, and I didn’t tell you about it.  Major failure on my part! On […]


Looking for Natitude

Bill and I were treated to a Washington Nationals game today by our friends Ed and Karen.  You’ll soon learn that there’s a lot more to a Nats game then just baseball! I’d say our tickets were pretty good…   We were in the Diamond Club! For some reason the song, “Take Me Out to the […]


Busy Day on the W&OD Trail

The Cruisers met at 7:30 AM on this gorgeous spring morning for our weekly group run.  We had a pretty good turn-out, and I’m hoping more of our fair-weather Cruisers will join us now that the weather is getting nicer.  🙂  We ran eight pretty fast miles, and I was really happy with how I […]


BEST. NEWS. EVER = Hokie Half Marathon

Last night I got the BEST. NEWS. EVER!  Julie called to tell me that there will be a Hokie Half Marathon on September 15.  I think I will start packing now.  I’m THAT excited!  I only have a maroon VT running shirt so I think I need to buy a white or orange one to […]


Gym Fashionistas and a Special Treat

My client and I really needed to wear each others shoes today!  As you can see in the following picture, my Adidas Boston jacket and Monica’s Saucony shoes were a perfect match! And this picture shows how beautifully my Asics GT2000 match Monica’s Under Armour shorts!  We looked good together; as long as I stood […]


Healthy Foundations

I just learned that my alma mater Virginia Tech is ranked at number three in The 25 Healthiest Colleges in the U.S. on  The author Nicole McDermott sites exercise incentive programs and contests where winning students are rewarded with free personal training sessions and exercise passes as one of the reasons VT received this […]


Sights Along My Trail

I am thrilled beyond words to tell you that two days after I ran in Sunday’s race, my back/legs feel really good!  This morning I went for a five-mile run on the trail behind my house and saw some pretty cool things… Before I even got out of the house, I heard the ducks squawking […]


Recognizing the 117th Boston Marathon Winners

Last Monday I planned to write about the winners of the men’s and women’s divisions of the 117th Boston Marathon, but that didn’t happen.  Since they won the Super Bowl of our sport, I want to recognize these two amazing runners.  They started with over 23,000 other runners in Hopkinton on a near perfect race […]


2013 George Washington Parkway Classic Ten Mile Run Race Recap

Today was the George Washington Parkway Classic Ten-Miler.  It’s a beautiful course that runs along the Potomac River from Mount Vernon to Alexandria.  I first ran this race in 1999 with my friend Miles, but didn’t return again until 2009.  It’s become an annual Cruiser event for the last five years, and you can read […]


Run for Boston and Chicken Parmesan

Since I’m running in the GW Parkway Ten-Miler tomorrow morning, I decided to take advantage of an opportunity to walk eight miles with my friend Vel this morning.  It is gorgeous out today!  Cool and breezy, but gorgeous! As soon as we started walking we met one of our Cruisers, Amanda, coming off the trail […]


Let’s Smile

We are under tornado watch as I write this…  It’s been a tough week for the running community, and I want to think of something happy!  And boy-o-boy have I got just the right thing to show you and make us smile:  A PUPPY!!!  Meet Obbie… This photo was taken two years ago at the […]


Motivational Quotes

If this week has proven anything, it’s that the running community knows how to stand together.  Since Monday, I’ve read and seen on TV so many stories about runners helping other runners, and creating events to help the victims of the Boston Marathon tragedy.  This made me think of motivational quotes I’ve read over the […]



I AM A RUNNER I love waking up early and watching the sun rise during my run I AM A RUNNER I smile when I see my friend running toward me for our run together I AM A RUNNER I get excited when I get new running shoes I AM A RUNNER I love to […]


Life Without Technology

For over three days I’ve been without my iPhone…  It died on Friday night, so my first order of business when I got home from Blacksburg was to take care of replacing it.  I run my business on my phone, and without it, I’m toast!   I have running and fitness apps that I love […]



Six years ago today my phone rang non-stop…    Yesterday I got calls and Facebook messages all afternoon…  I have the most caring friends in the world. I was at the gym training a client when we heard about the shootings at Virginia Tech.  My son was a freshman and I couldn’t get a call through […]


God Bless The Boston Marathoners

The Boston Marathon is the granddaddy of them all.  It is the race that so many of us work incredibly hard to qualify for.   Our dreams come true as we ride the bus to Hopkinton and then set out for our 26.2-mile run back to Boston.  Today was the perfect day to run a […]