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Answers To Those Burning Boston Marathon Questions

On Tuesday I posted Boston Marathon Quiz and Postcards from Adidas with the following quiz, just for fun! I know you haven’t been able to sleep all week, while waiting for the answers! Questions: Were you a good test taker in school? – Not really What do you have fun planned today? Did you race […]


Virginia Tech 3.2-Mile Run in Remembrance

Yesterday afternoon we drove to my favorite place on earth, Virginia Tech.  I absolutely loved going to school at Tech, and I even met my husband there!   We were thrilled when Joseph, our oldest son, decided to attend VT; and even more thrilled when he met Julie, ‘the cutest and sweetest girl in the world’ […]


Bird Encounters of the Runner and Homeowner Kind

Bird Encounter #1:  Tuesday morning I heard a eery screech and thought little children might be outside playing and making crazy sounds.  I went to my living room window and saw this guy “singing.”  After hearing him sing, I can now say that I “sing like a bird!”     🙂 As the week has […]


Cruisers’ Road Trip: The 2010 Boston Marathon Recap

Yesterday I wrote Cruisers’ Road Trip… The B.A.A. 5K and talked about our first ever running group road trip.  We had enjoyed a fun weekend filled with attending the huge Boston Marathon expo and packet pick-up, the guys’ 5K on Sunday morning, and our pre-race dinner on Sunday night.  The only thing left to do […]


Cruisers’ Road Trip… The 2010 BAA 5K

At the 2009 Marine Corps Marathon, three Cruisers qualified for Boston:  Alan, Candy, and I.  Alan and Candy flew to Boston, but I rode in the first ever “Cruisers Road Trip” with fellow Cruisers Jerome, Chuck, and Sal.  The following is part one of an excerpt of my recap that I wrote when we got […]


Boston Marathon Quiz and Postcards from Adidas

Even though I’m not running Boston this year, I’m very excited that it’s Boston week, or at least that’s what I’m calling it!  I thought I’d start you off with a little quiz to get you in the mood for the race!  I’ll post the answers on Sunday. In 1997, Adidas gave out a very […]


1998 Boston Marathon Recap

  What happens on the third Monday in April in Boston?  Ask a Bostonian and they’ll say it’s Patriot’s Day.  Ask any runner and they’ll tell you it’s the day of the Boston Marathon, the granddaddy of all marathons.  One week from today is THE day. I’ve had the good fortune to run Boston twice; […]


Cherry Blossoms

Today was a gorgeous day for the Cherry Blossom Ten-Miler in D.C.  Congrats to all of the Cruisers who completed it! Bill and I have run it many times in the past, but didn’t today. Here I am in my second Cherry Blossom race back in 1999.  You can see that there is scaffolding around […]


Hanging Out

On Thursday, I posted One Word… and wrote the word “RUN” in several different languages; then asked if you knew which languages they were.  I know them only because I googled them while writing the post.  Not to brag, but I did know “run” and “unray” without looking them up. Injury update:  This morning I […]


Icing It Up And Rolling It Out

How can you possibly wake up whiny when you look outside and see this beautiful sunrise. I haven’t run since last Saturday, so maybe I could whine a little… After three days of back spasms, piriformis and hip flexor pain, my foam roller is once again my best friend. I’m starting to feel better, and […]


One Word…

            My first memories of running were at my parents’ summer picnics, where my brother and I would race our cousins around our house.  My brother is four years older than me, so he always won! If running is child’s play, why do so many adults forget how to play? […]


Running and Fitness Apps

Since we can’t go without our phones for more than two minutes, we should use them to our advantage when running. Right? Here are some running and fitness apps that I use or that I’ve heard about from friends. Please add your favorite apps in the comment section below. Track outdoor fitness activities, and connect […]


So You Want to Be a Runner

I’ve trained a lot of people during my career, and I never push them to become runners. Really, I don’t! Every once in a while, someone will tell me that they want to sign up for a race, and inside I’m jumping up and down screaming, “Yippee!” but outside, I’m like, “Oh, that’s cool.” Last […]


An Injury, Years in the Making

I don’t really know when it started, but it was a long time ago. It probably really started as a result of my passion for gardening and landscaping – digging up mature bushes, and even ripping their mature tap roots out of the ground. I enjoyed hard work, and there was nothing I wouldn’t try to do […]


Easter Traditions

Happy Easter!  I took today off from running…  How about you? My oldest son got avocados and a dark chocolate Dove bunny in his basket!  I love it! We had Prosecco mimosas with our brunch.  It’s become our new Christmas and Easter morning tradition. I worked on my deviled egg chicks some more today.  I […]


Two Examples of Why I Don’t Write a Food Blog

Two words: epic fail! Two more words: good recovery! When I was little my mom and I made an Easter Bunny cake every year. When I grew up, I continued the tradition with my boys. Our cakes always turned out really nice, until last year and this year… Last year’s cake leaned to the left […]


Cruisers’ Easter Bunny Hop

For about the past five years, I’ve been having the annual Easter Bunny Hop for the Cruisers.  I fill my baskets with runner goodies and hand them out before the run.  One year I tried to wear bunny ears for the run, but they kept falling off, so now I just wear them for handing […]


Betty’s Vacation Survival Plan

Yesterday I wrote And Then, The Unthinkable Happened, the second article in a three part series about my friend Betty’s lifelong struggle with weight loss. I left you with where Betty is today… in a very good place.   Betty and I talked about what else she wants you to know about her story and […]


And Then, The Unthinkable Happened

Yesterday I wrote The Many Years of Yo-Yo Dieting, the first article in a three-part series about my friend Betty’s lifelong struggle with weight loss. When I left off, Betty had completed a full marathon and a half-marathon and was hooked on a sport for the first time in her life. The following summer (2007), […]


The Many Years of Yo-Yo Dieting

As promised, today I will start a three part series about my friend Betty’s lifelong struggle with weight loss. She describes herself as a chubby child and teenager. Throughout high school she tried many different diets, and as a result, she lost weight and gained it back over and over again. She always strived to […]