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Shopping at the Wine’ing Butcher

One day last summer I noticed that a company called the Wine’ing Butcher had liked Personal Fit Fitness, my business Facebook page. I Googled it and quickly discovered that it was a wine store/butcher shop that had two stores in New Hampshire; and couldn’t understand how they had found me. While snooping around some more, […]


Meet Betty

Today was my friend’s 62nd birthday! I met Betty in January 2008 when she hired me to help her in her weight loss journey; however, today it is more of a wellness lifestyle we focus on. Starting on Wednesday, we are going to follow her journey through fad diets, weight loss and gain, barriatric surgery, […]


Annie, Are You OK?

Part of keeping my personal training and weight loss management certifications up to date includes keeping a current CPR certification; and today was the day I took care of that for two more years! Thanks to the fine folks over at CrossFit for letting this independent trainer join their Heartsaver (American Heart Association) CPR, AED, […]


You Saved My Life

Every Saturday the Cruisers meet for our weekly group run on the W&OD Trail, a very popular trail in our area. It is a narrow 45-mile-long multi-use park that consists of an asphalt trail and a parallel gravel path. It was built on the old railroad bed where trains ran from 1859 to 1968. We […]


Friday Fitness Funnies

To celebrate Friday, here are some memes, cartoons, and funny cocktail napkins for you to enjoy! This Runner meme was the first one I saw and it cracked me up.  You may have seen it, but I thought it was worth including. The Cruisers will tell you that “What I Really Do” below is so […]


Running Etiquette

The Cruisers have a list of running and racing rules somewhere in facebook land. When facebook switched over its groups to a new format about two years ago, we lost all of our very organized silly rules that we had added over the years and organized in our notes section. Facebook decided theses notes would […]


Running to Work

This morning I overslept… I never oversleep, except twice in the last two months. Seriously, what’s up with that?  This morning it cost me my morning run. I woke up as my BRF Susan was probably running back past our house for the second time wondering where I was. I had plenty of time to […]


Inspired by The Biggest Loser

I started watching The Biggest Loser occasionally when one of my clients started talking about it a few years ago.  She seemed so inspired that I wanted to see just what all of the excitement was about. This season, I have been fully invested in the show; and have been able to I discuss it […]


New Running Shoes = Happy Runner

I stopped by my favorite local running store today to pick up new shoes.  I was fitted in Asics before my first marathon, and I’ve worn them ever since.  My last several pairs have been gray or black, so I may be disappointed with how quickly these get dirty; and how big they make my […]


All Things Green…

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, today’s focus will be on the color green, and Leprechauns… My legs felt great this morning after my 15-mile run yesterday with Beth, so I decided to go on an easy 6-mile run with my Sunday morning BRF’s Susan and Shawn.  I’m feeling a comeback, baby! I really do […]


Cruisers Rock Rock ‘N’ Roll USA Half-Marathon

Today was a huge day for the Cruisers!!! First I want to give a shout-out to Vamshi, Amanda, and Kim for their great performances at the Rock ‘N’ Roll USA Half-Marathon in D.C. this morning! All three Cruisers did great, and two set a new PR! Back home, Bill and I met Beth on the […]


Friday Tidbits

One of the many reasons I’m looking forward to spring is because my laundry will go down dramatically when it gets warm! My husband and I are both runners, so you can only imagine the dirty laundry we go through, just counting our running clothes. I can’t wait for shorts, short sleeved shirts, and singlets!  […]


Fun Little Award

What is the Liebtser Award? The Liebster Award is for any up and coming blogs that you enjoy reading and a great way to promote them! (Thank you Elizabeth at My Neon Running Shoes and Stephanie at Now I Run for nominating me!  You would both be my picks to nominate if you hadn’t just […]


V-Sit and Other Random Things

My day started with a run with two of favorite people, my hubby and my BRF Susan! Actually, I started out with Bill and a half mile later hung a right at the fork in the trail so I could meet up with Susan. Bill got me started at a pace faster than I usually […]


Starting Or Finding A Running Group

Yesterday I talked about how my running group got started, and I promised that today I would talk about finding a group. But first, I want to talk about the benefits of being in a running group.   Benefits of running with a group: Knowing others are waiting for you, keeps you accountable! It’s safer […]


Running With Friends, Lots of Friends

I am a very lucky girl! I have a great network of running friends, and I can almost always find someone to go for a run with me if I plan ahead. Many in my running group have been together since 2000, so needless to say, we have become a great group of friends! We’ve […]


A Run Down Memory Lane

Today I thought it might be fun to take a run down memory lane… Except for a baby picture my parents have of me running toward them on my first birthday and a high school yearbook picture that I can’t find, this is the first photograph that I have of me running. I ran lots […]


Kicking it up a Notch

There were five of us Cruisers on the trail today, and I was thrilled to see my friend Chuck back after almost a year off with a nagging hip injury! I was also happy that my hubby could join us again after a little bit of a heel injury.  I had been worried that the […]


My Promise To My Dermatologist

Twice a year I visit my dermatologist… Well actually it’s usually four times a year because I almost always have to go back and get a basal cell removed after my doctor calls with my biopsy results. You see, I’ve had one melanoma and 43 basal cell carcinomas removed in the last 15 years. Today […]


Snow Runner

I woke up at 6:15 like a little child on Christmas morning!  I ran to the window to see if we had snow and I wasn’t disappointed!  Our street was covered, but with only about 2 inches of snow, not the 6 inches the weatherman had promised “Snowquester” would dump by 6 AM.  🙁 Bill […]