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Somebody Has A Birthday Today!

I have a deep-seated weariness that I haven’t experienced in a very long time.  It’s the kind of weariness that I used to experience after I spent the day cutting the grass, spreading mulch, and planting flowers, after going on a long run with the Cruisers earlier in the morning!  The only difference is that […]


We Ran For Meg

This morning I was fortunate enough to join two different running groups for my weekly Saturday morning run.  Meg, however; was not able to join the Richmond Road Runners this morning for her Boston Marathon training run.  Sadly, she was tragically killed by a drunk driver on Monday morning while out on her run… The […]


Starting Or Finding A Running Group

Yesterday I talked about how my running group got started, and I promised that today I would talk about finding a group. But first, I want to talk about the benefits of being in a running group.   Benefits of running with a group: Knowing others are waiting for you, keeps you accountable! It’s safer […]