Can I just say that my favorite Halloween tradition comes after trick-or-treating?  My favorite little Indiana Jones stops by my house every year after he collects his loot and we trade candy.  One Mounds equals as much candy as he wants from my basket.  One 3Muskateers equals three candy choices.  Unfortunately, he hasn’t gotten any Mounds for the last two years, but I’m not counting or anything…  Oh, and I guess I should mention that he gave me a 36-bar box of Mounds from Costco for Christmas last year.  Yes, he takes care of his Aunt Debbie!


Moving on to creepy Halloween’ish things; and not that I’m making fun of my hubby or anything, but a few nights ago Bill jumped up and pulled the chair out from the table and then jumped away like a little girl.  This dude had just run out from under the table right next to where I was sitting.


So of course I did what any good wife would do and killed the spider, and then flushed him.


This reminds me of when my sons were younger and I came home from the gym one day to find several red Solo cups turned upside down in our basement.  Under the cups were crickets waiting for me to take care of them.


Red Solo Cup Reenactment

And finally, I’m looking forward to the fact that I’m in town this weekend and can meet my Cruiser buddies for a cool crisp run tomorrow morning!  I’m spending the rest of the weekend playing catch up!


  • Questions:
  • What’s your favorite Halloween tradition?
  • What’s your favorite candy bar?
  • Who’s racing this weekend?