My husband Bill started running my longer training runs with me to keep me company and before he knew it, he was up to 16 miles. One day I saw a new marathon in our area and decided to sign up for it. He was at work when I called to see if he wanted me to sign him up. He answered his phone, said something like, “Sure that sounds good,” and hung up. When he got home that evening he asked exactly what he’d committed himself to! Four months later, we ran Marathon in the Parks together and he was hooked!  Bill’s got 20 marathons, 10 half marathons, and lots of shorter races under his belt, but unfortunately his knee would rather he bike these days.


Bill, ready to run the Richmond Marathon

Both of our sons ran high school cross country, and now that they are out of college they run for fitness, and sign up for the occasional race.


High school cross country: Joseph – left, Daniel – right

During the summer of 2013, our oldest son Joseph decided he wanted to run an ultramarathon, but didn’t want to wait until the fall.  So I did what any good mom would do, and created the Cruisers’ 45-Mile Ultramarathon just for him!  My husband, several friends, and I split up the distance so he had a running buddy with him every mile.  It was a wonderful day!


Joseph, post ultra

 Our youngest son Daniel ran his first half marathon in the fall of 2015 when he and I ran the Parks Half Marathon together. Our next race together will be Ragnar DC in September, and I’m so happy he and his girlfriend asked me to be on their team!

Daniel and Deb, post race

Julie officially joined our team in 2014 when she married Joseph.  After running cross country in high school, Julie has since raced a variety of distances from 5K’s to half marathons, and she joined Joseph for 18.5 miles of his ultramarathon.  She’s the perfect fit for our family!


Julie, after the Hokie Half Marathon

Jess officially joined the team when she and Daniel got married in 2021. From 5K’s to marathons, Jess has run them all! She and Daniel spearheaded the formation of our Ragnar DC team in 2016. Jess fits in fabulously with our family!

Jess, running Ragnar DC


The family that runs together, has a lifetime of fun together!