In my spare time yesterday morning, I got my “Race Results” tab completed on my blog. Now all of my races are organized by distance and in chronological order. We runners are very nerdy like that and love to have everything laid out and easy to look at. If you even have a smidgen of interest, check it out here or click “Race Results” in the menu above.
I’m still kind of in holiday/lazy mode and didn’t go for a run on Wednesday or Thursday. Don’t worry, I more than made up for it by eating crap. Yesterday I decided to get myself out the door and run, but I couldn’t go until after 3 PM because my new gym floor was finally getting installed after three reschedules. Can I just say that it’s as gorgeous as a black rubber floor can be? I’ll post before and after pictures of the entire remodel sometime in the next week or two. If you can’t wait that long, come workout with me! In the meantime, here’s a sneak preview…
Back to my 12-mile run… I can’t run with the Cruisers today because I have much cooler plans, but I’ll tell you about those in a minute. Yesterday afternoon I took off on the W&OD Trial for a run. I thought I’d go 10 or 12 miles so when I felt great at five, I continued to six miles before I turned around. I rarely run on the trail alone, but even though it was a Friday afternoon, the trail was very crowded so I felt plenty safe. I had gotten only a couple of miles from my house when I got really thirsty. I stopped in the local BBQ place to see if they had a water fountain, but they only had plastics cups to fill for a quarter and I didn’t have any money with me. Imagine how happy I was to see that the water hadn’t been turned off for the winter at the trail water fountain! I gulped from that bad boy like it was August!

And the reason I can’t run with the Cruisers today… Julie and her mom invited me to go wedding dress shopping with them, and I’m pretty excited! Back when it was time to buy suits for my sons for their first communion in second grade, I longingly looked at the little girls’ first communion dresses. Just like back then, I’m pretty sure this is going to be a lot more exciting than helping Joseph pick out his tuxedo. Not that tux shopping won’t be fun…
I’m going to be the perfect future MIL and try not to be too opinionated, but I am hoping Julie picks out something like this…
Or if she prefers a short dress, something like this…
Tonight is one of my favorite Christmas traditions that our family has been doing since the boys were in elementary school. One night between Christmas and New Year’s Eve, we go to Reston Town Center for “Book Night.” Basically it’s part-two of the boys’ Christmas gifts, because they get to pick out books to buy. It’s become their favorite tradition. After shopping we go out to dinner at one of the many great restaurants at RTC. This year’s Christmas card picture came from last year’s night out!
- Questions:
- Do you carry water with you on all of your runs?
- Which wedding dress do you like best?
- What’s your favorite holiday tradition that’s something different that just your family does?
I am one of those nerdy runners too that would have fun organizing that! I will have to check out your new gym next time I happen to over – I bet it looks awesome!
Have a wonderful time helping Julie find her dress – that’s so special that you can be there 🙂
Becky, you have to come over and check out our Hokie Stone bar. You will love it! 🙂
Yes I am so there! I’ll bring the wine 🙂
You got it, and I’ll hold you to that bottle of wine! 😉
I just added you to our Cruisers’ Facebook group and I’ll add you to my group email distribution list. I send out emails on Thursdays announcing were and what time we’re meeting for our group run on Saturday morning. Can’t wait to run with you again!
Your floor is going to be fantastic… I’m looking forward to the before and after photos of the overhaul!
Christmas traditions are fun… my family also has a relatively new New Year’s Eve tradition… for about the last 5 years (we missed one of them) we have gone glow-bowling with the cousins and my parents. Then, whoever is able to do so goes back to my parents’ house for a sleepover, movies, and games. It is a lot of fun 🙂
You New Year’s Eve tradition sounds fun. I’m all about doing family things that night!
Great job on that long run!! 🙂 fun, wedding dress shopping…so exciting, good luck and hope she picks one you like too. 😉
Thanks; and Julie found the perfect dress! 🙂
I think it’s great you got to go dress shopping with your future daughter in law (though I’m not a fan of either dress 🙂 ). And living in the desert, I’m pretty used to carrying my own water, especially on longer runs.
Julie found the perfect dress and fortunately it’s not as poofy as my choices! 🙂
I love nerdy stuff like that. And holy races, Batman! You’re a beast! 🙂
Those dresses are poofy! I’m more of a straight, simple kind of person. Your basic dress, which I never wear because I hate dresses. I was forced into one last year as a bridesmaid at my best friend’s wedding, but before that it had probably been 10 years and before that was probably my Junior Prom! HAHAHA
I generally carry a handheld water bottle with me only because our bike trails don’t have water fountains on them (at least not near where I run that I’ve seen). I don’t run super long yet either, so I haven’t needed more than that handheld so far. Maybe once I get going longer I’ll get a belt or something…but it seems like I’ll always have to carry something with me unless I stop to buy something at a store.
I hope everyone realized that I was being very sarcastic when I suggested those two dresses for Julie! 🙂
I usually carry water for longer runs, but I think because it was a weekday, I was a little thrown off and didn’t plan right!
Glad you hear you got your floors in!! Hope Julie was able to find a wedding dress! When is the big day?
I feel like I have dropped off the blogging world these days, I am so behind in reading all the blogs I follow. Yikes! Hopefully 2014 I get a little more organized!
Hope you have a Happy New Year Deb!!
Thanks, Lindsey! The wedding is August 2, and yes, Julie found a beautiful dress!
Happy New Year to you and your family as well! Here’s to a happy and injury free 2014!
Hope you had fun dress shopping! I always feel bad for moms who only have sons; that’s nice you have such a good relationship with Julie!
And I loved your race results tab- that’s SO impressive!
I’m so blessed! And thanks!
Congrats on getting your race results tab done! Doesn’t it feel good to have them all listed and organized? I think there’s a little Type A in every runner 🙂 I’m glad to hear the gym remodel has a definite end and can’t wait to see the before and after!
I’m not big on shopping, but I loved shopping for my wedding dress. I only ended up trying on four dresses, though, before going with the very first one I tried. My MIL came with us, and I loved having her along!
Bill took after pictures of the gym so I hope to get them posted this week!