It’s over… I’m a Ragnarian, and I’m feeling the blues like it’s the day after Christmas. What now? There’s no planning, no organizing, no packing; just basking in the afterglow of a job well done by my amazing team of friends!
This evening’s post isn’t a recap. It’s just to let you know that we finished, and that we had a blast! I have far too many pictures to collect, edit, and pull together to be able to write a Deb Runs worthy recap; so please stay tuned.
While you wait for my recap, I’ll give you a little tease… Way back in April when I registered our team, I projected that we would finish in 36 hours, but I was wrong! Little did I know that I would recruit such speedy friends, and we would finish in 31 hours! Yes, the Cruisers really WERE “Rockin’ The Relay!”
- Questions:
- Who has run a Ragnar Relay?
- What are you willing to lose sleep for?
- Who raced this weekend?
Hope you had as much fun as we did!
Yes, we had a blast! Were you in a red mini-van with NY tags? If so, you were leaving as we were walking into our safety speech…
Great job!!!! Can’t wait for the pictures and recap 🙂
Thanks, Becky! It might take a couple of recaps!
Way to go Cruisers! I loved all your pics on IG!
Thanks, Jenny!
I’ve enjoyed following the relays this weekend – can’t wait to read your recap!!
Kim, if you haven’t run a relay, you should definitely put that on your running bucket list! We had a blast!
I’ve decided it was the funnest thing I’ve ever done. I came out of that weekend with so much respect for our team members — I am inspired by the whole thing! It’s almost TOO much to fit into two days: the running, the scenery, the challenge, the people watching, the stories . . . I’ll be smiling about Ragnar for a long time!
My biggest regret was that there wasn’t more time for van 1 and van 2 to hang out together.
I’m still exhausted 🙂 Maybe I will be recovered by the Hokie Half….
Let’s hope so! I plan to take a week off from running after the Hokie Half.