It’s time for Friday Five linkup with DC area bloggers Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run! Be sure to stop by their blogs and say hello!

This week’s theme is Halloween, so I though I’d share a few of my Halloween memories…
1. Growing up, we lived out in the country so far that my dad had to drive us when we went trick-or-treating. He convinced my brother and me that people wouldn’t give us as much candy if our bags were full, and that we should dump some of it out on the car seat beside him. It wasn’t until we were older that we realized that he snacked on our loot while we jumped out of the car to trick-or-treat for more!
2. Most Halloweens, my brother and I decided what to wear about an hour before we headed out the door; however, there were two years that my mom made costumes for me. One year I was a clown, and the other year I was a ghost. I suspect that I wore both costumes for more than one year.
3. I hated that I had to wear a coat on top of my costumes, because let’s face it, when was the last time you saw a ghost wearing a coat?
4. The scary, and extremely old lady that lived alone by the creek (she was probably 70, but to us she was ancient), always begged my brother and me to come in and visit. She was completely harmless, and just very lonely, but my brother and I were grateful that we could say that Dad was waiting for us in the car, and we couldn’t stay.
5. We had so few trick-or-treaters come to our house, that as a teenager, I made elaborate gift bags of candy with individually decorated tiny pumpkins tied to each bag.
Happy Halloween!
- Questions:
- What are your favorite Halloween memories?
- Did you make your own costumes or buy them at the store?
- Who’s racing this weekend?
Too funny about wearing the coat. I hated that too. Always enjoyed when it wasn’t too cold out on the night of trick or treating.
Those coat-less, warm Halloween nights were few and far between where I grew up!
1. I realized my parents would do that too when they held on to our candy bags at home!
2. I think I was a clown 2 years in a row (you can see a pic in my post today)
3. Boy… can you imagine trick-or-treating in a warm location growing up, no jacket! Never thought about that before.
4. We had a “scary house” in the neighborhood – it was actually the original standing house before our community was built
5. Very sweet of you Deb! Based on your holiday decor pics, bet they were nice!
Popping over shortly to check out your Halloween pics. Bet you were a cutie!
Love this ! My favorite Halloween memory is my brothers and I trading candy when trick or treating was over. I lived in Maine, so I can completely understand the coat thing ! Too funny!
Thanks! Other than trading my PayDays to my brother, I can’t remember any other trades he and I made.
Coats over costumes, I’d forgotten that! The only costume I remember was (of course) a ballerina….and I vividly remember the color and feel tutu skirt on the purchased costume (worn over tights and a turtleneck as it was a cold year). I think I stopped trick-or-treating pretty young, maybe still in single digits. It wasn’t the big deal that it seems to be now, or anywhere near as elaborate. I don’t even remember any of my other costumes.
I always got really excited for Halloween because we weren’t allowed to have candy very often, otherwise. Halloween was NOTHING way back then as compared to today!
I love #1. That’s really cute!
HaHa, thanks!
I always hated wearing a coat, too! But growing up near Cleveland, that was often reality. I think global warming is taking care of that for today’s kids!
Coats totally ruined costumes!
I love Halloween and love decorating our house and going trick our treating with the kids. This year my daughter is visiting a friend out of town and my HS son doesn’t seem to want to hang with me. I hope I am not stuck at home forced to eat candy. I am doing the Parks 10k on Sunday-a new race for me
Have fun at the Parks 10K – can’t wait to hear all about it! I think my MRTT group was looking for people to work a water stop, but I wasn’t going to be around to help out.
I’m racing this weekend, almost forgot! I’ve got my first 10K on Sunday. Halloween gives me so many great childhood memories. I remember going to a Halloween party one year and we had a major snowstorm that night, it was crazy (though I am from Buffalo lol)! I had to be 7 or 8 then. Happy Halloween!
Good luck at your first 10K! Happy Halloween!
#3–so true, ha ha! Happy Halloween!
I remember throwing a fit one year when I was really little. I did NOT want to wear a coat! It’s funny what you remember…
We lived in the country as well but we would trick or treat in town in my aunt & uncle’s neighborhood. There was a haunted house on their street but I always refused to go to the door. My mother made our costumes. I’m so old there were not any store bought costumes available. LOL.
So… I had to go check out how old you are, and it looks like we are at least in the same decade. I turn 57 two weeks from today! I remember some of my classmates had those masks with rubber bands on the back that got tangled in your hair when you tried them on. I’m sure we shared lots of lovely germs while putting them on! I think a few of my friends had very basic “store bought” costumes, but I can’t remember for sure.
Thanks for visiting!
Well, we didn’t shop much either. If there were store bought costumes, our mother didn’t tell us. (Smart lady.) I remember the rubber band masks but after I was too old to trick or treat. YOU DO NOT LOOK 57.
HaHa, thanks! Must be all the running, and “mostly” healthy living! 🙂
DEB! You have me cracking up about your dad telling y’all to dump out some of your candy – hahahaha!! That is GREAT! I have a younger brother and he really wanted to dress up like Ernie (of Bert & Ernie) on Sesame Street one year and then ended up scaring himself when he looked at himself in the mirror hanging on the wall in our foyer as we headed out to trick or treat and he refused to keep wearing the mask that came with the costume! Thanks so much for sharing these great memories and I hope you have a great Halloween weekend!
Your brother was afraid of himself – that’s priceless! Happy Halloween!
I don’t remember any of the costumes i wore, but i do remember that we used pillowcases to collect our candy..I have a terrible memory! And I remember my parents going through our candy very intently looking for any sort of razor or harmful things in our candy!
We knew all of the people where we trick-or-treated, so my parents didn’t have to worry about going through our stuff! 🙂
I was never too in to Halloween but IO’d say one of my favorite memories is just getting a handmade outfit from my grandmother. She was a fantastic sewer and would craft something for my sister and I every year.
haha your #1 is awesome – sneaky sneaky dad!
Yes, he had forgotten all about it, and cracked up when I told him about it.
Ha! I remember dressing as a princess one year and being mad at my mom ’cause she made me wear long underwear under the dress.
Love how your dad stole your candy. Mine always took some they said “looked suspicious”. ;o)
Seriously, what princess wore long underwear? 🙂 I wish I’d thought of the “looks suspicious” with my sons’ Halloween candy!
How funny that your Dad was sneaking your candy when you weren’t looking. We always made our costumes. One year, I went as The Incredible Edible Egg. Does anyone even remember that campaign? It was totally DIY and looked hilarious. But I scored plenty of candy that year, and most, by using the same mentality that a full bag didn’t warrant as much candy as a near empty bag.. Your Dad was sneaky, but smart!
I remember the Incredible Edible Egg!
Our costumes were definitely made with the ability to fit a coat underneath it in mind! My parents told us the same thing about having too much candy in our bags! Little tricksters they were, huh? Happy Halloween!
Yes, quite the tricksters!
hahaha, i love how your dad tricked you guys into giving up some of your loot. that’s awesome 🙂
He was such a trickster! 🙂
#1 – Ha! Great memories 🙂
It was so fun putting this post together and remembering such fun times!
The story about your dad is great, he sounds sneaky 🙂 and I would have loved to come by your house for Halloween! I can’t believe the word didn’t spread about your bags.
There just weren’t that many little ones that lived nearby, which allowed us to make such special treats. 🙂
That’s so cute that you made gift bags for your trick or treaters when you were a teenager! I have special Halloween memories with my Dad, too. 🙂 He would take my little sister and me around the neighborhood and while we trick or treated for candy he was trick or treating for beer. Several of our neighbors would always give him a can, and back then it was alright to just walk around on Halloween night with your kids while you enjoyed a beverage (or “boy soda” as my little sister referred to it back then).
HaHaHa – boy soda! Now that’s funny!
I am laughing so hard right now. I felt the exact same about coats on my costumes and Betty is already the same way! I put a sweater on her Friday night and she was so mad!
Yep, sweaters and coats totally ruin the look of costumes! We were in Blacksburg over the weekend, and it was quite cold, and raining pretty hard on Friday night. Unfortunately, not only were the trick-or-treaters wearing coats and rain boots, but they had to carry umbrellas, too. 🙁