It’s time for Friday Five linkup with DC area bloggers Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run! Be sure to stop by their blogs and say hello!

There are so many things that I love about Blacksburg, but in the spirit of Friday Five, I’ll limit it to just five things – even though I am taking some liberties considering Blacksburg is a town and not a city…..
1. Blacksburg has got a small town feel to it.
2. Blacksburg is nestled in the beautiful mountains of Southwestern Virginia.
3. Although it’s got a small town feel, there’s a plethora of things to do. Whether you’re into the arts, athletics, or running and hiking in the great outdoors, you’ll always find something to keep you entertained.
4. I always feel young when I’m in Blacksburg even though the median age there is 22. I may be a few years older than that, but there’s something about that place that makes me feel young at heart.
5. Blacksburg is the home of Virginia Tech, and my beloved Hokies!
Even though there’s very little chance Bill and I will ever move back to Blacksburg, it’s fun to imagine what life might be like if we did…..
- Questions:
- Where do you visit that makes your heart dance?
- Have you lived in a place that you’d love to return to live?
- Are you racing this weekend?
I love returning to the Boston area where I grew up but I love where we live now which is Wilmington, NC. Blacksburg looks like such a cool place for people who love being outside. We should plan a visit there!
I’ll bet it’s beautiful in Wilmington! I just looked up its location on a map – I thought it was a lot farther north than it is.
I’ve never been to Blacksburg, it looks really pretty! I would love to live back in Colorado again, I just loved it there!
Bill and I lived in Colorado (just north of Denver) for about six months early in our marriage. We were there from October to April during an exceptionally cold and heavy snow year. We didn’t have a chance to do the fun outdoorsy stuff, and I regret it. I’m sure it’s similar to life in Utah, where we lived for two years. We had so many beautiful runs, hikes, and cross-country skiing adventures while we were there.
Where did you live in Colorado?
Blacksburg looks like a wonderful place. I love the small-town feel. We’ve always been partial to the NC mountains – the Blue Ridge area. There are many wonderful small towns there as well.
I bet the small towns in the NC Blue Ridge Mountains aren’t too different than Blacksburg. That whole area is so beautiful.
Very cool. I’ve only been there once but definitely has that small town feel to it. I love the surrounding countryside there too.
There are so many gorgeous places to hike and run in the surrounding countryside.
I’ve only been to Philly once. I’m looking forward to popping over and seeing you five highlights.
Blacksburg is on my list of places to visit in this region. Maybe I’ll get lucky and one of my kids will go to VT?
I think I feel the same about a few places, but Palm Springs comes to mind. We’ve gone there in the winter several times and I love the little Main St, the mountains, the dessert, and all that the surrounding area has to offer.
Virginia Tech plays Ohio State on Labor Day night in Lane Stadium this year. Come down to watch your alma mater, and we’ll show you some real southern hospitality at our Hokie tailgate. We can even plan a trail run to Mcafee Knob on the Appalachian Trail earlier in the day!
knew you would go with that! I’ve lived in VA my whole life and I’ve never been there-crazy right?!
Well, it is kind of tucked away on the other side of the state…..
i should’ve written about charlottesville – then we could have had a battle of the college towns 🙂 i’ve never been to blacksburg but one of my best friends and bridesmaids went to vt tech and loves it just as much as you!
I’ve only been to Charlottesville once. I went to my BIL and SIL’s graduation from law school. They are much older than you, so I’m not even gonna ask if you knew them! 🙂
P.S. My mom got her masters degree from UVA! Bet you didn’t know that!
Hawaii is where my heart does a happy dance – I could spend my life on the beach and be happy!!
I’ve only been to Maui, and it sure was beautiful! If I lived there year round, I’d need to spend several weeks in the fall somewhere where the leaves change color, and I’d need to spend a couple of week in Colorado during the winter! Oh, and I’d need an unlimited expense account. 🙂
I lived in Boston for 13 years and would consider moving back – but maybe later in life. Who knows but I totally miss it sometimes. Then I remember all the reasons why I left! But I do like DC now 🙂
It’s great that you’re happy where you live now. I always feel badly for people who hate where they live, but are stuck there.
i had no idea that blacksburg was named the best place to raise kids!
Blacksburg looks like a beautiful place. I would love to go back to Seattle or the surrounding areas since I grew up there.
I’ve only been to Seattle once – on business. At the time I lived in Utah, and I was impressed with how balmy Seattle was in February!
I’ve never heard of Blacksburg but your post makes me want to visit!
I’ve only been there once or twice. Seems nice, except for that whole VT thing. (Kidding. I’m sure you can figure out where I went so school…)
Why have I never been there!? It is absolutely gorgeous! That little street you posted is so quaint!
Is the waterfall picture of the Cascade Falls?? I remember hiking there when I visited some friends that were at Tech and it looks familiar. I never thought I’d say this but now that I’ve moved away from Northern Virginia I’m ready to move back!
Yes, my husband took that picture when we hiked up to Cascade Falls last fall.
What a great pick! I am a Hokie too and all of the things you said about Blacksburg are right on. I would move back in a heartbeat too but not to drink a rail ever again!!
HaHa! I didn’t drink the Rail, but I wanted to taste it, and see what it was like. I celebrated my 21st birthday at TOTS (we called it Top of the Stairs back then) shortly after it opened in 1978! They only sold beer and possibly wine (but I doubt it) back then. Their thing was that they brought freshly popped popcorn to your table when you sat down.
My favorite city, too 🙂 I would love to live there! With Barry working at Tech, it would be possible if I were to make a career change. Although, he’s also really happy working at the farm down the road from where we currently live, so who knows. You never know what could happen in the future!
I was waiting for you to weigh in on this – and I would have been sorely disappointed if you hadn’t agreed! 🙂