By now everyone is well aware that I became injured in early December and wasn’t really able to run again until last week. If suddenly I’m posting cyclies instead of runfies on Instagram, something must be up, right? I mean – I’m Deb Runs, not Deb Spins!
I took the last half of December off to let my back calm down, and once January hit I started riding my spin bike to keep my cardio fitness level up. I have also been very conscious about getting three strength training sessions in each week, and working my core hard during my workouts. It’s all about engaging my core to help prevent my back from acting up again.
So what exactly have I been doing? Here are five snapshots…
1. During one of my Saturday morning rides, Bill set up our GoPro and captured this fun picture! Each Saturday while Bill and my friends were braving the winter cold for their group runs, I rode my bike 20 miles.
2. With a brand new treadmill that I was only able to use once before I had to stop running, it proved very beneficial in being able to continue to workout with friends. Erin was sweet enough to join me for a cardio workout at my house!
3. One of my goals for 2015 is to get back to doing push-ups with a full range of motion. I’ve gotten lazy the last couple of years, and either skipped doing them altogether, or didn’t push myself to do them correctly.
4. Last week I was finally able to run a mile on my treadmill; then two, then three. Early Tuesday morning, I met my MRTT friends for a run for the first time in six weeks. They were kind enough to slow down for me, and we ran four comfortable miles. It was incredibly cold, and it felt marvelous to be outside.
5. Thursday morning’s MRTT run brought us a special treat . Nelson joined us for five miles and kept a very steady 9:15 to 9:25 pace. He’s part black lab, part something else, and a whole lot of cuteness rolled into one pup. He was a trouper and seemed to be having a lot of fun, but not as much as I was. It’s good to be back!
Yes, indeed, it’s good to be back!
This has been part of the Friday Five linkup with DC area bloggers Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run! Be sure to stop by their blogs and say hello!
- Questions:
- What have been your recent fitness snapshots?
- Be honest, are you good about cross-training?
- When is your next race?
I am awful with cross training, I keep telling myself to get at it! But, I don’t enjoy it. I’m so glad you are back to your running. Not being able to run makes you truly appreciate it when you can. PS. I still haven’t used my GoPro.
I had to take some time off from strength training last fall after I had minor surgery on my arms, and that got me out of my training routine. I suspect that part of my recent back flare-up stems from my core weakening during that time… The older I get, the more I can feel that cross training benefits my running.
Get that GoPro out and use it, girl!
your last few months sound a lot like mine. I hope we are both back to running this month!
Yes, here’s to us both getting back on the running trail soon without any reoccurring injuries!
Glad you are back. That is so great you had a friend come over to run with you as you cycled 🙂 And the dog’s head in there with the running shoes? ADORABLE!
Nelson was looking up at my phone and his eyes were sparkling until just at the last second when he looked down. It would have been even cutter seeing his reflective eyes in the photo! 🙂
Yey! So glad you are getting back to it and that you are feeling better!!
Same with you, Sue! Glad you’re feeling better and finally getting back out there as well.
Aw workout buddies are the best ! (especially the canine variety!)
I know, right? Nelson stayed right at our pace, and I only noticed him pull at his lease one time when he wanted to investigate something.
i am SO jealous you ran with a dog. thats my dream (my mini doxie is NOT up to the task :)). hey, i’m also running that PR trail run (i think the first and the last) can’t wait to see you there! and i’m glad you are getting back to it!
Your little doxie would have to take A LOT of steps for every one of yours!
Can’t wait to see you at the =PR= trail runs, too! Let’s be in touch just before them to make a plan for where to meet up.
Way to Rock it!! I haven’t done anything but some squats today. It’s my rest day and that’s pretty much what I did. Rested. All. Day. LOL
I need to do some crunches and planks later. Probably while we watch tv!
Thanks! Rest days are just as important as training days.
How awesome that you are back on the road again! Last year when I broke my foot, I did a lot of cycling ( outdoors) for cross training. Cycling is definitely my #2 activity!
Cycling isn’t my favorite, but I’m starting to enjoy it more. I’m thankful that I have it as an option, especially during my recovery.
Welcome back! I’m terrible about cross training, but I’m actually getting better about it. If I get home from work and it’s dark or if I don’t feel like running that day I’ve been getting a Jillian DVD workout in. Nelson looks like a cutie!
Nelson is a cutie, and very sweet!
So glad you’re back running!! And look at your arms in the photo of you on the bike and your friend on the treadmill- beautiful!
Awww, thanks!
Hooray for getting back into running!!!
I actually do like to cross-train and do it regularly!! Years ago I realized that I could no longer run every day but I wanted to be able to work out more than 3-4x a week so I started adding in other types of workouts!
You do lots of great core workouts, and have made some great fitness videos.
Yay for back to running. Nice to get a glimpse of your home gym – looks really nice! I like your posters in the background.
Thanks, Jenny! Everyone thinks that’s me in the Adidas Boston Marathon poster, so Bill make the other poster of me just for fun! It’s got a great Eleanor Roosevelt quote on it.
These are great pics!!! I really want a GoPro. So inspired by your active pics.
Thanks, Cynthia!