It’s rare that we get fresh powder in the mid-Atlantic region, but when we do, Bill and I don’t miss the opportunity to play in it!  We’re under the grips of an Arctic blast (it was 14° when we ran this morning), and the upside to that cold air is precipitation in the form of powder rather than our usual lovely wintery-mix.

Don’t laugh, but even though last night’s snow brought only about three to four inches of snow, schools and the federal government were closed today. Our Cruiser friend Shawn is a teacher, and we take advantage of snow days and the opportunity to run together on a weekday.  After strapping on our Yaktrax, Bill and I grabbed our GoPro Hero4, and headed out our backdoor and onto the trail, and met Shawn heading our way.

Only a couple of people had been on the trail, and we quickly realized that it was easier to break a new trail in the fresh powder, rather than running in the footprints.  We ran through our community trail before heading onto the W&OD Trail.  Once there, we even found a few sections of virgin snow.


For the rest of today’s post, I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves…..

After our run, I snapped a quick pic of my Garmin with my phone. It was slow going in the snow and very hard work, but my legs got a great workout.  Since we rarely have good snow to run in, I’ll chalk it up as a bonus run on a beautiful sunny day!


  • Questions:
  • Would you choose running in the fresh snow or on a treadmill?
  • Are you experiencing the Arctic blast where you live?
  • Lent starts today, and I’m giving up sweets.  What would be the hardest thing for you to give up for 40 days?