It’s time for Friday Five linkup with DC area bloggers Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run! Be sure to stop by their blogs and say hello! While you’re there, be sure to check out other bloggers who are participating in the linkup, too. This week, the DC Trifecta chose Free Friday as the theme which means we can pick any topic we want. I chose taxes!
“In this world nothing can be said to be certain,
except death and taxes.”
~Benjamin Franklin
My favorite part of running my own business is the paperwork that I get to do each year around tax time. I decided to become a trainer so I could sit at a desk all day and not interact with people. I especially love using things like Excel, because using business apps only once per year keeps me on top of my game.
Some of the other things I love about doing my business taxes include:
1. I get to strengthen my arm muscles when I throw things.
2. I get to use four letter words that I don’t regularly use.
3. I get to panic and make last minute entries into Quicken that I put off doing in August.
4. I get to brag to my county, and report what new toys I bought for my clients to play with, so in turn, they can tax me a second time on those toys.
5. I get to take Advil for my hip after sitting in one place all day.
I should point out that Bill does our taxes, I just pull everything for my business together, and take care of all of my county and state licensing.
- Questions:
- Do you do your own taxes, or have someone else do them?
- How long does it usually take you to do your taxes?
- Are you racing this weekend?
HaHa!!! I wondered about this when I saw the title – so funny!!! I let Chris handle our business taxes (and personal ones) because it is not my thing and there would be way to much cussing and throwing of things!!!
HaHaHa – so you’re like me, huh?
LOL. We have someone do them because I never wanted to figure out my law firm stiff, but since I still have to pull all the paperwork together and suffer through the same frustrations I should do it myself.
That’s just what Bill and I were saying yesterday. By the time we pull everything together, we’ve done 95% of the hard stuff!
Too funny! I do our taxes and I devote one weekend to it. It’s usually in late March because we always owe money and I’m not paying early. Ha! I have my 2nd of 4 consecutive weekend H/Ms this weekend. Fingers crossed for a good finish time.
Good luck on your half this weekend! I’ll be cheering for you from afar!
Hahaha! Thanks for the laugh today! I will be doing my taxes the evening of April 14. 😉
With a business, it’s a lot more work pulling stuff together, and some of the local filing is due March 1. Since I have to do that early, my husband just gets the rest of our taxes done early. Believe me, I’d rather file them April 14, but it is a huge burden lifted to already have them finished.
oh the joys 🙂
you are hilarious! love this. i finally moved to having a friend who is a tax lawyer do my taxes and i’m never going back! so much easier especially now that i have my own business and made some money blogging 🙂
Every year Bill threatens to have someone else do our taxes, but by the time we pull everything together, most of the work is done!
Ha love this! Taxes used to be way more fun when I got a refund every year.
Thank you, and excellent point!
Haha!! I’m a math nerd and am from a family of accountants (dad and brother are both accountants, as is my hubby’s grandfather and uncle), so I actually DO love doing my taxes. However, since I got married and I can’t do the 1040EZ form anymore, I have someone do them for us 🙂
I do remember that the 1040EZ was easy to do, but that’s been so many years ago that I’d forgotten all about it.
Ugh I hate taxes, and we don’t even do ours. We work with a family CPA. All I have to do is set up the meeting and get all of our paperwork together, but even that is a headache. It’s like pulling teeth getting Barry to get some of his things together for me 🙂
I am racing this weekend and it’s going to be very interesting. We’ll be running on about 20 inches of untouched snow on trails! Usually with trail races the people towards the back of the pack have a harder time, if the conditions are muddy, because the trail gets rougher. But in this case the front runners are going to have it rough, but I think it’s going to be a really hard race for all involved!
Good luck at your race this weekend! Does Asics make snow shoes? It sounds like you’ll need them with 20 inches of untouched snow! 🙂
Not that I know of! I ran in my Hoka trail shoes, with Snow Trax (like Yak Trax) on. Unfortunately, my Snow Trax gave me a lot of trouble in the deep snow and they kept sliding off of my shoes. Argh! Also, the aforementioned untouched snow got touched hundreds of times before I got to it. It was still a mess to run through, though!
For a minute there, I was like what? Taxes? I have to pay my real estate taxes and when you live in a county nicknamed “Crook County”, well, that’s not a happy day!!!
I’m sure there must be some good stories behind the nickname “Crook County.”
You’re hysterical, Debbie. 🙂
I don’t mind doing taxes… I don’t like the sitting in one place, but I do enjoy Excel spreadsheets, forms, filling things out, etc. I’m such a nerd!
Thanks, Stephanie! It’s good to be a nerd because you know how to get things done, and I embrace my inner-nerd (what little I have)!
This is hilarious!
We have someone do our taxes. It’s just easier, with my husband’s business. It seems like it takes him a solid month to get everything turned in to the accountant.
I raced Best Damn Race Orlando this morning. So much fun!
Pulling everything together is the hardest part! Glad your race went well!