Welcome to Wednesday Word, a weekly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers.
Each Wednesday you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post.
Today’s word is appreciation…… I’d love to have you link up, and if you do, please remember to follow my six simple rules.

Appreciation – the recognition and enjoyment
of the good qualities of someone or something..
“I smiled in appreciation.”
Based on the sweet notes my family wrote in my Mother’s Day cards, I know that I am appreciated; but do I show others my appreciation for what they do for me? I hope so, but just in case, I’m declaring today Deb’s Appreciation Of You Day, and if you’ll allow me, I’ll jot down a few thank you notes of appreciation.

Dear Bill,
Thank you for being my best friend, my sole mate, and my goofball co-conspirator. Thank you for thinking I’m funny, and always laughing at my corny jokes. And most importantly, thank you for being such a great dad to Joseph and Daniel, and for always putting us first – no matter what. You are greatly appreciated.
Dear Joseph and Daniel (and Julie),
Thank you for always making your dad and me so proud, for keeping your rooms relatively neat when you were little, and for making it out of college in one piece. And thank you for stopping by to visit, even though sometimes it’s for free food. I love and appreciate every minute I get to spend with you.
Dear Mom and Dad,
Thank you for always being the shining example of a happy marriage for my brother and me. Thank you for instilling such a hard work ethic into us, and for teaching us that family is everything. Mom, even though you don’t read my blog (thank goodness because you’d never approve of my constant potty references), I hope that you know how much I appreciate all you’ve done for me. Dad, I have a feeling you’re reading this over my shoulder right now. 😉
Dear Miles,
I never would have guessed 27 years ago when we first met at the gym that we would still be close friends all these years later. Thank you for being my mentor, my coach, and my friend; and for encouraging me to start coaching so many years ago. And I would be remiss not to thank you for all of those corny jokes, riddles, and cartoons that you send regularly to me and all of our undisclosed recipient friends. Friendships like ours should never go unappreciated.
Dear Cruisers,
When you first hired me to be your running coach who would have thought that we’d still be such good friends all of these years later. I appreciated your confidence in me when you chose to join my running class, and I thank you for the endless hours of company you’ve given me on the running trail; and, for putting up with my many potty stops!
Dear BRF’s,
Thank you for taking pity on me and welcoming me to the group when you saw me running alone every morning. I so appreciated your friendly gesture. Changing lifestyles have gotten in the way of our running together five mornings a week like we used to, and I miss those days. You were my very first running group, and I’ll hold those memories close forever.
Dear Early Morning MRTT Running Friends,
What can I say – you ladies have changed my life! Because of you, I actually look forward to getting up at zero dark thirty several mornings per week! Thank you for keeping me young, making me faster, and including me in your shenanigans! I appreciate each and every one of you.
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
Whether it’s catching up in the cul-de-sac, meeting for a quick coffee/hot chocolate, or having dinner, we always have a blast when we’re together. You guys know me best, and even though we’re not related, you choose to allow me to be a part of your life. Thank you!
Dear Clients,
Thank you for putting your trust in me and allowing me to guide you on your journey to a healthier lifestyle. I appreciate your hard work while training with me, and love seeing what you accomplish during your own workouts. Your dedication and continued effort while working toward reaching your goals is what makes my job so enjoyable.
Dear Blogging Friends,
I have made many friends in the 2.5 years I’ve been blogging. I’ve been fortunate to meet several of my fellow health and fitness/running bloggers, and there are others I hope to meet someday. I always believe in giving credit where credit is due, and in the blogging community, two particular ladies stand out as having helped me tremendously with their blogging tutorials. Thank you, Courtney from Eat Pray Run and Melissa from Freeing Imperfections for your willingness to share your blogging knowledge. I appreciate how generous you both are!
Dear Readers,
Thank you for humoring me and reading my musing on my little corner of the internet. I hope that you enjoy what I have to share about running, and that you occasionally find me funny. Your online friendship is greatly appreciated!
Every single one of you contribute to my life in a way that makes me so happy. Thank you for being such an important part of it!
Do you feel appeciated? Who would you like to show appreciation for?
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Next Wednesday’s Word: Anticipation
It’s always great to show your appreciation! I appreciate this link up–it has really prompted some great blog posts!
Thanks, Wendy! I appreciate you being a part of the linkup each week! 🙂
Oh, this is so sweet! My kids are old enough that they pick out their own mother’s day cards and I really appreciate the sentiments they select!
Thanks! I especially enjoy reading their hand written notes in their cards.
You definitely have some very special people in your life! This was a great post. Love that mother’s day poster your family made you. So sweet. Handmade gifts are the best.
The picture I’m holding is from the Cruisers. I keep it in my gym and love reading the sweet notes they wrote on the mat. And yes, I do have some very special people in my life!
This is an awesome idea! Very nice post 🙂
Thank you, Courtney!
That is a truly lovely post. Everyone loves to feel appreciated, and I know that thinking of all of your “objects of appreciation” must have put a smile on your face, too.
Thanks Anne, and yes, it did!
So sweet 🙂 Well said! I am enjoying the appreciation theme.
It’s nice to feel appreciated, and it feels good to let other know how much you appreciate them.
We have so many people in our lives to appreciate and don’t let them know near enough! Thank you for allowing me to participate in this link up and to remind me to let these people know just how much I appreciate them!
You are very welcome, and thank you for linking up!
I just love this idea and I might need to borrow it for the future! You are so thoughtful, my friend!
Please borrow away. We can never tell people too often how much we appreciate them!
This is so sweet! I love how you are always focused on gratitude. Thanks for the shout out 🙂
Thank you, and you are very welcome! 🙂
What sweet letters of appreciation. I don’t think you can tell people often enough how much they are appreciated. I appreciate you for allowing me to be a part of your little corner of the internet!
And right back atcha’! 😉
appreciation is a great word! i know your readers so deeply appreciate you and all the words you share in this space.
Thanks, Kristin!
what an awesome post and idea!
Thank you for this! This has helped me to think about where I am and what is going on in my life right now.
Thank you!
You are very welcome!