Welcome to Wednesday Word, a weekly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. Each Wednesday you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. Today’s word is initiative…… I’d love to have you link up, and if you do, please remember to follow my six simple rules.
Initiative – the power or opportunity to do something before others do;
the energy and desire that is needed to do something
~ Merriam-Webster
While thinking about the direction I wanted to take this post, I couldn’t get birth order and personality traits, and how those affects an individual’s initiative out of my mind. I had some thoughts on where I fit into all this, but decided to do a little research to see if I was on the right track.
I am one of two children, and my older brother is type A – nothing surprising there. I am a typical second child, yet have so many of the type A traits, and that surprised me. I’m no student of personality testing, so what do I know…
I dug around and found a few articles which suggested that I had both type A and type B personality traits, and was nowhere near either type C or type D. One of those article led me to this test to determine if I just might be a type AB.
I took the test with a possible score of between 35 and 380. The higher the score the more likely you’re type A. I scored 236 which makes me type AB with tendencies of behaving more like a type A than B.
So what does all of this have to do with initiative, and more importantly, running?
Type A people tend to be ambitious, goal oriented, and ready to take charge. They are very organized and tend to make lists to make sure everything gets accomplished. In other words, they take the initiative to get things going and make things happen. And even though they are happy to help others, they are very competitive.
Type B individuals are more relaxed and laid back, and have the ability to enjoy life at a slower pace, thus often procrastinating. They are planners, but don’t freak out if things don’t go exactly as planned, and don’t necessarily see the need to take initiative when someone else will do the job. Type B’s are often the life of the party, fun to be around, and rarely see the need to be particularly competitive.
Bringing this back to running…
So… in my opinion, what’s the difference between type A and B runners, and how do I think this might affect their initiative?
Type A Runners (showing lots of initiative):
- Very competitive
- Have organized and succinct training plan
- Participate in speed workouts
- Set time goals
- Race regularly
- Rarely miss a run
- Will schedule life around running
- More likely to continue running when injured
Type B Runners (showing less initiative):
- Run for fun
- Run without a given plan
- Don’t worry about pace
- Rarely race
- Might not remember their race finish time
- Don’t stress about missed runs
- Will stay at a party even if it means missing the next morning’s run
I am definitely a type A runner, and my guess would be that most of the runners reading my blog and/or writing their own would tend to be type A as well. As for the rest of my life, I’m a pretty healthy mix…
What personality trait are you, and how does that influence your initiative?
Grab My Button!
Next Wednesday’s Word: Focus
Yup definitely a type A runner-lol! The good and the bad off it for me is having a plan works well (good)-when the plan gets derailed I have a hard time getting back on track and focused (bad).
Oh, I could see that happening easily, and have seen it with some of my clients. An injury or an extremely busy work schedule can make it so difficult to get back into the swing of things after having to take time away from training.
For better or for worse, I’m type A+. I wish I could be more laid back.
Are able to just sit back and relax after dinner with your family, or do you need to be multi-tasking all the time? I know some extremely type A people who have trouble relaxing like that as well. It makes me appreciate my AB combo.
I am so working on becoming balanced – kind of like AB Positive. Can I possibly be both!?
Yes you can, and it will be my goal to help you become more laid back! 🙂 I’ve definitely relaxed more, and become more type B in some areas as I’ve gotten older.
interesting and I remember all of this from grad school. I have definitely become more type A as I have aged and especially with my fitness pursuits. Thanks for the link up! Fun!
And I have become more type B is some aspects of my life as I’ve aged. Isn’t that interesting? I’m definitely type A all the way with my running, though!
So happy to have you joining in on the linkup! Can’t wait to pop over and check out your interpretation of initiative.
New to the linkup, and glad I found you! I am definitely a Type A runner, although in different aspects of my life I’m Type B.
Same here, and I like to think of it as a healthy mix! LOL 😀
Welcome to the linkup! Can’t wait to pop over and check out your interpretation of today’s word.
Really interesting! I scored 217.
I am definitely a type A runner.
I liked Wendy’s (Taking the long way home) comment on my blog a while back: I’m selectively type A.. And the baby of the family, btw.
Sounds like we’re quite similar – I’m very type A when it comes to running, baby of my family (only one older sibling), scored close to where you did, and I’m selectively type A. I love the way Wendy put it into perspective! 🙂
Mostly Type A but I am relaxed about a plan and do miss runs.
Sounds like you’re a little of both, and I think that could be a nice running balance!
What? They don’t remember their race finish time? Does not compute. Type A for sure. But a calm Type A.
I am definitely a type A runner! But I’m trying to learn from those type B people and go with the flow a little more. Thanks for hosting this link up!
You are very welcome!
What a neat twist on today’s word! I fall into the type A as a runner too. Although in other aspects of my life I’m on the lower end of A, meaning I do procrastinate a lot. 🙁 Exactly why I’m so late in the link up today….. ahhhh. Thanks for this and all the time and effort you put in the link up, we appreciate you! Have a great day Debbie!
Thank you, Tricia! The type B in me also procrastinates sometimes and I don’t get my link up there for you guys until just before it’s due at midnight. 😕
I’m neither! I’m smack in the middle. I don’t race a lot nor do I change up the pace. I forget my race times but I don’t feel I like initiative in running as I am usually doing it. Balance I guess ….
Sounds like you’ve got the right dose of both types! 🙂
I love this! I’m definitely type A in life and in running! Although I do take time to live a little every once in a while and try to just have fun 🙂
Thank you! It’s good to find balance!
Funny, I think am more type B than A. I hate when I feel someone is being competitive with me, especially when I am not playing. Since I can’t run every day, I don’t mind shifting days if I need to. and I can go slow, I just want to be able to keep moving lol
I’m probably guilty of being competitive with people who are not playing when I spot someone ahead and decide to “reel them in” and catch them before we get to the finish line. It’s a great mind game to play in the later miles of the marathon, but I don’t think most people realize I’m doing it. I hope…
I love how you took Type A and B personalities and applied them to how they would profess in a runner. I am Type A all the way, although I’m more competitive with myself than with others (that was not the case in my childhood, though). Barry is more Type B, but he does race and cares about pace, he’s just more laid back about training..
Barry seems very laid back about everything. Did I read him correctly during my 36 or so hours with him in a van?