Welcome to Wednesday Word, a weekly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. Each Wednesday you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. Today’s word is comparison…… I’d love to have you link up, and if you do, please remember to follow my six simple rules.

Comparison – the act or process of comparing;
the representing of one thing or person as similar to or like another;
an examination of two or more items to establish similarities and dissimilarities
~ Merriam-Webster
It’s hard not to compare, especially when you’re competitive like I am.
Over the years I’ve run with a lot of different people. Some faster than me, some slower than me, and some that fit right in with my pace perfectly. In the past, when running with a faster runner, I’d hang as long as I could and then fall back into my comfortable pace. I’d do the same, but in reverse, when running with slower friends. I’d hang back for a while to enjoy the company, but eventually bid my farewells and speed up to my usual pace.
I don’t remember ever comparing myself to any of those friends…..
Today I continue to run with the same mix of speeds, yet many of the runners are about twenty years younger than me. It’s a little harder to hang with the speedier ladies than it used to be, and some days I kind of like it when I find myself running with someone slightly slower than me. But mostly, I prefer to run with my group of friends who are just my speed, and I enjoy running countless miles with them.
So where does the comparison come in?
With myself…..
These days I find myself finishing a run at an average pace of one to two minutes slower than I used to, and yet it seems like I worked much harder than when I ran the same route at a faster pace ten years ago. And that annoys me.
Overall, getting older really hasn’t bothered me, and I love that I can still be competitive in my age group. I try not to complain, but sometimes it hard not to play the age card. You know, sneaking my age into conversation to explain why I’m slowing down, or wistfully remembering stories from my younger days.
As Teddy Roosevelt said, “Comparison is the thief of joy,” and if I compare myself to my younger self, I diminish my current accomplishments.

Even though in my mind I’m still twenty, I have to remind myself that my body isn’t. I need to continue to take pride in being one of the oldest and most active in my running group, and most importantly, I need to embrace the current Deb.
Do you fall victim to comparison? If so, under what circumstances?
Grab My Button!

Next Wednesday’s Word: Passionate
“Embrace the current Deb” I love that! I think this generation is so hard on themselves to be so perfect, it’s sad.
Thank you, and yes, you’re probably right…
I try so hard not to play the comparison game, especially as I get older. I will say that this marathon training cycle has really made me feel my age, and I don’t plan on doing anything this hard again!
At times I really miss running and training for marathons, but at other times I’m pretty happy that I’m not having to push myself that hard anymore! Only two more weeks for you!
It’s so hard to not compare. Especially in our culture where we are encouraged to make everything new + improved!
So true!
I definitely play the comparison game, even though I know I shouldn’t and try to remind myself as often as possible. But being a newer runner, it’s hard not to think about what my times/goals should be because so-and-so ran this or that, versus what my times/goals should be based on my own performance. But I’m a work in progress!
I think it’s probably easier to play the comparison game when you’re a newer runner, and probably even more so these days with social media.
I was not a runner until 2012 so I have continued making gains. My comparisons tend not to be against my former self, but rather the women getting off their bikes after me in a triathlon and then speeding past me on the run. I often wonder how it is possible that two seemingly similar activities can have such different relative performances from the same body. When those type of comparisons are motivation to work on limiters and continue to improve, it isn’t all bad.
It must be very interesting to compare your performances in each of the three triathlon activities. Mine would definitely be run, bike, swim if I were to list my best to worse activities.
It’s been fun to “compare” all of these posts today and see everyone’s different take on the subject. I am over comparing myself to others most of the time. Like you said, it’s sometimes hard not to compare to your younger self.
Clever use of “compare” in your comment! 😀
It sometimes takes a lifetime to embrace our current selves! I think you have done just that Deb! Your such an inspiration to us! I want to say thank you so much for this link up, I enjoy not only participating but reading all the other great bloggers and their interpretation of your weekly word. Hope you have a great week!
Thanks you, Tricia! I hope you’re having a great weekend!
Yup. We all compare. I want to be able to run faster and run longer. And me too, I may be the oldest in my running group too. It’s to train to run a 10k but I already run halfs..
I used to be able to say, “Point me in a direction, and I can just keep running,” but I can’t say that anymore. I miss that the most.
Wow, does this speak to me. I compare myself to my younger, pre-injury self all the time. And it does steal my joy!
We both need to embrace our current selves!
Yes, Deb. I love your statement…”If I compare myself to my younger self, I diminish my current accomplishments”. I’m remembering that! Thanks for the link up!
Thank you! We all need to remember that!
Teddy Roosevelt was a wise man! My first thought about the slipper slope that is the comparison game is about comparing yourself to others. But you make a good point about comparing yourself to yourself. We go through so many changes in life, and our circumstances are different over the years. It’s important to focus on the stage you’re in and your current goals. Otherwise you’ll just diminish your accomplishments, and as Mr. Roosevelt pointed out, suck the fun out of everything.
I think that’s one of the challenges I’ll face most about getting older. I love my new age groups and that I’m still really fit, etc. but sometimes I just want to slap my body and ask it why it gets tired (and stiff) so easily these day! Ha!