Today I’m linking up with Marcia at Marcia’s Healthy Slice for her monthly Runfessions linkup.  Be sure to check out her blog and those of the other great bloggers linking up, too.


Runfession –
a formal statement admitting that one is guilty
of a particular running crime.


For a change I’m facing my runfessions alone, and not hiding behind the running skirts of my friends.  All runfessions today are mine, and mine alone!


I runfess:  I’ve been feeling a little tired or lazy lately and I haven’t run with my 5:30 AM friends for about three weeks, and have opted for 6:30 or 7:30 runs instead.  I’ve decided to make sleep a priority until after Ragnar DC, and what I’ve discovered is that I just stay up later. 

I runfess:  Earlier this week I went out on a run with client and we ran at a pace that was about six minutes slower than my usual pace. I got sorer from that than I do when I race a hilly course.

I runfess:  When I see a deer along the trail, I no longer think of them as beautiful creatures, but rather as hosts for Lyme disease carrying deer ticks.  I live in an area where Lyme disease is booming, and each deer spotting is a reminder of this horrible disease.


I runfess:  I was a nervous wreck before the Dulles Runway 10K.  That place is wide open with no bushes to duck behind in an emergency if you get my drift…..


  • Questions:
  • What are your runfessions?
  • Who is racing this weekend?