Today I’m linking up with Marcia at Marcia’s Healthy Slice for her monthly Runfessions linkup. Be sure to check out her blog and those of the other great bloggers linking up, too.
Runfession –
a formal statement admitting that one is guilty
of a particular running crime.
For a change I’m facing my runfessions alone, and not hiding behind the running skirts of my friends. All runfessions today are mine, and mine alone!
I runfess: I’ve been feeling a little tired or lazy lately and I haven’t run with my 5:30 AM friends for about three weeks, and have opted for 6:30 or 7:30 runs instead. I’ve decided to make sleep a priority until after Ragnar DC, and what I’ve discovered is that I just stay up later.
I runfess: Earlier this week I went out on a run with client and we ran at a pace that was about six minutes slower than my usual pace. I got sorer from that than I do when I race a hilly course.
I runfess: When I see a deer along the trail, I no longer think of them as beautiful creatures, but rather as hosts for Lyme disease carrying deer ticks. I live in an area where Lyme disease is booming, and each deer spotting is a reminder of this horrible disease.
I runfess: I was a nervous wreck before the Dulles Runway 10K. That place is wide open with no bushes to duck behind in an emergency if you get my drift…..
- Questions:
- What are your runfessions?
- Who is racing this weekend?
I think it’s smart to get extra sleep before Ragnar. It took me a few days to get over it last time. I don’t think running at 6:30 instead of 5:30 would be considering slacking off. 🙂 Have a great weekend!
That 4:30 wake-up call for a 5:30 run is what gets me. Somehow getting up at 5:30 doesn’t seem nearly as brutal.
Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend, too!
There are times when sleep should be the priority. I don’t set an alarm and if I oversleep, I figure it’s my body’s way of saying that was more important than the run. Lyme’s Disease is a scary thing.
Since I tend to be a night owl, if I didn’t set an alarm I’m afraid I’d oversleep every morning!
The wellness center I see a few clients used to share space with a doctor specializing in Lyme disease care. Some of his patients were so sick that they were wheelchair bound for a year or longer. Yes, it’s a very scary disease.
My runfession this week is that I have been slacking on my strength training and stretching. Rushing through it, leaving some of it out. I am just plain tired, and all I want to do is sit on the couch and be lazy. Marathon training is no joke!
Because I worked in a gym during all of my marathon training years, it was easier for me to fit my strength training in; otherwise, I think it would have been easy to skip it.
Deer ticks. Ugh. I’m supposed to be sleeping more since that what us taper people do but it’s not happening. I’m a creature of habit, I guess. Thanks so much for linking up!
Thanks for the link up – I really enjoy this one!
You know, I thought of a really good runfession the other day and was going to text you, but I forgot and now I have no idea what it was!
Focusing on sleep until after Ragnar sounds like a very wise decision. Speaking of which, this time next week you’ll be getting your Ragnar on! Oh man! And that’s an interesting point you bring up about the Dulles race that I hadn’t considered. That would make me nervous, too.
I had a really good one that I had been thinking of all month and when I sat down to write this post, I couldn’t think of it. Still can’t! Oh well, hopefully I’ll think of it before next month. If you think of yours, send it my way!
Very little lyme disease here in France but that doesn’t reassure me… when ever I run in the woods I always immediately shower and check for ticks afterwards. Ticks are beaming more prevalent …. unfortunately.
Here in the states, Lyme disease started in the New England area, but now Virginia has extremely high instances of the disease. My county is one of the worst in VA. I’m so careful about looking for ticks when I come in from gardening, too.
Thankfully I don’t think of deer that way. I still think Bambi.
I guess I’d be good to get you sore, then. 😉
Ran my first 5k of the year this morning. And have to go out for another 3-4 soon.
Unfortunately, our county is one of the fastest growing counties for incidences of Lyme disease in the US. I have several friends who have contracted the disease, and some whose lives have been changed forever. It’s a scary disease, and so easily misdiagnosed or not diagnosed in time.
Hope your 5K was fun!
I am so bummed to be missing Ragnar this year! My approach last year was the opposite – get used to no sleep. Half my team was at a conference in Vancouver the week before and the others were in Japan so our clocks were so screwed up it didn’t matter. 🙂
My body is very used to getting too little sleep, so I guess you could say I’m sleep tapering… I’ve been training hard on the no-sleep, so now I’m allowing it to rest just before the race! HaHa! 😀
Ticks are always a worry on the trail…such awful little creatures.
Interesting you got so sore from slowing up…
You know, the humidity burns off in the morning so your runs were probably more pleasant at your later start time 😉
True about the humidity, but usually as it burns off slightly a little the sun heats up so the net effect is still “hot!” 😀
I find that running far out of my “comfort zone” paces – faster or slower – can make me very sore and bring on injury. I think our natural biomechanics are impacted when we try to adapt outside a certain window. I am also with you on the deer. My son contracted Lyme when we lived in Vienna, VA – thankfully he got the BullsEye and we caught it early. There are deer that hang out on our property in PA, too. My husband has been cutting down the brush at the back of our property where the deer bed down and ticks hang out. Lyme is so scary.
Your son was very lucky to develop the classic bullseye so his Lyme could be easily diagnosed.
Hope you had a nice visit to my neck of the woods last weekend. Sorry I wasn’t around to run with you!
Stopping by from Coach Daddy’s 6 Words post to say hi! Enjoyed your post and love the idea of runfessions (though I’m afraid I’m not a runner, so have nothing to contribute!). But making sleep a priority sounds like a good strategy. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by! I loved your beautiful pictures when I visited your blog!