Welcome to Wednesday Word, a weekly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. Each Wednesday you will have a single word prompt to write about.  Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. Today’s word is adjust and was suggested by my friend Erin.  I’d love to have you link up, and if you do, please remember to follow my six simple rules.


Adjust – to change (something) in a minor way so that it works better;
to change the position of (something);
to change in order to work or do better in a new situation
~ Merriam-Webster



What works during one training cycle might not work the following season, and successful runners need to have the ability to adjust.  I should know…

After years of running marathons almost exclusively, I had a minor back injury that sidelined me for several months in 2011.  I was devastated.  The first adjustment necessary – an attitude adjustment! 

It took a little while for me to wrap my mind around the fact that I probably wouldn’t be able to run another marathon, but as soon as I did, I put my energy in finding shorter races to run, and mixing my training up a little bit more.

My comeback was slow and steady, and my Cruiser friends were amazing!  A couple of  them even ran/walked my first two post-injury races with me!  I was so grateful.


It was the ability to adjust that kept me sane during those comeback months.  It wasn’t necessarily easy, but I knew it had to be done if I were to be able to meet my long-term dream of running and staying active forever. 

Some of the adjustments I made and need to be made by anyone looking to make a post-injury comeback include:

  • Cutting back on mileage
  • Being willing to run/walk until stronger
  • Allowing for an extra day or two of rest
  • Focusing on core strength
  • Strength training
  • Cross-training
  • Focusing on form and quality runs when starting to run again

Yes, my toughest adjustment was my attitude adjustment, but other adjustments in my training allowed for me to get back on the trails.  I constantly have to make little adjustments and tweaks to my training, but listening to my body and being willing to adjust, keeps me going strong.



What areas of your life do you see the occasional need for an adjustment?


Grab My Button!

Deb Runs

Next Wednesday’s Word:  Deprivation