I’m one of those people who actually enjoys working out – even lifting weights. For various reasons, many people despise the weight room. Some are intimidated by the huge torturous looking pieces of equipment, some find the repetitiveness of lifting boring, and others simply prefer to be a part of a group exercise class instead of working out on their own. And if I were a betting person, I’d bet that just about everyone reading my blog would rather be outside running than stuck in a gym.
As much as I love running, I enjoy strength training exercises, too, because I know how much strengthening my muscles helps make me a stronger runner, helps prevent injury, and helps increase my metabolism up. And just last week, one of my running friends complimented me on how muscular my back looks. Who doesn’t love hearing that?
While working out I visualize the muscles I’m using and focus my attention on their movements, and then target opposing muscles with a goal of maintaining muscle balance. Like anyone else, I have favorite exercises, exercises that I either refuse to do or I don’t have the strength to do, and exercises that I know are very good for me, yet I loathe performing them.

Yes, even trainers hate certain exercises. So what are the five exercises that I love to hate? The exercises that I know are good for me, but I roll my eyes whenever I’ve scheduled them for the day? Not surprising at all, the exercises that I enjoy the least are all body weight exercises that require no equipment because when lifting my body weight, I can’t cheat and use a lighter weight…
1. Side Star Plank – Great for working the core, obliques, and hip abductors… Also great for humbling the best of us!
2. Bulgarian Split Lunge – Great for working the quads, glutes, and adductors while creating knee stability… Also great entertainment for anyone watching me!
3. Burpees – Great for working the entire body, including the cardiovascular system… Also great for making even the fittest person want to barf!
4. Single Leg Squats – Great for working the quads, glutes, and leg stabilizers while creating hip, knee, and ankle stability… Also great for frustrating the heck out of me!
5. Lunge Jumps – Great for working the quads, hamstrings, calves, glutes, core, and cardiovascular system… Also great for making my clients give me dirty looks!
So there you have it, my five favorite exercises to complain about! And believe it or not, I love doing push-ups!
- Questions:
- Do you enjoy lifting weights?
- If so, what’s your favorite and least favorite exercise?
- Are you racing this weekend?
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Today I’m joining the DC Trifecta’s Friday Five Linkup with Courtney at Eat Pray Run DC, Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar at Mar on the Run! Please stop by these DC area bloggers’ blogs to say hello; and while you’re there, be sure to check out other bloggers who are also participating in the linkup.

Oooooh I love to hate all of those! Especially Bulgarian split squats!!!! So so good for strength. I swear that all my strength training has led up to a solid marathon training season. I spent a few months before I ramped up into marathon training in the weight room building up my body. I can’t wait until my marathon season is over and I’m hitting the weights hard again. I find it a little too hard to do heavy mileage and heavy weights. Maybe I’m a pansy lol but yes, I love lifting. 😉 great post!!!
I agree 100%, and I’m sure it was a solid base of strength training that allowed me to run 3-4 marathons per year for so many years. I always lifted year round, but ramped up my strength training between training cycles.
These are great. I used to love to hate push-ups but now I just love them too. 🙂
I always think of my dad when I do push-ups. He did push-ups just about every night of his adult life, and when he was diagnosed with pneumonia about a month before he died, he asked me if I thought it was okay for him to continue his cardio and push-up/crunch routine. These days I dedicate every push-up to him!
I actually like the weights too. My favorite is the leg machine.
My least favorite exercise are box jumps. My PT would make me do these. I just didn’t feel comfortable doing them and would skip them when he wasn’t watching..lol
Oh, box jumps… I have a love/hate relationship with those, too. I haven’t done any in ages, so I should probably work those back into my routine.
#3 & 4, yes! Right now I’m modifying any jumping exercises, tho, I figure running is enough pounding for my ankle at the moment. Hoping to get back to that soon.
I don’t mind jumping lunges actually — I guess it depends on how long you do it? I think I like them better then regular lunges!
I enjoy lifting, too, but it’s the squeezing everything in that’s hard!
Good call on the pounding, and keeping the ankle happy. I’m the walking lunge queen, yet don’t like the jumping ones. Funny how we have the opposite feeling on these types of lunges.
I’m with you on burpees. I just don’t like them. I think it has something to do with the jumping as well!
Yeah, most of the jumping exercises would make it onto my love to hate list. 🙂
Those are all really tough exercises! I do enjoy lifting weights very much. There aren’t really any exercises I complain about… maybe I don’t do the ones I don’t like??? 🙂
Tough exercises equal love to hate – that really about sums it up!
Ugh burpees. Yuck! I warm up with a few single leg squats and man do I feel stiff each and every time for the first couple!
I’ve started using my TRX strap to help give me a tiny bit of support on my warm-up single leg squats. It really helps.
Yup, some of these are on my list too. Currently on my list-clams wth resistance band which are part of my physical therapy exercises. Those burn at the end! Have a great weekend!
I finally had to completely give up on clam-shells, even without resistance bands. When I do them (even moderately) my right hip hurts so much I can’t sleep at night without it waking me up every time I move. 🙁
I LOVE weight training!! the heavier the better 😉 I’m actually a lover of Burpees though a lot of people aren’t. But side planks, UGH!
Do a few burpees for me next time you workout! 😀
I love strength training too! I do love to hate burpees they are so hard. I do love the one legged squats. i hate tricep dips but boy do they work.
Oh yeah, tricep dips are another good one to add to the list. I just did those today, so I’m sure my triceps will be complaining tomorrow. 🙂
I am not good the jumping motions. i am guess I am not strong enough, but i feel stuff tug and cramp and it makes me nervous. I have been trying single leg squats and seems almost impossible lol I keep trying though.
I do enjoy lifting upper body more than legs, but we switched gyms a few weeks ago and trying to acclimate to new equipment is much more challenging than expected. It is seriously throwing me off.
Try this for your single leg squats: lightly hold onto something (I used my TRX strap) for just a tiny bit of balance assistance as you’re building strength. As you get stronger, you won’t need to hold onto anything. Let me know how it works out.
You want to know a secret… I love push ups, too. I always have 🙂 I think it comes from my swimming background. I was the strongest I’ve ever been in middle school. We had a push up competition in gym and not only did I set the school record, I beat our gym teacher who was also participating 🙂 Those were the days!
Go, Meagan, go! Do you know if you still hold the school record?
Ugh! I hate burpees and lunge jumps. I haven’t tried the Bulgarian split lunge, but it looks like it would kill my quads after a few reps!
Yeah, the Bulgarian split lunge isn’t for wimps! Perhaps that’s why I don’t do them as often as I should! 😀
I lift weights but mainly for upper body.. I like having sexy arms. I HATE burpees but like side planks. I try to mix up all my ab work and integrate lots of variety. Unfortunately, I don’t do that for upper body, but I should. I don’t do much lifting for my legs, just some squats.
I LOVE have defined arms and shoulders; and my husband likes them as well! 😉
I agree, it’s so easy to get stuck in a routine rut, but it really is better to mix things up to keep challenging the body.
Yes on the love/hate feeling about burpees, so hard but such a good total body move!
Isn’t that the truth, and burpees are best when they’re finished! 😀