Welcome to Wednesday Word, a weekly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. Each Wednesday you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. Today’s word is visceral….. I’d love to have you link up, and if you do, please remember to follow my six simple rules.

Visceral – coming from strong emotions and not from logic or reason;
of or relating to the viscera (medical)
~ Merriam-Webster
Today I’m going to talk about visceral fat instead of visceral reactions. Of course, one could have a visceral reaction to suddenly gaining large amounts of visceral fat…
There are two main types of fat in the body – visceral and subcutaneous.
- Visceral Fat – Fat surrounding the internal organs
- Subcutaneous Fat – Fat found just beneath the skin
I remember learning about these two types of fat in college and then not really giving them a second thought until years later – like now. No, not because I’m writing this particular post and the word of the week is visceral (who picks these words anyway?), but because as I’m quickly approaching my sixties, I’m utterly amazed as I watch my body change.
I hope that the only fat that I’m currently fighting is subcutaneous fat. You know, the muffin top fat – the fat that starts creeping in as we hit forty, becomes increasingly stubborn as we hit fifty, and I’m afraid will consider my body the perfect host by the time I hit sixty. Perhaps there’s a good reason our vision diminishes as our fat stores increase – so we can’t see our bodies changing!
In the longterm, I will continue to do what I can to fight middle age spread so I won’t have to go out and buy a new wardrobe. I’ll practice what I preach just like I’ve done for years and I’ll follow the same guidelines I set up for my clients – eight of which I’ll share with you.
Eight ways to fight middle age spread:
- Lift weights – Strength training rebuilds the lean muscle you’re losing at a staggering rate.
- Walk, run, or bike – Find ways to burn extra calories that aren’t being burned as readily with your slower middle age metabolism.
- Focus on portion sizes and be willing to cut back as your metabolism slows and your body needs fewer calories. Most of us eat larger than normal portions anyway.
- If you’re already working out, bump it up a notch to challenge your body to burn more calories and build more muscle.
- Stay well hydrated – We often reach for food when we’re simply thirsty.
- Focus on eating lean proteins, vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, and complex carbs; however, allow yourself the occasional treat or you’ll feel deprived and most likely sabotage your healthy eating plan before you even make your lifestyle change.
- Get out of the habit of snacking while watching TV, especially late at night.
- Plan out your daily food intake rather than eating whenever and whatever you want.
As we focus on our muffin tops, we need to remember that it’s the hidden, deeper visceral fat that we really need to be worried about. Visceral fat is far more dangerous because it surrounds our internal organs and contributes to higher incidences of diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Visceral fat isn’t as obvious as subcutaneous fat, but chances are good that if you’re a woman and have a waist larger than 35 inches or if you’re a man and have a waist larger than 40 inches, you should be concerned and take action to lose that dangerous belly fat.
If you are concerned that visceral fat could be lurking deep within your body, following the eight suggestions above would be a great place to start, as well as visiting your doctor.
No matter your age, what changes in your body have you seen in the last five years (good or bad!)?
Grab My Button!

Next Wednesday’s Word: Pragmatic
I was not expecting this topic! I’ve been focusing on kicking the evening snacking habit. And strength training!
I like to keep you guys on your toes! 😉 Actually, when I picked this word I was thinking along the lines of visceral reactions, but then the whole body fat and aging thing popped into my head.
Great tips! For me, I need to get better about drinking more water and snacking after dinner!
Thank you! Looks like you and I both took a similar approach to this week’s word.
This is fantastic information. All of your tips have the great effect of making you feel better, too!
That’s a great point, Anne. I always tell my clients that they are what they eat – when they eat healthy, they feel healthy; and when they eat crap, they feel like crap.
I’m seeing this issue in a lot of my friends. I also feel like I’ve been getting a little thicker around the middle, especially as I haven’t been running as much. It’s a big concern! Great take on the word.
I think those of us who love running are at a definite advantage when fighting middle age spread – at least better than our more sedentary friends.
Great post, Deb!
I REALLY struggled with my weight while being postmenopausal. I think I *might* be post menopausal, finally, it has been a year, but there was also just a tiny bit of spotting last December so I guess I won’t really know until December. I’m 54, btw.
My weight has stayed pretty much the same the last 3 years — through lots of hard work. But oh, the body has changed! I’ve lost and regained 40 lbs a few times in my life, and there’s a lot of saggy skin since it just doesn’t bounce back anymore. OTOH, I have also maintained that weight loss this time for 3 years — it’s definitely hard, I’d definitely like to lose just a little more (what woman wouldn’t want to?), but hey, I’m really proud of that!
Thanks, Judy! Congratulations on your maintained weight loss – not an easy task in our fifties.
Interesting take on the topic! I think strength training is key for women as they age. Plus it makes you feel great too
I’ve always enjoyed strength training and feel lucky that I do; otherwise, it would seem like a chore. I suspect that years of training helped me stay pretty much injury free for years while running so many weekly miles. Glad to hear it’s part of your routine as well.
An eerily well timed post Just last night I went to check out a new gym in my area, (I haven’t strength trained in 10 years, I only ran) At 50, I’ve noticed a crazy decline in muscle mass and the beginning of a muffin top. I never had that before!
I hope you start strength training again soon. I think you’ll find your running to be much stronger as well (another wonderful side benefit)!
I am definitely going to be following these tips! I trip to the department store yesterday to buy new shorts definitely left me know I need to lose a few lbs in that area!
It happens to the best of us!
I can’t even talk about the last five years for me, being post menopausal has slowed that metabolism. It is tough! I was doing so good with the weight training but my summer schedule is killing me, gotta get back to it!
Hopefully life will calm down and you can get back to weight training soon. Don’t you feel better when you’re able to fit it in?
Brava, lady! I loved your interpretation on the word, and it’s also SPOT-ON, AWESOME information! Most women and men don’t realize what they NEED as they get older!
Thanks, Tiffany!
Who DOES come up with these words? (I have a guest blogger who will participate soon … more to come.) I’ve recently started working out again, and running to hopefully do a 5K in the fall. I’ve noticed I automatically drink more water now, and eat smaller portions. Maybe Mother Nature wants me to kill it!
When the words are easy and everyone loves them, I take full credit; but when they’re difficult, I blame little Gremlins for getting on my laptop late at night while I’m sleeping!
It sounds like Mother Nature is on your side! 🙂
Love the title and reference to spread. So true. And I am affected. I have been trying to cut portion sizes a bit hoping it will ward off that stubborn muffin top.
You don’t look a day over 45 !
Thanks, Karen!