Welcome to Wednesday Word, a weekly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. Each Wednesday you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. Today’s word is nuisance… I’d love to have you link up, and if you do, please remember to follow my six simple rules.

Nuisance – a person, thing, or situation that is annoying
or that causes trouble or problems
~ Merriam-Webster
We’ve all met them… people at the gym who are such a nuisances that they can clear the free weight area with their stench or annoy the heck out of everyone with their grunting. So many annoying moments come to mind as I sit down to write that it’s going to be difficult to pick just five situations which became nuisances, but I’ll give it my best shot.
My top five annoying gym situations awards go to:
- The guy who grunted so loudly while sounding like he was in the throws of orgasm that it caused his female trainer to blush when other gym members said, “I want to workout with Jill.”
- The guy who reeked of body odor so badly that one of the gym managers had to have a chat with him and ask him to please shower before his workout and to launder his gym clothes after each workout
- The guy with the super long ponytail who sweated profusely while taking step aerobics and flung rivulets of sweat from his ponytail onto his classmates while twirling with his turnsteps
- The guy who was far more flexible and wore shorter shorts than any man I’ve ever known and insisted on stretching with his legs spread wide giving the unsuspecting person an eyeful anytime they walked past
- The guy who ran long and hard on the treadmill leaving a pool of sweat on the belt, console, and floor pad; but never bothered to mop up the ocean he left behind
So how can you avoid being a nuisance at the gym?
- Be considerate of others
- Never drop dumbbells to the floor
- Don’t hog the equipment
- Put equipment away after you use it
- Adhere to time restrictions on cardio equipment during peak hours
- Be aware of your personal hygiene
- Wipe up after yourself
- Stop preening in front of the mirrors
- Don’t interrupt other gym members who are trying to focus
- Avoid using your mobile phone, and if you must take a call, step out of the gym
Time to confess! What do you find to be a nuisance?
Grab My Button!

Next Wednesday’s Word: Esoteric
Oh my. I haven’t run into those scenarios, thank goodness.
I find housecleaning to be a nuisance. 🙂
Consider yourself lucky – HaHa! I have a friend who wrote an entire book about various similar scenarios from when we worked at a gym together.
Oh, assault by pony tail sweat sounds like the worst to me! I realized one reason I don’t mind using the shower/locker room at work is because I usually have it to myself!
There’s something to be said about small work gyms, right?
Omg!! All of the above as to why I am so glad that I don’t go to the gym!
When I was rehabbibg my knee and needed to use the treadmill and weights my biggest nuisance was when there were plenty of machines to be used and sure enough someone would come right next to me…uugh.
Or the person who swears they know every thing about working out and continues to give you advice even after you told them ‘i’m good’
Nope don’t miss that at all!!
Of course, with all of the nuisances there’s something to be said for being inspired by the non-annoying people working out. 🙂
There are lots of things that annoy me LOL I think the more “experienced” I have become with running (training properly, racing etiquette, etc.) the more annoyed I get by the peeps who are still “doing it wrong.” Especially the ones who brag about the painful training run they just finished (while injured) and how they need immediate first aid for all their aches and pains. #rantover
HaHa, you’re welcome for the platform for your rant!
Ewwww. So glad I don’t workout at a gym.
You’re lucky, but don’t you have any of those crazies at Becky’s place?
It’s SO annoying when people are so inconsiderate at the gym – it’s one of my biggest pet peeves! I especially hate the people that grunt extra loud after doing maybe 2-3 reps of a certain weight. It’s like “what’s the point?!”
Well, they have to make up for their lack of reps with noises to make them sound big and tough! 😀
It drives me crazy when people sprawl their stuff out all over the locker room !
Yep, that’s so annoying, too!
BAHAHAHA! These made me giggle, AND make me thankful I work out at home. LOL!
HaHa, for sure!
My gym is mostly college students so I’m pretty invisible to them, since I’m their mom’s age. But sure enough, even an occasional student will choose a piece of equipment as a fine place to have a seat and a texting (or face-time!) conversation. Move along, buddy!
Hogging a piece of equipment while FaceTiming? Now that’s annoying!
Oh boy– I avoid the gym for these reasons!! Thanks for pointing them up Deb. I hope you are having a great week!
I do what I can! LOL 😀
I don’t spend loads of time in the gym, but I can imagine it is very easy to find nuisances everywhere. I know I sweat buckets in spin class, and I spend forever wiping it and the floor down, just so I’m sure no one has to deal with that. I would be mortified to walk away and leave it like that.
You would be surprised at the number of people who don’t bother to wipe down their equipment. It can be really disgusting. 🙁
You should have had me guest-write this one Deb…I have plenty of good stories/situations to share..!!
HaHa! I almost messaged you to see if I could use the picture from the cover of your book on my poster. I’m sure you recognized a couple of my examples!
I’ve run into a few of those guys at the gym! One thing that annoys me is when I’m on an elliptical or treadmill and I’m the only one in my row of about 20 machines. A woman walks in and chooses a machine right next to me. Mind you, this is not during peak time at all. I know she can choose any machine she wants, but it’s like walking into an empty movie theater and sitting right next to the only person in there. Drives me crazy!
Someone else mentioned that exact same thing. I wonder what makes people do that?
Haha, I’m facing most these scenarios at my gym, especially sweater guys. There’re even some people taking a break on the machine after exercising without caring about other people are waiting for him
Definitely a nuisance!