From Routes to Art
My very creative and speedy friend Kelley is sidelined for the moment – just recently getting out of one of those big spiffy boots. While she’s out of commission, I thought I’d cheer her up by sharing her fancy running route art with my awesome readers!
About a year ago some of our friends started sending their running app route screenshots to Kelley, challenging her to turn them into artwork. Kelley wasn’t the least bit fazed and turned their running routes into limited edition masterpieces. Enjoy!
Running Route…

Snow Plow…

Running Route…

Family Portrait…

Running Route…

Easter Bunny…

Running Route…

Post-Run Treat…

Running Route…

Thirsty Wolf…

Running Route…

Santa’s Favorite Helper…

Snooty Lady…

What do you think of Kelley’s artwork? I think it’s fantastic and thank Kelley for letting me share!
- • Which is your favorite running route picture?
- • Have you ever spelled out anything or tried to make a picture when planning your running route?
- • Are you racing this weekend?
That is really cool! And no, I’ve never done that sort of thing.
I’m doing one of our winter series sunday, which is a supported long run, but it draws the speedy people so it’s kind of like a race for me!
I love supported long runs. Our local running store did a series of them two springs/summers ago to promote and introduce trail running and it was a huge success. Have fun!