After two weeks of zero running due to a little gardening injury setback, I hit the running trail on Wednesday for a walk and a few running strides. Those easy strides felt as glorious as the blue sky and white clouds look, and reminded me of why I love my sport so much!

Feeling A-OK from the previous day’s short introduction back into running, I headed out on Thursday morning for an easy run, keeping my pace nice and slow. Late that afternoon I saw my sports medicine chiropractor (AKA the miracle worker) to hopefully figure out what had been bothering me and what to do to prevent the same thing from happening again in the future.
In simple terms, my left side and my right side were talking to each other too much. While sitting on the side of the examining table, Dr. Wong asked me to keep my knee bent and raise my left leg. My right side worked very hard to assist in the movement, yet when I lifted my right knee in the same manner, my left side stayed completely neutral. After forty-five minutes of blissful stretching and manipulation, I was asked to do the same two movements and waalah, I could raise my left leg with very little assistance from my right side.
It turns out that in addition to some knotting back there, my adductors are a little too strong in relationship to the other muscles and my right hip flexor is extremely tight. Whenever I took a stride forward with my left leg, my whole right side would tighten up causing pain in my SI joint area.
Wanting to check out my newly fine-tuned body, I headed out for a solo run on Saturday morning. I started out slowly and picked up the pace once I felt comfortable. A mile into my run I stepped on this piece of mulch on the trail and twisted my right foot in a very painful way. A similar move sent me to urgent care for x-rays once, but after shaking my foot out, it felt fine this time. Whew! Dr. Wong told me to manipulate my arthritic foot to keep it moving, but I’m sure this isn’t what he had in mind! 😉

While continuing on with my run, I passed two bikers. In their defense, they were just getting started after crossing a street, but boy were they slow to accelerate! I said, “Passing on your left,” as I passed and they chuckled to be passed by a runner. Once they got going they passed me back about thirty seconds later, but I did capture the moment for the simple purpose of bragging rights.
Many years ago, when I was much younger and faster, I actually passed four adults biking and they didn’t pass me back. This was long before smart phones and always having a camera available, and as I passed, one of the bikers said he wished he had a camera because he couldn’t believe how fast I was running. I, on the other hand, couldn’t believe how slowly they were biking because I was in the middle of a long run and back then I ran my long runs around a 8:45-9 pace. I kept those thoughts to myself of course! 😉

A little farther down the W&OD Trail I saw John and Wookie out for a morning ride. Actually, it might not have been Wookie, but that’s the only horse’s name I can remember. I’ve chatted with John various times on the trail and it’s always a welcome distraction to see him riding one of his beautiful horses – something we rarely see in suburbia.

And finally, just before turning to head home, I heard several people shout my name. I turned to see a bunch of my MRTT friends waving. They were part of The Growler 40-Mile Relay and were waiting for their two teammates to come running in so they could pack it up and head to the next exchange. We chatted for a few minutes and then we were all on our way.

I ended my run after six comfortable miles at a 10:30 average pace. Once I’m confident that this little setback is fully behind me, I’ll start working on my speed again.
After my run and Bill’s bike ride, we leisurely rode our bikes to Subway for lunch. It was so fun!
As you can see, I cut back on my yoga last week, concerned that I was overdoing it (even though I’d been so cautious the previous week). I’ll be bringing it back in this week, cautiously at first as I ramp back up to my previous levels. My inversion board (affiliate link) continued to be my best friend…
Looking ahead to this week, please join me on Wednesday for my monthly Wednesday Word linkup where this month’s word is mind-set.
In case you missed it, late yesterday I posted Sunrises, Strawberry Shortcake, And Forgotten Classes as part of the monthly Ultimate Coffee Date linkup. On Monday I posted Race Linkup: May 2017 Edition, my monthly linkup where the goal is for everyone to see who else will be at races so we can arrange meet-ups with other bloggers and readers.
Fitness tools beyond the equipment in my gym that I used during the week included:
- Rodney Yee’s Complete Yoga For Beginners (affiliate link)
- Rodney Yee’s Intermediate Yoga (affiliate link)
- Rodney Yee’s Yoga Conditioning For Athletes (affiliate link)
- Tony Horton’s Ten Minute Trainer (affiliate link)
- Teeter Hang Ups Inversion (affiliate link)
Cameras used for blog photography include:
- GoPro Hero 4 (affiliate link)
- Canon Power Shot Elph (affiliate link)
- iPhone 6S (affiliate link)
- And the occasional picture taken by Bill
- Questions:
- What interesting thing has you seen on the running trail?
- What’s on your agenda for today?
- Did you race this weekend?
Have a great week!
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means if you click on the blue product link and then make a purchase, I will receive a commission for referring you. You will pay no more or less for the product; however, Amazon will show their gratitude for my referral by paying me.
I’m linking up with Holly at HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin for their Weekly Wrap. Be sure to check out not only the hosts, but the other great bloggers joining in on the fun!

It always feels so good to return to the road, doesn’t it?
I’ve got the SI joint blues too–mine’s on the left! I put a Salonpas patch on it this morning before my long run. I know it’s just a band-aid, but I just want to run! I’m feeling pretty good right now. No harm, no foul.
I hope you SI joint pain stays at bay. You’ve have enough other stuff on your plate right now!
So glad that you were able to get back to running this week! Your medicine chiropractor sounds awesome! It’s amazing how just a little manipulation can really help out with out imbalances and aches and pains!
Thank you! He is pretty amazing and has helped so many of my running friends work through injuries as well.
So glad to see you looking so happy and back running!
Thanks, Deborah! 😀
This was a great week for running – the weather was gorgeous! I’ve never seen a horse on the W&OD although I always watch for them since I have seen the signs.
I see the horses often, but usually they are grazing in their field – I run by their farm at least once a week. I usually only see someone out riding a few times per summer, though.
I tripped on the trail this week too but luckily didn’t twist an ankle and I caught myself before I fell on my face but I certainly caught some air!
P.S After I read your dishwasher story last week I had a scary experience. I wasn’t sure if I saw steam or smoke coming out of mine the other day. When I opened it up, something was definitely burning. Three plastic serving spoons fell down on the heating unit and two of them burnt up and melted. I am so glad that I was home during this time. -M
Oh wow, that must have been frightening about your dishwasher; and you were just wondering what the life expectancy of a dishwasher is and whether or not you should replace yours soon. Are you able to continue to use it or did the melted spoons ruin the heating elements?
I’m glad you were able to catch yourself and didn’t get hurt with a more serious fall!
That was an eventful run! Happy to hear that all the leg parts are feeling better. PS – do you run with your self stick?
Thank you, Amy! Yes, I run with my GoPro and selfie stick. It folds up so it’s easy for me to carry while running. I’ll be doing a blog post in the next week or so about taking pictures while on the run and you’ll see it in that post. 🙂
Isn’t it nice to be back out on the road?! I am glad you are feeling much better! I did my ZOOMA virtual run this weekend and my last long run before I take off to Utah. I love your inversion board- super cool!
Yay for final long runs! Good luck in Utah! Have fun!!!
Girl, I know you are so glad to be back out in your running shoes! It’s so frustrating when you just want to run and your body isn’t cooperating!
I used to see people on horses all the time on the trails where I lived before…. I’ve also seen red fox, snakes, big turtles and deer. Lots of wildlife out there. The trails I run now are just filled with people….and ruts, sticks and pine cones. All sorts of things to twist an ankle on. It’s really unfortunate because it’s a pretty place to run, but hard to enjoy for constantly having to look down. Guess that’s why I run more in the neighborhood. 🙂
I have the same problems with trail running. I don’t see any of the beauty around me because I’m constantly looking down to where my next foot is going to step so I don’t fall flat on my face. 🙂
I go to Dr. Wong, too. He certainly is a miracle worker! I’m sure it feels good to be back on the road again…
Yay, then you know exactly how good it feels after a Dr. Wong tune-up! 😀
I’m glad you’re feeling better with your running and getting to the bottom of your issues! I don’t think I’ve ever passed someone on a bike while running, other than a kid on a tricycle, haha!
HaHa, I love it!
Freaking SI joint. I’ve been there-when I was coming back from my sacral fracture, I had issues in both SIJ’s especially with the ligaments. I couldn’t do walking lunges or split stance/lunge poses for a long time! I really hope you get it hammered out!
Thanks, Susie! It’s feeling much better and I think I’ve turned the corner.