~ Runfessions ~
A collection of statements admitting
that one is guilty of a variety of running crimes…
I runfess: That I have been spoiled and gloating about it all week on Instagram. Our weather has been absolutely delightful with temperatures in the low 60’s every morning. On mornings that I wasn’t out enjoying an early morning run, I tried to get outside for some gardening before my clients started arriving. This morning, I ran past this little beauty and her momma.
I runfess: I was feeling really good on my runs while in Chicago, but I’ve been struggling since I got home – and then it dawned on me… While in Chicago I was getting plenty of sleep each night, but as soon as I got home I slipped back into my old habits of staying up too late and getting up too early. Seriously, I don’t stop all day and I still can’t get everything done. How did I do it when our sons were still at home, I worked more hours than I do now, and I volunteered at their schools?
I runfess: While on a walk with Erin yesterday we came upon a black ratsnake on the trail. He blended in perfectly with the asphalt and Erin almost stepped on him. We decided to reenact the moment with this picture, but I’ve been kicking myself ever since for not using my GoPro (affiliate link) to take a selfie with the snake. I have to admit that this farm girl was quite impressed that Erin wasn’t the least bit phased!
I runfess: I’m running the Firecracker 5K on Independence Day and I’m entering it completely undertrained. Thankfully, though, I’ll be running it feeling quite good after a winter/spring of a couple of unrelated injuries. Without any lofty expectations, I’ll be able to run it for fun, taking pictures along the way.
I runfess: I haven’t been on my bike in a month…
I runfess: I almost forgot to do my plank on Saturday, but I hopped out of bed just before turning my light off at 11:50 PM and got it done. I’ve only missed one day of doing a five-minute plank since I started on September 26, 2017.
Ahhh yes, it feels good to get another set of runfessions off of my chest. See you next month in the runfessional.
- Questions:
- Are you racing this weekend or on Independence Day?
- Do you plank?
- What are your runfessions?
Today I’m linking up with Marcia at Marcia’s Healthy Slice for her monthly Runfessions linkup. Be sure to check out her blog and those of the other great bloggers linking up.
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I know I need to get more sleep too! Our weather was great this week but we know what’s coming
The usual – hazy, hot, and humid, right?
That snake totally freaks me out.
Great job on getting the plank in.
Wouldn’t you know it, the exact same thing happened last night and I hopped out of bed at 11:44 PM to get my Saturday plank in! I did today’s plank first thing this morning so I wouldn’t forget it. 😀
I do plank. Just not daily.
We once had a bigger rat snake IN our house in TX. One of my husband’s fav stories. Snakes don’t bother me a whole lot but sometimes startle me if I don’t see them.
I have a 4 mile race on the 4th. Unfortunately it starts at 9 am. But it’s get outstanding crowd support!
Good luck on your race on Tuesday. I haven’t even checked to see what time ours starts, but I’m pretty sure it’s 8 or 8:30.
I have lots of snake stories to tell… When we first moved into our house, a momma snake laid eggs under our stoop and in September the babies started hatching and coming into our house through the crack between our two big wooden front doors. It was creepy seeing little squiggly black ratsnakes in the foyer even though they’re quite pretty when they’re young. Later, larger black ratsnakes started getting into our basement through the sump pump until we had that sealed off. The previous owners said they’d never had any in the house, yet we had 15-16 (I think) inside in the first four months we lived here… Luckily, we haven’t seen any inside for over ten years.
I”m running a 10k on Sunday and I”m having to swallow my pride knowing this will not be an AG performance….
Ummm, excuse me, but I believe that I saw on IG this morning that you WON your AG! Congrats, Wendy!!!
Hoping I can sneak outta my hospital bed to do my plank later…..(shhhhhh)
So were you able to, and did Guido plank with you? 😀
eek! The photo with the snake made me screech! Snakes totally scare me.
That’s awesome that you have been having great weather. I wish I could say the same thing for where I live but it’s very humid!
Sorry to freak you out with the snake picture… And by the way, the humidity is back here now, too. 🙁
I’m totally scared of snakes! They just creep me out. Nice job with the planks. I do them, but not daily. I felt great while running on vacation but I’ve been struggling since being home. I guess I should go back…….
Any excuse to go back on vacation, right? 😀
Two months. I didn’t ride for two whole months! Are you telling me that snake was alive? EEK. No races around here for the 4th. And, it’s raining AGAIN anyway. Sigh.
I finally got a decent ride in yesterday, but wait until you read about me lack of knowledge about cadence and changing gears. Oops!
Oh my goodness that snake! If deer on the trail freak me out (and they do), I can’t imagine how I’d react to almost stepping on a giant snake!!
I always say I want to run a July 4 race but it never happens! I’m in my off-season right now so I’m running as I feel like it. It’s still an adjustment, lol!
Sorry to freak everyone out with the snake picture!
I hope you have a happy Independence Day!
[…] In case you missed it, on Monday I posted Race Linkup: June 2017 Edition and on Friday I shared Runfessions Of A Spoiled Runner. […]
My run buddy told me we had a few nice days while I was in Montana lol Figures I missed it! We’ve really have not had any runs below 70 since April…I wish I could have stayed in MT longer.
I have not been on my bike at all…I need to get back to it.
I do plank but it is rare, I need to step it up!
I’m sure your weather in Montana was fabulous! We got quite lucky with our weather and I did’t take it for granted!
5 minute plank daily??? No wonder you have abs of steel!! That snake would have been a deal breaker for me ….doesn’t matter that it was non venomous…. I don’t think I would’ve gone back for more! lol
Have a great week Deb!
Yeah, too bad those abs of steel are covered with 59-year old wrinkly skin. HaHa! 😉
Hope you’re having a wonderful Independence Day!