Welcome to Wednesday Word, a monthly linkup for everyone, not just health and fitness bloggers. On the first Wednesday of every month you will have a single word prompt to write about. Let your imagination run free and share with your readers your interpretation of that word, or simply use it as inspiration for your post. Today’s word is fabulous… I’d love to have you link up, and if you do, please remember to follow my four simple rules.

Resembling or suggesting a fable : of an incredible, astonishing, or exaggerated nature;
Told in or based on fable
~ Merriam-Webster
When thinking about the angle in which I’d approach this month’s word fabulous which just happens to fall on Bill’s and my 37th wedding anniversary, I thought about the life the good Lord has enabled us to create. Sure, there were years where we were so busy raising two sons that we barely had time for each other, but we happily muddled through the task before us and came out the other end as incredibly happy empty nesters. Today, life is even more fabulous with two adult sons, a daughter-in-law, a serious girlfriend, and a granddog.
After looking up the definition of fabulous and thinking back on my life with my husband, I knew I couldn’t write a better homage to our marriage than what I wrote two years ago. Without further ado, here’s my take on my fabulously fun life with Bill…
There once was a college freshman who threw a snowball at the window of a nearby dorm. Even though she didn’t know it at the time, inside that room was her prince charming. She started dating the cute guy inside that dorm room and five years later they got married. The wedding was in a tiny church way out in the country on top of a hill with breathtaking views in all directions.
Together they moved out west and hiked into the snow capped Tetons and aspen covered Wasatch. They learned to cross country ski together and skied into the beautiful canyons on hundred of inches of snow. They toured their magnificent country from the Atlantic to the Pacific, camping along the way.
Eventually they moved back east and raised two sons, spending countless hours playing chauffeur and making sure homework was completed. They cheered for their sons in soccer, baseball, wrestling, and cross country; volunteering as needed, while always having fun. They cried when their two babies headed off to college and rejoiced when they made those last tuition payments.
As empty nesters, they spent their time together running marathons; and with their new-found time, they read, dabbled in photography, and spent time at the beach. They picked up trail running and combined their love of hiking and running into a whole new sport. And as their bodies grew weary of all those miles, they cut back and focused on shorter distances and spent more time biking.
They returned to where they’d met and cheered wildly for their beloved college football team. They had come full circle, and they dreamed of one day moving back to that quaint little college town.
They laughed – they always laughed and they always smiled, and they each thought the other one was hilarious. And it was with this laughter that made those years fly by until one day they realized that thirty-five years had passed since they had gotten married in that little church up on a hill way out in the country with those amazing views.
And that was just the first half of their story – the second half is yet to be written, but you can bet that they lived happily ever after because they had each other…

Photo credit: Anne Lord Photography / Aug 2, 2014 – Being introduced as parents of the groom at Joseph and Julie’s wedding

Photo credit: Janet / Aug 1, 2014 – Surprised with a cake on our 33rd wedding anniversary at Joseph and Julie’s rehearsal dinner
Happy 37th wedding anniversary, Babe! ♥
What’s been fabulous in your life recently?
Grab My Button!

Next Month’s Wednesday Word: Talent
Happy happy anniversary you two! Enjoyed meeting your hubs a few weeks ago. Perfect word for you this week
Thanks, Deborah!
Happy Anniversary. A long marriage such as yours is indeed fabulous.
Awww, thanks, Darlene!
Oh, what a sweet story! Happy Anniversary!
Maybe if I start thinking about next month’s word now I’ll remember to join in.
Thanks, Coco! And I’d love to have you join in on the Wednesday Word linkup next month!
Awww… Happy Anniversary! You and your hubby look fabulous! Here’s to the next 37 years!
Thanks, Laurie!
Hey, Deb. You said it’s YOUR 37th wedding anniversary. Just a thought – it’s HIS too! Many happy returns.
I just read back through my post twice and don’t see where I said that it was just my anniversary; however, if I did make such a blunder, I’m sure my sweet hubby realized it was accidental and wasn’t offended. Thanks for the well wishes.
[…] Wednesday – Grateful For A Fabulous Life And Living Happily Ever After […]