This week’s recap comes to you much, much later than usual due to a fun-filled Sunday, but since my recaps run Sunday to Saturday, today’s adventures will have to wait until next week…
Last Sunday, Bill and I rode our bikes for 32 miles out into Western Loudoun and back, something that’s becoming a Sunday regular. When I bought my bike last year, I went for cheap just in case I didn’t enjoy riding. Cheap = a heavy steel frame which leaves me at a definite disadvantage when trying to keep up. I’ve really gotten the biking bug, and Bill and I enjoy the opportunity to do another sport together now that Bill’s no longer running. As I mentioned in Friday’s post, Bill pre-ordered a bike for me for our anniversary. I have visions of speeding along on a non-basic bike shifting through the gears with out having to skip certain gears due to the annoying rattling noises those gears make. At this point, I’m too lazy to drive it to Reston for a tuneup.
Tuesday’s run was super early and I finished just as it as getting light (thus no picture). I love it during those couple of weeks in June when it’s already starting to lighten up as I leave my bedroom at 5 AM, and I’m bummed that I’m already needing a headlamp when I head out for my run at 5:30.
I mixed things up on Wednesday and ran again. We were going out to dinner Wednesday night to celebrate and since I’d be spending time on beauty duty, I didn’t want to frizz out my hair on a Thursday morning run – yes, I often plan my workouts around my hair. 😉
After my run, I planked for a picture on our deck landing since I hadn’t taken a running picture.
I mixed it up again on Friday morning and ran because we were meeting friends for dinner Friday night and you guessed it, I didn’t want to frizz out my perfectly straightened hair with a run on Saturday morning. I chose to run on Friday after my 5:30 AM client and before my clients later in the morning. It worked out well and I even got to head out for the first quarter mile with Bill.
My GoPro died after I took video of Bill riding (recharging error on my part) so I tried to take a running picture with my phone…
Saturday morning, Daniel and Jess dropped Pablo off for a trial sleepover since we’ll be watching him twice this fall for a week each time. He did great and was properly spoiled as any good granddog should be!
Saturday afternoon I left to go to the gym to teach a class that I teach twice a month. It’s a two-hour class on the principles of exercise and how to use all of the cardio and strength training equipment in the gym. I left Pablo in the capable hands of Bill and they went for a walk. Later after dinner, we took him for another short walk. It was so fun having him visit!
In case you skipped checking in on my blog this past week, here’s what you missed…
- Sunday – When Horses And Cows Are Your Only Running Buddies
- Monday – Race Linkup: July 2018 Edition
- Wednesday – Grateful For A Fabulous Life And Living Happily Ever After
- Thursday – A Real Coffee Date, A Delicious Peach Bruschetta Recipe, And New Trail Shoes
Looking ahead to this coming week, I’ll be sharing the following posts chock-full of pictures…
- Tuesday – Hiking in Arches National Park
- Thursday – Hiking in Canyonlands National Park
In addition to the exercise I mentioned above, here’s a complete run-down of my workouts from this past week (completed mostly in our home gym)…

- Questions:
- Do you ever plan your runs around your hair schedule? ~ I’ve had clients come to me to workout immediately after getting their hair done. I’m like, “I don’t want to make you sweat and mess up your hair!” 😉
- What cross-training have you been into lately?
- Did you race this weekend?
And that’s a wrap… Have a great week!
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I’m linking up with Holly at HoHo Runs and Wendy from Taking The Long Way Home for their Weekly Wrap. Be sure to check out not only the hosts’ posts, but the other great bloggers joining in on the fun!

Yes! Although with this humidity I’ve given in to my inner fuzz ball.
Pablo is such a cutie
Love your deck landing
My race was a mess, but it was a PR because I’ve never raced 7 miles before.
Your inner fuzz ball – LOL! I love automatic PR’s in races of distances we’ve never raced. 😀
My inner fuzz ball sounds way more fun than the typical Ms. Frizz. Covers the fun I usually had that caused the frizzy ringlets too
It’s great you are enjoying biking with your husband. It’s so nice to be able to share activities you both enjoy. How fun to have Pablo visit. He’s adorable!
We are both happy very happy to be able to enjoy a long cardio workout together. We really missed our weekly long runs.
Ha totally plan my hair schedule around my workouts! Glad you are enjoying the new bike you look happy
I’m glad I’m not alone with the hair thing! My bike is a 2019 model so we’re still waiting for it to come in to Bikenetic so we can pick it up. It should arrive in early September, and I can’t wait!
LOL, my hair is hopeless any way. I don’t like to have to do it twice a day though, so I will plan thing so only one shower — or at least only one blow dry — is required. Summer cycling is so much nicer than summer running! I love that I can go for a ride later in the day and not be miserable.
Isn’t that the truth! We occasionally go on evening bike rides and it’s not so bad, but I would be miserable running under the same weather conditions.
Did you get your new bike? Or was the ride on the old bike?
I always keep my hair long enough to pull it back into a ponytail. This time of year it’s hard to keep my hair tame. My biggest issue is that with all my traveling the last couple of weeks, I couldn’t get in for my root touch up. I have to go every 4 weeks but now I’m on 6 weeks. Going Thursday and I can’t week. I’ve been strategically placing my hair so you can’t see the silver. Yikes!
My bike is a 2019 model and won’t be delivered to the bike store until early September. Can’t wait!
Same here – my rule for my hairdresser is that it’s at least long enough for it to go up into a ponytail (even if I need to use clips to hold it in place). #runnergirlproblems
Awww…Pablo is a cutie! It’s fun having granddogs and grandkids to spoil. My hubby Bill and I are hoping to do more biking when he retires, but I think we are aiming mostly for the rail trails. I get nervous riding on roads with all the traffic.
I’m with you. I don’t ride on roads unless absolutely necessary. We mostly ride on the W&OD Trail, a 44.5-mile paved trail with a parallel gravel horse trail built on the old Washington & Old Dominion Railroad bed. I hop on our community trail that runs right past our back yard and in 1.3 miles it joins the W&OD Trail. I’m so fortunate to have it, literally, in my back yard.
It sounds like you had a really fun week! I have definitely revolved runs around my hair…glad to know I’m not the only one, lol!
Pablo is absolutely adorable! I like dogs but only in small doses…so dogsitting for a few days would be fun for me, though the cats may have other ideas haha!
Very cool that you’ve been bit by the cycling bug. I’d love to get more into it as well and definitely need to get a working bike of my own!
Based on a lot comments, we’re definitely not alone with the hair/workout thing!
Biking is really good cross training so I’m glad I’ve enjoyed picking it up.
How exciting! A new bike! What kind is it? Since my hair blows up to about 4 times its normal size simply walking out the door (no exercises necessary), I don’t plan my workouts around it. LOL. I so glad Pablo passed the staying with the grandparents test. I predict he’ll have many happy times at your house. Thanks for linking!
It’s a Salsa Journeyman Sora, but I don’t have it yet… The 2019’s won’t be shipped until early September. 🙁
You are planking way too close to that edge..haha
What kind of bike do you think you will get next? My husband has a Specialized and it is very lightweight!
Did Pablo pass his trial run? I’m sure he’ll do fine with his grandma this fall!
I’m getting a Salsa Journeyman Sora. My husband has two Salsas and loves them. I’ll be able to ride it on gravel, too, but for that type of bike, it’s pretty lightweight.
Yes, Pablo sort of passed his trial run. He ran like a little kid running his first race – sprint, walk, sprint, walk, sprint, walk… 😀
So great to have an activity to share with your husband. Those are some serious rides too! Good luck with the new bike!
Thanks, it is fun! My new bike is due to be delivered to the bike store in early September. I can’t wait!
[…] I mentioned last week, Bill and I had a very special visitor Saturday and much of the day on Sunday – Pablo had his […]