As I mentioned last week, Bill and I had a very special visitor Saturday and much of the day on Sunday – Pablo had his first sleepover with us! Sunday morning we took him on another walk and I tested out a little bit of running with him.
I had to laugh, though, because Pablo’s running style reminds me of a child running his/her first race – sprint, walk, sprint, walk, sprint, walk…
Once home, we did some functional training with a rope…
And then did a downward facing dog to stretch out…
Sunday afternoon came quickly and it was time to return Pablo to Daniel and Jess. Our other son Joseph had just flown into town for business so we had the added bonus of seeing three of our four for dinner. Unfortunately, since Joseph was here on business, Julie wasn’t with him. 🙁
I didn’t look nearly as cute as Pablo during my workouts this week, but I got them done anyway. Here I am stretching after Tuesday’s early morning run.
On Thursday morning during my run, I saw these three young raccoons two different times. They were having a great time exploring in my neighbor’s front yard before they crossed the street to visit another neighbor. 🙂
On Mondays and Fridays I see my first client at 5:45 AM. On Mondays I rush out after training him to go to another gym where I also see clients. On Friday; however, my next appointment wasn’t until the Balance and Stretching class I teach at 11:30, followed by afternoon clients. I had plenty of time to workout, design drills for my class, write a session plan for a new marathon client, and even do a load of laundry. Despite what my shirt says, I stayed up and got a tremendous amount of work done in my open time. 😉
Saturday morning I woke up to rain hitting our skylights at 5 AM. I’m not one to melt in the rain, but I haven’t had to run in the rain recently so I let out a groan as I rolled out of bed. I was meeting my friend Maureen who I rarely get to run with these days and couldn’t wait to catch up with her!
By the time I backed out of our garage, it had quit raining. As soon as I stepped out of my car at the trail, I wished it was still raining. The humidity was awful, and so thick that the air felt soupy! Around mile six the sky cleared and eventually the sun peeped out. We ran eight miles, each declaring that things might have ended differently had we not had each other to hold us accountable.
While drying off and awkwardly wrapping myself in towels so I wouldn’t get sweat all over my car’s seat and seat belt, I mentioned to Maureen that it would be much easier to wrap myself in a robe. Later in the afternoon, I found this pink beauty (affiliate link) on Amazon and I think I need to order it! It surely seems like it would be a lot easier putting on a robe than strategically laying towels on my car seat and wrapping yet another towel around my stinky wet body and clothes.
Once I got home, I headed back out on my bike for ten miles along pretty much the same course. I’m still riding my old bike until sometime in September when I can pick up my new bike. Doesn’t it look nice in front of the black eyed Susan’s at the front of our street?
In addition to working and working out this past week, I spent a lot of time sitting and going through pictures from our vacation in June. I wrote up two of my four remaining recaps and had so much fun doing so. It made both Bill and me dream of going back to Southern Utah sooner than later!
Sooooo in case you skipped checking in on my blog this past week, here’s what you missed…
- Sunday – A Little Bit Of Everything, Including Pablo’s First Sleepover
- Tuesday – Hiking In Arches National Park In Southern Utah
- Thursday – Exploring Canyonlands National Park In Southern Utah
Looking ahead to this coming week, I’ll be sharing the following posts chock-full of pictures…
- Tuesday/Wednesday – Sunset at Dead Horse Point State Park and meeting Kamran
- Thursday – Mountain biking lessons with Sylvie
In addition to the exercise I mentioned above, here’s a complete run-down of my workouts from this past week (completed mostly in our home gym)…

- Questions:
- Have you ever pet sat? If so, whose animal?
- Are Black Eyed Susans native to where you live? ~ I used to have them in one of my flower beds, but they’re so invasive that I pulled them out.
- Did you race this weekend?
And that’s a wrap… Have a great week!
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means if you click on the blue product link and then make a purchase, I will receive a commission for referring you. You will pay no more or less for the product; however, Amazon will show their gratitude for my referral by paying me.
I’m linking up with Holly at HoHo Runs and Wendy from Taking The Long Way Home for their Weekly Wrap. Be sure to check out not only the hosts’ posts, but the other great bloggers joining in on the fun!

Well Pablo is very lucky to have such a great running coach! We have lots of red fox and deer here not sure how I feel about the raccoons
We actually have raccoons that camp out under our deck so I’m always very careful if I go out onto the deck after it gets dark. Once I’m out there, I don’t worry because I know they won’t come around. I just don’t want to startle one or trap it in a corner so that it goes into crazy attack mode.
I don’t know if they’re native, but my mom has a gorgeous crop of black eyed susans.
I feel you on wishing it was still raining. While I don’t mind and even like racing in the rain, I couldn’t get myself outside in it yesterday so when I woke to a thunderstorm, I rolled over and went back to bed. When I left the gym I wished it was still raining as it was gross to get to the bus stop in.
Today has been much nicer here (it’s raining now, though). How about where you live? I decided to check and see where black eyed Susan’s are native, and it’s in eastern and central parts of North America.
By the time I finally dragged myself out to do some errands around 4, I was pleasantly surprised at how nice it was. Made me kind of wish I’d ventured out sooner and/or made plans to enjoy sunset, but I needed the quiet day.
Makes sense re: Susans. I see them a lot in the NYC suburbs
I think you should get the robe! It is very humid here too. I think I mind the humidity more now, since we came back from our trip to Colorado and Oregon to visit 2 of our sons. Both places had very low humidity. I could get used to running in OR. Colorado is nice, but there is not enough oxygen in the air!
One drawback of having my hubby for a running partner is that we tend to talk each other OUT of runs, rather than holding each other accountable like you and your running buddy did! 🙂
Yeah, one time it snowed on the morning of the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler so Bill and I decided to skip the race. Of course, it had only snowed out here in the western suburbs and DC was just fine. Had I been driving in with friends instead of my husband, I doubt I would have missed the race. 😀
That was probably one of the years I ran the Cherry Blossom. I seem to remember dodging snow! 🙂
No, my friend Miles ran the year we skipped it and he said there wasn’t a single snowflake in DC. 😀
Pablo is such a cute dog! I think that eventually he will be an awesome running buddy!
I think you’re right – on both accounts! 😀
Pablo is adorable! I love his grin as he runs. Black Eyed Susans always remind me of the height of summer – my dad kept them in our garden back home.
I know, I think it looks like he’s smiling, too!
We have black eyed susans in our perennial garden and they’ve taken over! I keep pulling them out but really, it’s futile.
I thought that bike was your new bike! You must be so excited for it.
I finally discovered that you have to pull them ALL out or they just keep spreading. 🙁 I would love to have just a few, but I don’t want them to crowd out everything else.
Yes, I am very excited to get my new bike!
I need to run more like Pablo! Actually I think everyone does…pure happiness!
I know, doesn’t he look so happy?!
I just LOVE the pictures of Pablo, he’s the cutest. He seem so happy running! I know with our dog, it took awhile to ‘train’ her to run well with us. A stunt puppy brand running leash really helps.
Fun week, thanks for sharing with us!
He does look happy, doesn’t he? Daniel and Jess have a running leash for Pablo and they’re going to send it with him next time he visits. 🙂
Pablo is so cute! I’ve had my grand pup here for a few weeks and while he’s worn me out, I’ve also enjoyed teaching him some ‘manners’ and a few commands. Hopefully, I sent him back to college with his boy a little better behaved. 🙂
Those ‘coons are hysterical! You have more wildlife encounters in your neighborhood than I’m having running trails! Lol
You’re a good grandma to your son’s pup. It’s nice to have a good mannered dog in college.
Fortunately, I’ve had no copperhead encounters, though!
I had to laugh at your antics wrapping up in towels after your run. I was so wet after my run on Saturday, everything on me was dripping when I stopped. The air was so humid, nothing was evaporating off of me! SO much for tech fabric LOL
It was so humid the tech fabric couldn’t keep up with our sweat! HaHa!
Pablo’s cute! And when I complain about not having a car I’ll have to think about not sweating in a car and having to manage that – I just run home and jump in the shower when I’ve finished sweating!
I feel better after my race on Sat than I did just after it, and quite proud of challenging myself on unusual-for-me surfaces. Back to yoga this week.
Now that’s a glass half full attitude! 😉
Glad you had a good race and I’m curious what surface you were running on… I can’t find your running blog again – just your business blog… I know, I’m pathetic!
Oh, my post is here the stupid WordPress avatar thing only shows the first blog but actually there’s a link on there in the right-hand margin to this and my other blog if you lose it again.
It was a canal run but there was grass, paths with gravel and sand, a weird netting over earth, brick, concrete, normal park paths, slippery wooden bridges …
Pablo looks like he loves running! What a cutie!
I agree, he certainly did seem happy!
Aww, Pablo is so cute! My pup has a similar running style so we usually end up with just a one mile run at a lovely 14 minute mile because of all the walk breaks. Sounds like Pablo liked it though!
My poor Fiat has gotten the brunt of my post run sweat. I put beach towels on the seat and arm rest so it’s not bad but the seats will need an eventual cleaning. This heat and humidity is rough!
Also, raccoons. They’re okay far away. Not so much when I’m running and I catch sight of one with my headlamp lol.
Yes, that can be unnerving. I saw a HUGE raccoon at 2 AM on one of my Ragnar DC legs way out in the country. It nearly scared me to death! LOL
I just know Pablo will make a great running partner! The last time I dog sat, the dog took up residence with us (and is still here!). And speaking of raccoons, the same dog managed to get two baby ones into our house without us noticing. I don’t have any experience with Black Eyed Susans. They make a pretty backdrop though. Thanks for linking!
Say what??? Baby raccoons are so cute, but…
[…] Sunday – A Run, Some Functional Training, And A Little Yoga […]