It’s time to sit down once again over a beverage of your choice and chat about things other than just running, riding, and training. I’ll go first…

Drum Roll Please
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that I ran yesterday for the first time since my New Year’s Day 5K. Granted it was only a half mile, but it was a run! I went into the run with numbness in my right foot from working at my kitchen sink and came out of the short run feeling the same. On a side note, when I told my PT that washing dishes guarantees foot numbness and asked for suggestions, he suggested that I have my husband do the dishes! LOL
If I continue to feel okay and without any leg pain, I plan to go outside for a very easy one-mile run on Saturday morning.
Non-Fitness Related Items
If we were having coffee…..
Edited to add: I’d tell you that not only am I mortified, but I am also a complete idiot! It was Lisa at TechChick Adventures who had the giveaway and sent me this adorable ornament after I won it on her blog. Sorry Lisa!
I’d tell you that I won this adorable ornament from Jessie at The Right Fits. After I saw it on her blog in December 2017 I searched all over the internet for a similar ornament, but without any luck. When I noticed this year that she had one as a giveaway, I jumped at the chance to enter and was thrilled when I heard that I’d won! The ornament arrived just after last month’s coffee date so I just had to share it this month! 🙂
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that last Friday morning in one of my klutzier moves, I fell and hit my head. I navigated my way down our lightly-lit stairs in the wee early predawn hours as I do most mornings without any problem. It wasn’t until I got to the kitchen that I tripped and fell. I’m normally extremely careful about not leaving things on the floor that might cause a tripping hazard, but the night before I had packed for our trip to visit my mom and left a canvas tote bag tucked in a nook in our kitchen.
As I walked across the dark kitchen, I caught my toe on the edge of the canvas bag that apparently I hadn’t tucked away quite far enough. Lunging forward out of control, I must have tried to catch myself on the pantry doorjamb with my hand which also happened to be holding a tube of hand lotion. I was so off balance that I spun around and landed on my butt in the pantry. As I fell backward, my head snapped backward in whiplash fashion hitting the bottom shelf and shelf support.
Once I got my bearings, I felt something wet on the front of my shirt and shorts, but since it wasn’t warm, I knew it couldn’t be blood. Turning on the pantry light, I realized that lotion had squirted out of the tube and all over my clothes. It wasn’t until later that I realized that it had also exploded onto the doorjamb!
I had a couple of lumps on the back and side of my head which have since gone away leaving tenderness associated with bruising. My husband says that I’m my own worse enemy. I say, “Just call me a klutz.”
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that we are in the process of having our master bath gutted and remodeled. Last week, I spent all of my spare time moving everything out of our bathroom, linen closet, and clothes closet. We took the opportunity to purge and get rid of clothes that we no longer wear. Our remaining clothes are spread between the other three bedroom’s closets and piled on the bed in one of our son’s rooms, the contents of our linen closet are sorted in large tubs in our other son’s bedroom, and we’re sleeping in the guest bedroom. Our contractor estimates that it will take him four weeks to finish so I think it’s safe to double that number for when we’re completely moved back in. To say we’re living in a disorganized mess is an understatement.
Lots of Biking News
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that Bill and I have the DC Bike Ride coming up on May 18th. If you’re local and would like to join us, be sure to join the Cruisers team at registration so we’ll be assigned the same start time. Doesn’t it sound fun to ride through our beautiful nation on closed streets?
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that registration is still open for the Bike NY Five Boro Tour, on May 5th. Just like with the DC ride, the streets will be closed for this ride through all five NYC boroughs.
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that we’re also looking at several gravel grinders. In addition to the Loudoun 1725 Gravel Grinder (40, 60, or 80 miles), I’ve got my eyes set on the Dirty Kitten in Rapidan, VA on August 3rd. It’s a 40 or 60-mile ride on a 20-mile loop. Zephyr is going to get dirty on these gravel rides and I love it!
Back to Running
If we were having coffee…..
I’d ask if you have a race coming up, and if you do, I’d wish you good luck and remind you to have fun!
Today I’m joining Deborah at Confessions Of A Mother Runner and Coco at Running With Perseverance for their monthly Ultimate Coffee Date linkup! Be sure to stop by their blogs for a cup of coffee and to say hello; and while you’re there, be sure to check out some of the other bloggers who are participating in the linkup.

- Questions:
- If we were having coffee, what would you tell me?
- Do you have any running or other fitness related events coming up?
- Renovations, love them or hate them? ~ I love them, but I’m so happy when the mess is gone and I can enjoy the newly updated dust-free space.
That first run back after an injury is amazing! Glad to hear you are on the road to recovery. LOL on the lotion
Here’s hoping tomorrow morning’s 1-mile run goes as well!
Hey Deb! How did it go?
Pretty well, thanks; and I ran another mile yesterday! 😀
Nice!! Keep it up!
Clearly your wall & door jamb needed lotion. Glad you’re OK after the fall and yay on a short run!
If 5 Boro hasn’t changed, they have occasional massage stations. So worth it. Unless you’re going for time, of course.
NYC Half is in two weeks. EEK!
We are not riding for time at the NYC 5-Boro Ride; however, we will be riding with a very large group of friends and will want to stay with them. Stopping at the massage stations sound like such a great break, though.
Glad to hear that your running is going in the right direction, but the numbness is kind of worrisome! After visiting a new orthopedist, I can’t believe how much better I feel. I don’t run outside too often (maybe only 2 days/week), but when I do I feel strong. I did a 7-miler last weekend and my speed is coming back too. It was a long year and a half for me!
Sounds like your biking is really taking off. Good for you!
My foot numbness stuck around for over six months after my initial injury in 2012, so I’m hopeful that it will eventually go away.
I’m so happy to hear that your run went well last weekend. I’m sure my speed is pretty much non-existent at this point! LOL
It was so exciting to see your running pic! I know how good it feels to rally back; hoping all goes well for you on Saturday!
Thank you!
yay for a little run!!! you’re foot numbness raises so many alarms for me though – my current nightmare started with my left foot tingling. It’s been 6 years. No one knows why or where it comes from. The specialists thought that if they removed the neuroma in my foot that would help. Unfortunately the operation wasn’t performed 100% satisfactorily. I shouldn’t project. But if we were having coffee I would say just keep trying to figure it out and do all you can to at least not have it get worse. Not trying to be a negative Nelly. I do think Bill should go ahead and do the dishes from now on as well 🙂
I’d love to ride with you! I don’t really participate in rides because I have a “normal” bike and the only event here would be the Leontien Ladies Ride (Leontien van Moorsel is a very famous cyclist here in the Netherlands). And I don’t do “Ladies” anything anymore – I’m too serious and get annoyed at big groups of ladies cycling along and 2km per hour haha!
I really can’t believe your lotion fall!! I do hope you are ok. Head crackings are serious business! Fingers crossed that is your klutziest move of 2019!
I have a race tomorrow, next Sunday and the Sunday after that! And then it’s all over until end of May/beg of June when I can start running again.
The foot numbness is actually somewhat common with sciatica. I’ve just got to figure out which activities are making it worse and avoiding those.
Good luck on all of your upcoming races!
LOL I’m such a klutz that’s totally something I would do!!
And it’s amazing how quickly it happens and you’re like, “Good grief, did I really just do that?”
Oh, I’m so glad you wren’t really hurt on that kitchen trip + fall – I have a friend who broke her hip that way. I’m not a huge fan of riding on gravel – unless it’s really fine, smooth gravel that’s not too deep. I don’t like the rougher ride or the feeling that I might fall over! I hope you get your foot figured out, but it’s great that your test run went well.
Yes, I need to be more careful in my own house!
I think (hope) these gravel grinders are on dirt roads with packed gravel. I don’t like the loose, deep gravel either.
[…] Washing Dishes – As I mentioned in Friday’s post, when I told my PT that washing dishes guarantees foot numbness because of the way I have to reach […]
Wait, what? You won an ornament from Jessie too? (just teasing… it was from me!) I totally agree – have your husband wash dishes 🙂 I’m so glad you weren’t hurt from your fall! I almost broke my foot punting my black cat from the door frame last night… yes, in the dark. Luckily my kitty still remained friends with me. Not a good place for a cat nap!!
Oh my goodness, I’m mortified and will go make the correction ASAP! No wonder I couldn’t find the blog post with the giveaway on Jessie’s blog!
I’m glad you and your cat are okay!
P.S. I’m so sorry!
[…] we were having coffee….. I’d tell you that last month I totally blew it when I said I’d won this adorable ornament when I entered a contest on a […]
I love to drink coffee in the morning. Coffee is my superpower.