Wrapping up Our Weekend
On Sunday, the day after the race, we drove from our friends Beth and Tom’s beach condo to their home a couple of hours inland. There, we were treated to a different kind of water view complete with a double rainbow just before dinner. We had another delightful evening and relaxing Monday morning with our friends before saying our goodbyes and hitting the road for home.
Quite the Little Helper
We have two boxwood topiaries on each side of our front porch. I call them our puffball bushes, but until this past week they looked more like giant green blobs. The individual balls had grown together into one ill-formed mess with little antenna-like shoots sticking out in every direction and were in need of some intense shaping (why do I never take “before” photos?).
I got the balls back into their individual shapes with my electric hedge trimmers (affiliate link) on Tuesday afternoon; and yes, years ago I accidentally cut the extension cord – doesn’t everybody do that at least once? Once I got them into shape, I used hand pruners (affiliate link) to clip out the dead wood, clean the suckers off the trunks, etc. Overall, it took me over four hours spread over three days to whip both bushes back into shape.
Pablo arrived on Wednesday afternoon and is staying through later today. He had a blast digging for sticks under the bushes and then carrying them into the front yard to chew on while I worked.
By the time I finished and pulled up the old sheets I’d put down to collect my clipping and keep the mulch tidy, Pablo had his own mess of sticks scattered around the front yard.
Pablo was more than happy to pose in front of the puffball bushes and show off the fruits of our labor!
Walking to Starbucks for a Puppuccino
Since I didn’t run yesterday morning, Bill and I decided to take Pablo for a long walk. When I suggested we go to Starbucks for a coffee for Bill and a puppuccino for Pablo, they both jumped at the chance.

Photo credit: Bill
As we rounded the corner at Starbucks, we immediately saw my good friend Tracy sitting outside enjoying her drink. We couldn’t have planned it any better! We also saw our son’s first grade teacher and her family, a huge group of friends from a gym where I used to work, and neighbors who have an adult English yellow lab and puppy (who were also getting puppuccinos). We hardly had time to talk to Tracy for all of the other socializing we were doing (at least Tracy got to meet lots of people). Apparently, I’m not only the mayor of the running trail, but also of Starbucks. 😂😂😂
After waiting in a very long line, Bill eventually got his drink, my egg bites, and Pablo’s puppuccino. Needless to say, Pablo was thrilled with his treat!

Photo credit: Bill
And Now on to a RunDown of this Past Week’s Workouts…
After my half on Saturday I felt quite good, but decided to take the week off from running so I could recover completely. When I ran marathons, I returned to running on my fourth day, but I was a lot younger back then. I’ve learned to accept and appreciate the need for a longer recovery and I’ve also learned to practice what I preach.
By Saturday afternoon I was feeling the need to get in a short cardio workout and hopped on my spin bike (affiliate link) for a steady ride while watching college football.
Strength Training
For whatever reason, unless I’m tapering for a race and feel the need to rest my legs for a few days before a race, I’m religious with my strength training. Monday, after a long day in the car while driving home from our fun weekend in North Carolina, I lifted weights before heading to bed.
Apparently, I’m not as dedicated to my yoga as I thought. Yes, I had a busy work week, but I could have fit in a couple of short yoga sessions between clients. It wasn’t until Saturday, that I did my one and only routine.
It’s on the Blog
In case you skipped checking in on my blog this past week, here’s what you missed…
- Sunday – Visiting Friends for the Marine Corps Half in Camp Lejeune
- Wednesday – Hiking the North Rim of the Grand Canyon
Miracles of all miracles, I buckled down and completed another one of my recaps from our trip out west earlier in the summer. I still have several others to write, but I’ve started my half marathon recap and hope to get it posted this coming week. Once that’s done, I’ll return to hiking recaps.
In addition to the workouts I mentioned above, here’s a complete rundown of my workouts from this past week (completed mostly in our home gym)…
- Questions:
- Are you a Starbucks fan or not? ~ I’m not a coffee drinker, so I’m indifferent.
- Runners: how much time do you take off after a half marathon, a full marathon?
- Did you race this weekend?
And that’s my rundown… Have a great week!
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I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Be sure to check out not only the hosts’ posts, but the other great bloggers joining in on the fun!
You are really smart to take the week off after your race. I don’t think most people (me included) take enough time off after races. Sounds like your Starbucks is the place to be! Thanks for linking up
Could it be that with age comes wisdom? LOL
I don’t drink coffee, so coffee places are basically meaningless to me. My husband wouldn’t pay to buy coffee, normally, either. We do give the dogs a few licks of ice cream, which this time Bandit threw up. Yuck!
When I first start running halfs, I’d take a full week off. Now it just depends on how I feel & what I have coming up.
Yeah, I’m not a coffee drinker either, but I do enjoy going to Starbucks occasionally to meet up with friends.
Poor Bandit! 🙁
I LOVE Starbucks but it is just so expensive! I get an iced coffee about every 2 weeks. That Starbucks trip sounds like a party! I rarely see anyone I know when I go. 🙂
Yes, it was hopping! 😀
I don’t have any rhyme or reason for recovery time following a race. I simply go with how I’m feeling. I do try to do a short shakeout run the day after, though. Even following a marathon, a short shakeout always leaves me feeling better.
I suppose I could have run the day after a few of my easier marathons, but those that I raced, there was no way I could have done a shakeout run the following day. Heck, I could barely walk!
I think that’s what I love most about coffee shops – you see so many people! I’m not a huge coffee drinker but I love coffee shops. I forgot about the pupochinos. I’ll have to get one for my doggo next time!
Your pup will thank you! 😀
I will drink Starbucks, but it’s not my #1. I’m a Dunkin girl (iced) and 7-11 (hot). The latter is my treat post long run
I never used to run until Wednesdays after a Half, but I’ve done a couple of recoveries after long runs this summer
Because I run my long training runs at a slower pace than my races, I don’t take any extra time off after them. Racing at the longer distances does a number on me these days! 😉
I’m curious for my first Half after training to see if I can / do run it any faster than a training run.
[…] Sunday – Rainbows, Puffballs, and Puppuccinos […]