It’s time to sit down once again over a beverage of your choice and chat about things other than just running, riding, and training. Won’t you please join me? I’ll go first…
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that I’ll bring coffee to share.

Source: Kim
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that since we last talked over coffee, I’ve had two virtual coffee dates with a bunch of really cool blogger friends. We’ve got another session set up again for Saturday.
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that we’ve also had a couple of virtual happy hours with friends. I almost feel like I’m being more social while we’re under stay-at-home orders than I am under normal circumstances.
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that with being home 24/7 and seeing only about 35-40% of my clients virtually, I have time to make a yummy lunch for Bill and me each day. They’re not always this fancy, but this particular bowl was delicious and a huge hit!
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that the Commonwealth of Virginia is still under a stay-at-home mandate through June 10th. There are rumblings that some things currently closed may be allowed to open prior to June 10th, but I highly doubt gyms will be on that list. Our neighborhood pools will be reopening to those less vulnerable on June 19th, but surprisingly our tot lots won’t be opening to the less vulnerable until June 26th.
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that I got lucky and won a virtual entry in the Freihofer Run for Women Virtual 5K from Darlene, who is a race ambassador. Kim also won an entry and the three of us are scheming to run the race together. Thanks, Darlene for the entry!
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that we are flying our Nationals World Series Champions flag proudly, but we’re really missing spring baseball. I’d also mention that I had fun watching Ryan Zimmerman interviewing Dr. Anthony Fauci, a huge Nats fan, on Instagram last night.
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that a few Saturday mornings ago, a woodpecker woke us up at 7:15 AM pecking on our cedar shake roof – talk about getting our adrenaline pumping in a hurry. Bill sprang out of bed and captured a picture of the guilty party when he moved on to a tree right behind our house.

Photo credit: Bill
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that we hear an owl hooting in our back yard most nights. Sometimes he’s so loud that he wakes us up. He’s more elusive than the woodpecker, though, and Bill hasn’t been able to snap a photo of him.
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that speaking of animals, we have two monkeys and a Clydesdale horse hanging out in one of the bedroom windows in our house. We’re participating in a ” zoo walk” for our neighborhood children to give them something fun to do with their parents after being stuck inside all day.
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that I made some face masks a few weeks ago. I’d also mention that the year before Bill and I got married he bought this sewing machine for me for my birthday. That means that come November it will be 40 years old and it’s still purring like a kitten.
And finally, if we were having coffee…..
I’d ask if you have any virtual races coming up, and if you do, I’d wish you good luck and remind you to have fun!
Today I’m joining Deborah at Confessions Of A Mother Runner and Coco at Running With Perseverance for their monthly Ultimate Coffee Date linkup which goes live the first Friday of every month. Be sure to stop by their blogs for a cup of coffee and to say hello; and while you’re there, be sure to check out some of the other bloggers who are participating in the linkup.
- Questions:
- • Have any non-essential businesses started to open up where you live?
- • Have you made or purchased any masks?
- • If we were having coffee, what would you tell me?
Glad you won and glad to have company virtually. Yes I’m doing a few virtual races. Not racing but getting in the miles. Missing my races and my friends.
Zoom is great. See you tomorrow.
Believe me, I will not be racing my virtual races. I’ll be lucky to be able to run 25% of the Mother’s Day one.
I might be late arriving on our Zoom tomorrow, but see you then!
I think my sewing maching is as old as yours! Still works too. I haven’t been sewing anything, tho.
I hear a woodpecker when I’m running in the woods, but I cannot spot him!
I used to be quite the seamstress. I made most of my maternity clothes for my first pregnancy and made each of our sons intricate Christening gowns. These days I loath sewing.
I’m pretty sure I haven’t sewn anything beyond a button since 6th grade. My bad. I did buy some masks from Etsy, since it looks like nothing much will be opening here anytime soon. Love the zoo walk!
I ordered masks from Etsy as well, but they haven’t come yet. I’m glad I had lining fabric leftover from valances I made a few years ago to make our temporary masks from.
I love the idea of a “zoo walk” – what a cute idea! I love how being at home has really helped us to become more creative.
I can sew small things – like putting a button back on a shirt, etc, but I know that I can’t sew a mask, lol. I did purchase a few masks for myself and my family on Etsy because I wanted to support a small business.
I’m waiting for a mask order from Etsy to arrive with prettier fabrics, but we needed something in the meantime so I dragged out the sewing machine. I used to make clothes for me, fancy little outfits for the boys, and lots of quilts, but these days I don’t like sewing at all.
Congratulations on winning the entry to the virtual race! That is so cool. We have been having a virtual happy hour each Saturday with 4 other couples. It isn’t as much fun as being together in person but it’s better than nothing. At first, Zoom did not enforce the 40-minute limit but last week they did for the first time. We probably laughed for the entire 40 minutes! We have a woodpecker drumming on our house too. He is LOUD!
We just finished up a virtual happy hour with family. It was fun, but like you said, not the same as being together in person.
I hope your woodpecker doesn’t peck a hole somewhere and cause a leak. That’s our big fear when he’s on our roof. Our most recent discovery is that a hawk is building a nest on our roof. I wondered why I kept finding pine branches on our deck when there aren’t any pine trees close by. Turns out the hawks were carrying them over for their nest and occasionally dropping them on the deck.
We have a very old sewing machine we bought for $10 at a garage sale (25?) years ago. The hubby wanted to use it for sewing the patches on his military gear. It still works! I’m looking forward to our race with Darlene:-)
Yes, our race will be fun! Looking forward to it.
I don’t sew. I took it once in HS or JH (boy, does that date me or what?), and while I managed to finish my project, yeah, sewing is not something I’m good at. We do have masks. I haven’t worn one yet, but I have worn my scarf & buffs — as it warms up, I’ll have to get comfortable with that mask.
Nothing much is opening up here yet. I think the 14 day rule is a good one, and while I do appreciate how difficult it is on so many, it’d be a lot more difficult if they were dead. I suppose that’s easy for me to say because I can afford food & my mortgage.
What a great photo Bill got of the woodpecker! We hear them in the neighborhood regularly, but they’ve left our house (and trees) alone so far. We also do hear an owl here, too, but just occasionally. Certainly never seen it!
We’ve seen the owl swooping for prey from a tree in our back yard twice, but each time it was right at dusk and we could barely see him. Bill tried to get a picture, but it was too dark.
Oh my gosh, I’m actually in charge of creating a virtual race, so there’s that! Ack!
That bowl looks yummy. We had takeout on Wednesday and I ordered a big-a$$ salad. It was perfection.
I have a sewing machine, but I’m not very good at it, and I don’t have any fabric, so no mask-making over here.
Are you turning a regular race into a virtual one or are you creating a brand new race?
Well you have a lot going on over there! I am loving the virtual races. Congrats on winning that entry. See you on the zoom chat again thanks for stopping by coffee
Yes, it’s a regular zoo over here! Our most recent discovery is that a hawk is building a nest on our roof. I wondered why I kept finding pine branches on our deck when there aren’t any pine trees close by and it turns out the hawks were carrying them over for their nest and occasionally dropping them on the deck.
Your lunch looks amazing. I’m’ still fixing dinner for both of us most nights, but no way would I fix my husband lunch. He usually has a peanut butter sandwich while I have leftovers. I’m sort of glad Virginia isn’t one of the first states reopening, but I know people are getting frustrated. Seeing the legal side of advice to employers keeps me cautious.
My husband is working full time (way more than, actually) and I’m only seeing about 35-40% of my clients virtually so I have plenty of time to make his lunch. Since I have the time and he doesn’t, I couldn’t imagine not doing that for him.
It will be interesting to see what our governor announces on Monday about what, if any, changes will be made to the reopening schedules.
Yay for virtual coffee dates! :] I’ve been doing more video hangouts with my friends lately too!
That bowl looks delicious!! Our stay-at-home/shelter-in-place orders are through the end of May right now.
Hope you have fun with the virtual race! :]
Thanks, Farrah! I’m so happy we have the option of virtual hangouts – it makes staying at home much easier. We have another Zoom happy hour scheduled for this Friday evening! 😀
I love that you’re making masks! We’ve made some just for us. I’ve been the only one really to venture out and at a minimum. But I brought the girls to Target at the opening time this week so they could buy some things, and we all masked-up. It was good to get out.
I miss baseball, too! I’d tell you that during coffee, and that probably, as fate would have it, this would have been the Rockies’ year. And that I’m glad the World Series is in Washington and in the National League right now. What a series.
No non-essential business openings so far in Charlotte, but I’ve noticed it looks like life-as-usual in my side of town. Not even a lot of masks.
I ventured out for my dermatologist appointment last week and that was the first time I’d been out of our street since this all went down. Since then, I’ve picked up Subway curbside and actually went into the grocery store to pick up all of the things that weren’t available in our Walmart curbside pickup. Everyone at the grocery store had on masks and were very good about keeping a distance. Unusual times…
Wow, that’s impressive that pools will open in June. There was a big announcement that my state was opening back up this weekend, but the reality is very underwhelming: non emergency medical stuff, non essential business with a bunch of precautions, and retail in 2 weeks. No word on when restaurants, gyms, and the like will be back. I get it, everyone is trying to figure out the balance between stopping the disease and getting back to business as usual.
Our HOA did state that the opening dates were subject to change based on future changes made to county, state, and federal regulations. Our governor plans to make an announcement on Monday in regards to what, if anything, can start to open back up. As of now, Virginia’s stay at home mandate is set through June 10th.
Congratulations on winning the virtual entry. I’m planning to run that too if my knee holds up, so maybe we can figure out some twinning or other running together.
Mm, margarita coffee.
I have definitely been more social thanks to CV19. It’s kind of surreal, isn’t it? We missed you yesterday but look forward to seeing you soon
Oh, good to know! We’ll add you to our race “meet-up”.
Yay. Keep me posted. Darlene and I occasionally try to twin, but I’m game for anything
Just sent you an email!
[…] Friday – Catching Up Over Coffee: Virtual Happy Hours, Yummy Lunches, and Sewing Masks […]