~ Runfessions ~
A collection of statements admitting
that one is guilty of a variety of running crimes…
It’s time again to join in on the fun and clear my conscience of recent running, biking, fitness, nutrition, and because of the times, grooming related faux pas. I know I’ll feel better when I’m done, and maybe, just maybe, I’ll give you a laugh or two in the process!
I runfess: Just as I was putting the finishing touches on my Ultimate Coffee linkup, I realized that it’s time for Runfessions and our coffee date isn’t until next week. Talk about throwing a post together in short order!
I groomfess: Desperate times call for desperate measures so for one more month, I’m continuing with my newest fession, groomfessions…
I groomfess: Nothing new has changed with my blond eyebrows, but I finally managed to remove what little was remaining of my dark brown gel nail polish without tearing off the top layer of my nails. My hair has gotten so long that I can put it up in a ponytail without using clips to hold the sides up so that’s a good thing; however, it now wants to flip up on the ends when I wear it down so I’ve got this 1960’s flip happening.
I runfess: I’m having trouble getting out very early for my walks in the mornings. When I’m running, I get up and head out without procrastinating, but since I’m still injured and not walking, there’s a whole lot of procrastinating going on. I’m sure the return of heat and humidity will motivate me to get out earlier.
I bikefess: I hadn’t ridden my bike since late last October; however, just in the nick of time to avoid having to make a bikefession, my neighbor Betsy asked if I wanted to ride with her. Say what? I didn’t even know she rode! We rode this morning and already have dates set up for next week!
I workfess: Northern Virginia is supposed to be moving into phase 1 of the corona virus reentry plan tomorrow, I think… I say that because the rest of Virginia moved into phase 1 a couple of weeks ago, but with living in the DC Metro area I hear about DC, Maryland, and Northern Virginia’s phasing in and don’t always remember which jurisdiction is doing what. I do know that Northern Virginia’s gyms can start holding classes outside tomorrow.
I eatfess or my pants are too tightfess: It was a rude awakening when I put on my Nike running shorts for the first time last week. My winter uniform of capris were too forgiving!
Goodbye Freshman 15
Hello COVID 19
There you have it, my most recent runfessions; and you can bet that it feels good to get another set off of my chest! See you next month in the runfessional.
- Questions:
- • Has your state entered phase 1, phase 2?
- • What motivates you to get out and exercise early? Weather, work schedule, meeting friends?
- • What are your runfessions?
Today I’m linking up with Marcia at Marcia’s Healthy Slice for her monthly Runfessions linkup. Be sure to check out her blog and those of the other great bloggers linking up.

Our reentry process has slowly started but it really hasn’t felt all that much different here. At least for me, probably because I still haven’t gone anywhere and dont plan to! I am interested to see how the numbers look in another week or so. If they continue plateauing that will give me some more confidence about our reopening plans.
I put on jeans for the first time since early March on Sunday. I was relieved to find that they still fit! They weren’t nearly as comfortable as my leggings though.
Same here; although, I have moved from curbside pickup to actually going into the grocery store to shop. I’ve also had several doctor’s appointments that have taken me out of the safety of our house. Stay safe!
We’re in phase 3 and Chicago is a phase behind us. I’m just fine with how it is. Wisconsin opened up about 10 days ago and now they are spiking in cases. People just don’t get it.
My waist continues to expand–it’s either due to all the wine I’m drinking or that whole post-menopause thing…
I think my waist expansion is also a combination of those two things. Normally, I’m much more disciplined with my eating/drinking. I’ve got to get back to that!
Haha! Covid 19 definitely trumps the freshman 15! When eating is one of the few things left to do, you embrace it! Apparently retail stores are opening here next Wednesday. That’ll be interesting.
Our retail stores are starting to open up, too, but I’m going to continue online shopping for a while longer.
Stay safe!
All of the states hitting different phases at different times has my head spinning as well! Fingers crossed that the transition goes well. We are still in phase 1 here, phase 2 starts June 20.
It’s very confusing, especially when there’s a need to cross state lines and each state is so different. My brother and I were just discussing this morning when it would be safe for us to visit our mom and there’s no good answer.
Phase 1 is making me nervous. Not sure I am ready! I am so glad that you got out on your bike. Feels good doesn’t it!? My nails all broke back in March when I took my own gel off. They are finally growing back but I don’t think I will be ready to go get them done for a few more weeks. Gong there was always a relaxing escape and I doubt it will be relaxing. See you for coffee next week!
As much as I’m complaining about how much I need a haircut, manicure, etc., I’m not sure when I’ll be ready to go to the salon to get it all done.
And yes, it felt great to be biking again!
Lola motivates me to get out early when it’s hot — or just the heat, if I’m running. Especially as my neighborhood (where I’m still running) does’t have a great deal of shade.
That’s awesome you can ride with your neighbor!
I’ve maintained my weight. Hasn’t been easy, for sure, but for me it’s always an issue. That said, I’m still on the upper end of my range. I can’t seem to get really motivated to clean it up enough to drop the few pounds that would make some of my tighter clothes a bit more comfy.
I’m sure the increased heat will motivate me to get out earlier! And yes, I was so happy to hear that Betsy rides so I’d have a biking partner.
I’m not sure why, but my self-control around the desserts and wine has flown out the window during the second half of our stay-at-home mandate (I was fine the first half), but I know that I need to get it back! Good for you for staying in check!
I go out as early as I can because of how quickly it gets hot. Of course, I get hung up with the puppy a lot, but I’m not running as far as I used to, so it’s not as bad or unreasonable.
I have to box dye my hair this week. I would love a fresh cut, but I don’t want to deal with the salon right now.,
We are in Phase 2? Maybe still in Phase 1? I don’t even know. We are still exercising caution and regraining from unnecessary trips and all that.
Oh, I bet the puppy does take up a lot of your time.
Same with us, other than going to the grocery store and the occasional doctor’s appointment, we’re staying home.
Have a great weekend, Jenn!
My hair is getting long and shaggy too. I groomfess, all I do these days is wash it. I don’t blow it dry, no gel, mousse, or other product. No hairspray. Nada.
I think everyone can relate to your pants getting too tight. Eating is just too easy these days. Except for my hubby. He had the gall to say to me “I don’t think I can gain weight, no matter how much I eat.” He’s lucky I didn’t strangle him in his sleep! 🙂
There have been a whole lot of wet ponytails going up over here which is my version of doing nothing. If I truly did nothing, I would have a HUGE frizzy mess!
Bill, Bill, Bill, what were you thinking? 😉
My motivation to get up and get outside (to run, walk, bike) or just workout (elliptical, stairs, HIIT, strength) is t hat I seem to just wake up early and my mind/body will not go back to sleep. This morning, I woke around 4:00 (my alarm was set for 5:15), and I tried to fall back to sleep for a good 45 minutes, and finally just gave up and got up LOL I’m not even sure what phase we’re in…maybe phase 3? I’m not really going anywhere or doing anything differently.
I’m an early riser, too, but this morning I didn’t hear Bill get up to go ride at 5 AM and didn’t wake up until my alarm went off at 5:45 AM. He said that I didn’t move when he left our bedroom. Guess I was tired!
I runfess that I have been dreadful about procrastinating my workouts. It made sense when it was still cold outside and waiting until 8 to run meant running in 40 degrees instead of 30 degrees…it doesn’t make sense now that it’s the difference between 60 and 70.
I’m hoping that once it gets really hot I will get out earlier.