It’s time to sit down once again with a beverage of your choice and chat – I’ll remind you that I don’t like coffee or tea so my drink of choice today will be water. Let’s chat about things other than just running, cycling, training, and complaining about our most recent injuries. Sound good? I’ll go first…
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that gave up alcohol for Lent and invented this non-alcoholic margarita which I enjoyed on a couple of evening when I wanted a refreshing beverage. Here’s my simple recipe…
Deb’s Mockarita
- • Place several cubes of ice in a large glass
- • Add 1 freshly squeezed lime
- • Add 2-4 ounces Master of Mixes margarita mix (affiliate link)
- • Top off with approximately 3/4 can of Sprite Zero
- • Garnish with a lime wedge or slice
- • Enjoy!
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that speaking of Sprite Zero, it’s finally back in stock after falling victim to the pandemic. That’s right, Coca-Cola had to stop manufacturing Sprite Zero and other popular drinks when there was suddenly an aluminum can shortage due to people drinking soda from cans at home instead of from fountain machines at work or in restaurants. According to USA Today, it wasn’t the aluminum material that was in short supply, but the capacity to turn it into cans.
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that Zenaida reminded me of a funny story when she admitted that she didn’t know that she had remote start on her car. Bill and I have set off the alarm in our car twice and both times while on our way to a group bike ride. One of the times was particularly funny…
We arrived for our ride early and took advantage of the extra time to pick up some Gatorade and snacks at a Food Lion near where we were meeting our friends. Bill hopped out of the car, inadvertently locked the door, and walked into the store, leaving me in the front passenger seat. I decided to change into my bike shoes so I opened my door to get them out of the floor in the back.
When I opened the door, I set off the car alarm and the horn started honking. I tried locking and unlocking the door several times to no avail. Once I realized that I wouldn’t be able to stop the honking without Bill’s keys, I bolted into the store. After sprinting about twenty steps into the store I realized that I wasn’t wearing my mask so I made a u-turn and ran back outside.
Standing at the doorway wearing brightly colored cycling clothes with all eyes on me, the crazy lady running from the honking car, I finally got the attention of an employee standing near the door and asked her to get Bill who I could see in the checkout line in the distance. She asked what he looked like and I told her he was dressed in funny biking clothes just like me. About that time Bill looked up as he finished his purchase and as soon as he realized what was going on, he pulled out his keys and stopped the racket. 🤣 😂
If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that I registered for a 5K which will be held on Saturday, April 17th and will be my first live race since Thanksgiving 2019. I am beyond excited and can’t wait to see several of my running friends at the event. If you’re interested in joining me for either the live or virtual race, use code 21DEBRUNS5 when you register for the Courage Day 5K and you’ll save $5.
And finally, if we were having coffee…..
I’d ask if you have any real or virtual races coming up, and if you do, I’d wish you good luck and remind you to have fun!
Today I’m joining Deborah at Confessions Of A Mother Runner and Coco at Running With Perseverance for their monthly Ultimate Coffee Date linkup which goes live the first Friday of every month. Be sure to stop by their blogs for a cup of coffee and to say hello; and while you’re there, be sure to check out some of the other bloggers who are participating in the linkup.
- Questions:
- • Have you had an embarrassing car alarm incident?
- • Were you affected by any items being out of stock or hard to find during the pandemic?
- • If we were having coffee, what would you tell me?
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means if you click on the blue product link and then make a purchase, I will receive a small commission for referring you. You will pay no more or less for the product; however, Amazon will show their gratitude for my referral by paying me.
Good luck on your upcoming RL race! My last one was 2/19. Well, that was my last half, I probably did run a few races at the end of 2020?
Too funny about the car alarm. I swear I might just be driving my car until it’s 40! At some point I guess I’ll have to break down (or my car will) and I’ll have to get a new one — my car is 21, btw.
I don’t drink soda, and I think my husband may have finally kicked that habit too! So I was totally unaware of the can shortage.
As much as I like a nice car, I hate spending money on them. We usually drive our cars about 10-15 years before replacing them. How cool that yours is still hanging on at 21 years!
I’m not proud of it, but I love diet Dr. Pepper. I wasn’t allowed to have soda very often as a child so it still holds a magical power over me. LOL
Oh, that car alarm story is funny! That sounds like a situation I’d find myself in…but my hubby would be oblivious to all the racket outside. That’s exciting you have a live race coming up! As you know, I’ve had two recent races, it was just so nice to be back on a race course, it was no big deal we had so many Covid protocols to follow.
I’m assuming that there will be similar Covid protocols in place at my upcoming race – plus it’s limited to 250 people.
That is hilarious about the car alarm and I can picture you standing there-very funny. I have another virtual 10K this weekend which really doesn’t feel like a race but it gets me out there and gets a fun photos. I do have a virtual marathon relay in May which should be fun to do even though, the people I am doing it with won’t be running with me.
I agree, even though I wasn’t thrilled with doing virtual races, they were at least something to look forward to doing while connecting with others.
No car alarm story but once I thought I locked my car but when I returned, all the sindows were down including the sun roof. lol
Hooray for racing. I have one on April 17 too. a half!
Happy Easter and hello to alcohol lol
I’m enjoying a margarita wine as I type. LOL
Have fun and good luck at your half on April 17th!
Lol that car alarm story is funny! I don’t have any live races planned yet. Hopefully this summer or fall!
Hopefully, races will start opening up soon as more and more people get vaccinated.
OMG, I laughed so hard with your car alarm story! That is so funny! I don’t drink a lot of soda and I had no idea there was a shortage. And that drink looks so good. That is awesome about your race. None for me yet.
Thanks for idea to write about my car alarm story!
Daffodils always remind me of spring! I like the sound of your “mockarita!” :]
I wanted to make mason jar ice cream late last year but couldn’t find heavy cream in any of the stores–not sure what everyone was doing with it but I wonder if I’ll have more luck now?
I found heavy whipping cream for my smoked gouda macaroni and cheese so if it was sold out here, it’s back in stock. Hope you can find it when you’re next in the mood to make ice cream.
Thank you! It’s getting warmer again so the mood may strike soon! 😛
So funny about the car alarm! I would panic too with the horn beeping and people staring at me. Bill to the rescue!!!
It was quite embarrassing!
It seems like the cashier could’ve guessed who was with you by his attire. Duh. Lol
I don’t have any live races scheduled but hope to sign up for something very soon. Good luck and enjoy your race!
I know, right?
Hope some live races open up near you soon!
That is so interesting about the aluminum can shortage during Covid. Did the article say anything about a plastic bottle shortage too? I’m not a soda drinker so I hadn’t notice if my store had them or not.
That is quite the story about your car alarm. When I wait in the car when my husband goes into a store ( and if the vehicle is still running) it will beep if he accidentally takes the key with him. It’s sort of annoying! Have a happy Easter!
Bill doesn’t usually leave the car running, but yes, it will beep if he does and I don’t have my key with me.
I did not give up alcohol for Lent, but that mocktail sounds good. I like fresh lime juice in sparkling water — so refreshing. Nuun in sparkling water makes a nice drink too.
The April race I was eyeing has been bumped to maybe mid-June ….
Yes, you should give the mockarita a try.
Bummer about the race you were eying – fingers crossed that my race doesn’t get bumped, too.
omgggggg the car alarm story!!! I can just see it now – crazy cycling clothes lady running into the store looking for her husband and they have to ask which one he is??? ha!
how fun that you have a live race coming up! enjoy that!! nothing like that going on here…
It was quite humorous!