~ Runfessions ~
A collection of statements admitting
that one is guilty of a variety of running crimes…
It’s time again to join in on the fun and clear my conscience of recent running, biking, fitness, nutrition, and life in general faux pas. I know I’ll feel better when I’m done, and maybe, just maybe, I’ll give you a laugh or two in the process!
I runfess: It has been seventeen months since my last runfession. I had every intention of joining the linkup last month, but got distracted and never finished writing it. I did; however, take this picture during our one and only snow of the winter in preparation of today’s runfessions.
I runfess: Speaking of the weather, it climbed to 80° here yesterday, and yet the weather forecast calls for a wintery mix tomorrow. So what’s my runfession? I runfess that I took full advantage of the warm winter weather by rescheduling my clients to early morning so my husband and I could get out for a bike ride. I can run in most any weather, but I’m a wimp when it comes to cycling in the cold.
I runfess: As friends start to finalize plans for running the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler, I can’t help but remember the time I ran with a blade of grass stuck in my shorts…
Note: Skip this paragraph if you’re offended by TMI… Back in 2001, at some point early on in the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler while heading up Rock Creek Park I had to pee very badly and of course there wasn’t a porta potty in sight. Eventually, I had no choice but to pull over behind some trees and tall grass and do my business while my running buddy Miles waited. Shortly afterward I told Miles that I must have a UTI because things felt very irritated and I had to go to the bathroom again, and soon! Luckily, we came upon a porta potty so I stopped again. Low and behold, there was a long blade of grass stuck in just the wrong place and as soon as I removed it, the sensations of a UTI were gone.
I runfess: Foam rolling in padded biking shorts doesn’t work well when trying to target the Glutes. 🤣
I runfess: I have been really bad about hydrating properly the last few weeks and I don’t know why. I normally drink water like a boss, but I’ve been totally off my game.
There you have it, my most recent runfessions; and you can bet that it feels good to get another set off of my chest! See you next month in the runfessional.
- Questions:
- • Have you ever caused any self inflicted pain while running?
- • Do you hydrate properly?
- • What are your runfessions?
Today I’m linking up with Marcia at Marcia’s Healthy Slice for her monthly Runfessions linkup. Be sure to check out her blog and those of the other great bloggers linking up.
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Haha that blade of grass story!!! I bet it was uncomfortable!
Don’t even get me started about the weather. Training for my April trail race has become a joke. The trails are either icy or muddy.
It was extremely uncomfortable!
Hope the weather turns better soon for training for you.
Lol. That made me chuckle.
Nope I never remember to drink water.
Our weather has tanked. Snow sleet freezing temps.
I runfess. I am secretly happen.
Stay safe in that crappy weather!
* happy not happen.
LOL on the grass in your ass — couldn’t resist that rhyme!
My worst race equipment malfunction was with a new, ill-fitting hydration pack. I guess I deserved it for breaking the nothing-new-on-race-day rule.
Well, the grass wasn’t exactly in my a$$…
Ouch on the hydration pack malfunction.
Ha ha on the grass blade story! Sometimes you just gotta go. Glad to see you back at Runfessions
Thanks, Deborah!
I suppose a blade of grass in the wrong place > a UTI but still! Haha! I’ve only had to pull off for some business “off in the weeds” once in my running career and I want to keep it that way. Thanks for ‘fessing!
That blade of grass pain certainly lasted a lot less than a UTI. 😉
Thanks for hosting!
As someone who makes regular pitstops into the bushes, I’m laughing at that blade of grass story. That’s never happened to me, but once while I was, ahem, squatting, SOMETHING bit me- I’m guessing a spider because I had a huge, uncomfortable bite high up on my leg, right near my butt. Now I’m pretty careful about canvassing the area first.
I’m glad I’m not alone with the pitstops. 😉 And ouch on the spider bite!
I laughed so hard! That’s hysterical!
I hydrate better than i used to, os we will just go with that.
Cherry Blossom is on my bucket list. I really want to do that race.
You should try to run the Cherry Blossom 10-Miler sometime. It’s a great race despite the chance of wayward blades of grass creating havoc! 😉
Love the frog in the snow! I would totally have played hooky for that weather (if we ever had something THAT nice at this time of year, which obviously we do not).
Yikes on the grass! I can’t even imagine how uncomfortable that was.
I do hydrate well, but I’ve been really off this month on a lot of habits — and I really don’t know why! Things I do all the time. It’s weird.
So that frog was a Walgreens find from several years ago. I bought three in different yoga poses, each about $3 because they were on sale. 🙂
OK that blade of grass story is priceless! I am sure that was pretty uncomfortable.
My hydration game needs some work right now – and so do my eating habits…basically I need a hard reset! LOL.
Yep, not comfortable at all! LOL
Same here, my hydration and eating could use some work…
GLad it wasn’t a UTI.
Wish you were running cherry blossom with us, but hopefully we can meet up?
Love snowy yoga frog
Yes, I’d love to try to meet up with you while you’re in town!
I’ll text you so we can figure out what works. Yay!
I’m going to try commenting again…the blogosphere seems to not be liking me today, LOL Anyways, I have never suffered any trauma from wayward blades of grass, but I have gotten a lot of scrapes and scratches from blazing a trail through the brush for a potty stop. I think it was at DAM to DSM, last summer, I had a nasty scratch that drew blood!
I have no idea what happened to your previous comment. I checked to make sure that I didn’t fail to approve it, and I don’t see it in spam either. Sorry about whatever happened to it.
Ouch on the bloody injury making your way to a pit stop.
You should runfess more often, Debbie! 😉
I need to collect some of my mishaps.
One happened yesterday: I bought a skipping rope and tried it out. After a few seconds, one end of the rope came loose. I realized that the end part had come off, the one that keeps the handle attached to the rope. I tried to glue it together but that didn’t work.
When I brought it back, the store manager explained to me that there was a screw missing. It must have been loose when I started skipping and then flew off without me noticing.
Nonetheless, he granted me a replacement. This time, I made sure both screws were tight!
LOL, Catrina! My biggest runfession can only be told over drinks because it’s that embarassing!
I’m glad the manager agreed to exchange the jumprope for you. The screw was probably loose when you purchased it.