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Cutting Back
It had been two years since I’d had a skin cancer diagnosis, and for me, that’s a long time. I’m grateful to have an amazing dermatologist who recommended I take a daily dose of skin health supplements which has seemed to slow the frequency of my body growing skin cancers. Unfortunately, though, he found a basal cell carcinoma on my most recent full body skin check and I had it removed on Tuesday morning. As a result, I stepped back a bit on my workouts while letting the incision heal.
Overview of the Week
Before getting into each day’s workouts, here’s an overview of my workouts from this past week. Scroll beyond the infographic for daily details…
Walking: 3 miles
• Average pace: 14:32 minute/mile
• Elevation gain: 59 feet
• Start time: 7:53 AM
• Location: neighborhood streets
• Weather: 60° and sunny
• What I wore: shorts, s/s t-shirt, and visor
Cycling: 5 miles
• Average speed: 11.8 MPH
• Bike: Salsa Warbird
• Surface: paved
• Elevation gain: 182 feet
• Start time: 8:49 AM
• Location: neighborhood streets
• Weather: 65° and sunny
• What I wore: shorts and s/s t-shirt
With a family barbecue scheduled for the afternoon, my husband and I didn’t have time for a longer bike ride so I got out for a walk and a solo token ride.
Strength training: 1 hour of total body
Pablo and his humans were still visiting and when I had a mid-day client cancelation I was able to spend a little time with the Pabster.
Running: 3 miles
• Average pace: 10:22 minute/mile
• Elevation gain: 153 feet
• Start time: 5:20 AM
• Location: neighborhood circle
• Weather: 61° and clear
• What I wore: shorts and s/s t-shirt
Walking: 2 miles
• Average pace: 15:20 minute/mile
• Elevation gain: 75 feet
• Start time: 6:00 AM
• Location: neighborhood circle
• Weather: 60° and clear
• What I wore: shorts and s/s t-shirt
With surgery scheduled at 8:30 AM to remove a basal cell carcinoma from the back of my left shoulder, I headed out super early for my run and walk. Later in the afternoon I taught a 2-hour fitness machines orientation class at the 55+ gym. I wasn’t able to demo as much as I’d hoped so I asked my students to volunteer and they loved it.
Strength training: 10 minutes of core
Walking: 2 miles
• Average pace: 16:44 minute/mile
• Elevation gain: 132 feet
• Start time: 4:50 PM
• Location: neighborhood trails
• Weather: 82° and sunny
• What I wore: shorts, s/s t-shirt, and visor
Even though I’d planned to do a lower body workout, I decided not to push it and only did a few core exercises. After work I walked rather than driving to complete a few errands.
Walking: 5K
• Average pace: 15:23 minute/mile
• Elevation gain: 139 feet
• Start time: 6:02 AM
• Location: neighborhood circle
• Weather: 55° and clear
• What I wore: shorts, tank, and gloves
Still choosing to take it easy, I walked while Kim ran and then walked. After several weeks of it being warmer in Iowa than Virginia, our temps were warmer at 55° to Iowa’s 50°
Strength training: 1 hour of total body
Balance and stretching: 45 minutes
I got a little creative with some of my upper body exercises and performed them only on my right side; other exercises I skipped altogether.
Cycling: 20 miles
• Average speed: 15.4 MPH
• Bike: Life Fitness Lifecycle GX Spin
• Surface: N/A
• Elevation gain: N/A
• Start time: 9:13 AM
• Location: basement
• Weather: 70° in basement; 59°, rainy, and windy outside
• What I wore: bike shorts and jog bra
I was thankful to have a spin bike (affiliate link) option since I wasn’t supposed to ride outside until after getting my stitches out. The fact that the weather outside was crappy made it even easier to stay inside.
During the afternoon I taught my 2-hour fitness machines orientation class at the 55+ gym (I teach it twice a month). Because I demonstrate how to use the machines on the lightest weight, I was able to do the demos myself without it bothering my shoulder.
Last Week’s Blog Posts
In case you skipped checking in on my blog this past week, here’s what you missed…
- • Sunday – Weekly RunDown: September 24 – 30 / From Rain to Fall Weather Perfection
- • Friday – Catching Up Over Coffee: Unveiling of DIY Projects, Nurturing Houseplants, and Sticking with My Spanish Lessons
- • First off, what the heck happened to my comment section last week? If you tried to comment only to find there was no way to do so, thank you for trying. If you blog, did you have any issues with the WordPress update?
- • This is a public service announcement: Do you get your skin checked regularly? ~ Yes, I get a full body check three times a year.
- • Which workouts were your most enjoyable, toughest, and/or memorable? ~ I loved riding my bike on Sunday for five relaxing miles instead of pushing hard like I usually do. And of course, I always look forward to my weekly virtual cardio workout with Kim.
- • Did you run in race this weekend? ~ No
And that’s my rundown… Have a great week!
I’m linking up with Deborah at Confessions of a Mother Runner and Kim from Running on the Fly for their Weekly Run Down. Be sure to check out not only the hosts’ posts, but those of the other great bloggers joining in on the fun!
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means if you click on the blue product link and then make a purchase, I will receive a small commission for referring you. You will pay no more or less for the product; however, Amazon will show their gratitude for my referral by paying me.
Glad your blog is back working! I have had a skin cancer mole removed as well a few years back. It is so important to stay on top of check ups. Smart idea to cut back a bit and heal. I am learning more and more how important that is
Me, too! It was weird and I had no idea that the comment section didn’t even show up until Kim texted me. It’s not one of the things I check on when I proof my blog and the comment area doesn’t show up in edit mode.
I’m learning quickly that the older I get, the longer it takes to heal. 🙁
I’m sorry about the skin cancer removal — but you were still plenty active!
There were so many places I wish I could’ve gone this week, but neither my husband nor Bandit would be able to do those things. That was the frustrating part of the getaway. Bandit has an excuse . . . .
Love that photo of Pablo! Awesome!
Thanks, Judy!
I always enjoy our Thursday morning meet-ups, even if it means another 4:30 wake-up for me 😉 It’s ALWAYS worth it, plus I get the bonus of a great mojo boost for the day. Win-Win!!
Me, too! I’ll miss our workout tomorrow morning. See you in two weeks!
Oh yes… I think I did have trouble commenting last week now that you mention it.
Glad you got the skin situation taken care of. I’m overdue for a visit to the dermatologist, so thank you for the reminder! It looks like you were getting back to normal by the end of the week. And of course you still got out there for your walk/run/chat with Kim (very important!). Hope everything is healed up soon.
Thanks, Jenny! And yes, go see your dermotologist!
I do get full skin checks, but just once a year. My Mom just had a Mohs procedure last week.
Pablo looks so regal in the sunshine!
Hope your mom is healing nicely.
I’m so sorry to hear about your skin cancer–hopefully, that surgery got it and you can move forward.
I’ve had more problems with the WP update on the blogs that use the basic commenting format–it doesn’t load properly on my Mac and I have to go through several steps to get my comment to post. Blogger will be handing us over to Squarespace next year and that will be interesting.
Thanks, Wendy! My biopsy came back with clear margins. 🙂
Hope your transition to Squarespace goes smoothly.
Yay for a functioning comment section!
Kudos on your DIY projects that you showed in your last post – they look stunning.
I’m terrified of skin cancer – so sorry you have to deal with it. But you have it under control, which is the most important thing.
Does your dermatologist prescribe or recommend a particular suncream?
Thanks, Catrina! I’ve been dealing with skin cancer for about 25 years and with regular trips to my dermatologist everything has gotten caught early. I use a lot of Neutrogena sun products because they’re relatively inexpensive and my skin doesn’t break out (especially my face). One of the lines my dermatologist carries in his office is EltaMD which I also use.
Hooray. Glad your blog is back in working order.
Sorry about your skin cancer but happy you are catching things early.
Lucky for you that you are still able to stay active.
Hope you are back to the normal routine soon.
My most fun workouts are with friends but unfortunately the weather kept them away and I was solo for 14 miles. No race until Nov 5!!
Thanks, Darlene! Bummer that you didn’t have any friends to join you for your 14-mile run. 🙁
Sorry about your skin cancer. I removed a malignant melanoma 30 years ago and since then I regularly check my skin.
Pablo is very beautiful!
All the best.
Glad to hear you caught your melanoma early – that’s the key!
And thanks, I think Pablo is pretty handsome, too!
Looks like you are back with comments! Yay!
I don’t get a skin check. I guess I should add that in. I have a few super fair, super red headed friends, and they are absolutely dedicated to getting checked out. Hope you are back to 100% soon.
Thanks, Jenn! And yes, I’m happy to have a functioning blog again. 🙂
3 times a year! I do once a year right now. Most recently they claimed that they did a full mole mapping to track any changes. Hope you’re all healed up quickly!
Thanks, Jessie! I started out getting a full body skin check once a year, but at one visit the doctor found ten basal cells so I started going quarterly. They’ve slowed down so now I get checked three times a year.
I’m sorry to hear about the recent finding but I’m really glad you have an awesome dermatologist!
I love the graphic you made! I really need to up my consistency in pretty much everything that I’m doing, haha. (Slowly getting better though!)
My most memorable/tough workout in the recent-ish past was biking up/down Mount Diablo (was not a fun way to discover that I’m terrified of speeding downhill on a mountain with not-that-much-control — I had a panic attack while cycling down, hahaha. :[ )
I don’t get skin checks but I do check myself as best I can at least once a month!
Glad your comment section is working again!
Thanks, Farrah! Yes, I really like my dermatologist – I’ve seen him since my first skin cancer diagnosis 25 years ago so he knows my history well.
Oh no to your panic attack while riding down Mount Diablo. I would probably love careening down that mountain. LOL