Disclaimer: This Exploring Mohonk Preserve by Bike recap contains affiliate links…


Changing the Route Along the Way

With cooler early morning temps and no need to beat the heat, the weather allowed for a later start. From the very beginning we made changes to the route as we rolled along, opting to save the opening out-and-back to the Rosendale Trestle Bridge until the end of the ride, allowing us to cut off about 15 miles if we were too tired to ride that section after climbing in the preserve.

Leaving from our hotel, we were rolling by 10 AM and had a chilly mostly downhill tour of the outskirts of New Paltz, NY as we made our way to the River-to-Ridge Trail. From there we rode along a gravel trail in wide open fields and warmed up nicely.

Once we got into Mohonk Preserve our first climb of just over 3.5 miles started. The trail surface changed from easy gravel carriage roads to grassy single track to super steep and washed out rocky sections. The mixed surfaces kept it interesting and challenging until we reached the reward at the top, beautiful vistas on a crisp fall day.

Although our Ride with GPS route was loaded on our Garmins (affiliate link), with so many intersecting trails, it was hard to guess where to turn and very confusing trying to stay on the right path. When our route took us to a trail with a “No Bikes” sign, we had no choice but to head in the opposite direction.

At this point, we had to scramble to find another route and unfortunately couldn’t figure out a way to get to Lake Minnewaska State Park which was up next on the planned route. Not all was lost and we still enjoyed riding past the gorgeous Mohonk Mountain House before making our way off the mountain.

Because we’d been forced to skip a large segment of the ride thanks to the carriage trail being closed to bikes, our legs were still pretty fresh so we rode out to the trestle bridge along the Wallkill Valley Trail and the Empire State Trail.


Ride Overview
  • • Ride Name: 70-NewPaltzRosedaleMohonkMountain
  • • Location: Mohonk Mountain, Empire State and Wallkill Valley Rail Trails
  • • Start/Finish: New Paltz, New York Hampton Inn
  • • Course Type: Out-and-back with some elongated loops
  • • Course Surface: gravel
  • • Bike: Salsa Warbird
  • • Distance: 41.52 miles
  • • Time: 4:19:15
  • • Average Speed: 9.6 MPH
  • • Maximum Speed: 27.1 MPH
  • • Elevation Gain: 2,343 feet
  • • Elevation Range: 182 to 1,455 feet
  • • Temperature Range: 53° to 70°
  • • Ride with GPS: Link to turn-by-turn navigation cue sheet
  • • Course Map:


Fun Pictures From Along the Way

Most of the following pictures were taken with my iPhone (affiliate link); however, a special shoutout goes to my husband Bill who captured pictures while riding with his Insta 360 camera (affiliate link).

Early on we had to make a little detour…


The section of the River to Ridge Trail through the open fields was quite pretty…


Sky Top Tower, just a spec along the ridge in the center of the picture, was one destination…


Beautiful carriage trails…


Entering Mohonk Preserve…


Pausing a half mile into our first climb to take a picture of my Garmin’s (affiliate link) category color guide segments (based on length and gradient) – we don’t see those dark burgundy super steep sections near home…


BTW, don’t trust the porta potty on the map, it’s locked and available for authorized personnel only…


While stopped to pay $20 each to Mohonk Preserve for use of the trail, another couple passing by asked what we were doing. They thought it was outrageous to have to pay and said it would be illegal in Europe where they were from to pay to hike or use a park. We did not hang around to see whether or not they payed…


Beautiful lake…


Still in the 3+ mile climb and approaching a burgundy category color guide, I paused for another picture before tackling the steep, washed out trail that humbled us when we had to stop and push our bikes for a short distance…


We didn’t risk filling up our water bottles from the spring where the New York health department couldn’t vouch for the safety of the water…


At the fork in the trail, even though our Ride with GPS route included the carriage trail where this sign was posted, we are rule followers and turned around to take the trail in the opposite direction…


Eventually, we were treated to magnificent views…


And a little farther along the trail we came upon the Mohonk Mountain House grounds. We saved riding past the house for later and turned onto a carriage road that headed on up the mountain…


A little climbing brought us to a beautiful view of the glacial Lake Mohonk…


And a closer view of Sky Top Tower…


By the time we’d ridden back down to the Mohonk Mountain House, we ridden 11.49 miles and already climbed 1,443 feet.


Mohonk Mountain house from behind…


Heading back down the mountain we paused for a picture…


Velvety moss…


Leaf covered carriage road, but not for long…


While riding back down the mountain, we heard a loud noise coming up the carriage trail. We pulled over and waited until we soon saw a tractor with a leaf blower attached to the back clearing the trail. Our $20 day-use fees were being put to good use.


Ah, yes, much safer being able to see the trail surface…


And speaking of the trail surface, there was a grassy section between the carriage trails and a rather rough and washed out steep rocky section…


Babbling brooks with little waterfalls…


Cows along the trail just outside the preserve…


Back on River to Ride Trail…


Once off the mountain, we decided to ride out to the trestle bridge on the Empire State Trial / Wallkill Valley Rail Trail…


Not the trestle bridge, just a cool bridge along the way…


Grateful the trail cut through these rocks rather than going over them.,..


The Rosendale Trestle bridge!


Heading back to our hotel along the Empire State Trial / Wallkill Valley Rail Trail…


Garmin Stats

Post-ride Garmin (affiliate link)


Garmin map and graphs…


Final Thoughts on the Ride

I would have much preferred to ride our original route staying on the mountain climbing and skipping the rail trail ride out to the trestle bridge; however, that wasn’t meant to be. Even with not being able to climb the second segment, the route was plenty challenging and gave us a little bit of everything.

We were in upstate New York about two weeks before peak leaf color, but the mountain was still beautiful with just a hint of yellow, orange, and red. The weather was exceptional and that was greatly appreciated.


  • • Have you visited Mohonk Preserve? ~ This was my first visit.
  • • Would you rather ride, run, or hike on carriage trails on a mountain or a rail trail? ~ I’d rather be up in the mountains unless I was doing a long training run for a road marathon and then I’d prefer the rail trail.
  • • Do you stop and relax occasionally to fuel or take pictures, or barrel on through when on a long run or ride? ~ Pictures, always pictures, unless I’m racing!


Disclaimer:  This post contains affiliate links which means if you click on the blue product link and then make a purchase, I will receive a small commission for referring you. You will pay no more or less for the product; however, Amazon will show their gratitude for my referral by paying me.