It’s time to sit down once again with a beverage of your choice and chat – I’ll remind you that I don’t like coffee or tea so my drink of choice today will be water. Let’s chat about things other than just running, cycling, strength training, yoga, and complaining about our most recent injuries. Sound good? I’ll go first…


If we were having coffee…..

I’d tell you that my husband and I have been on a roll registering for bike races and events. I’ve never raced on a bike so this will be completely new to me. Don’t be impressed, I’ll still be back of the pack. The only real difference is that I plan to train harder, and during the race, not spend as long at the aid stations socializing with friends. The following tours and races are ones we’re committed to riding, but there are a couple of others we’re considering…

May 4 – Rockbridge Gravel Grinder (42 miles)

May 11 – Gravel Grinder Nationals (100 miles) (race)

June 9 – Loudoun 1725 Gravel Grinder (40 miles)

July 13 – GRUSK (Gravel Ride up Spruce Knob – WV highest point) (50 miles) (race)

August 17 – Burkes Garden Century (100 miles)

September 28 – Tour de Conservation Easement (65 miles)


If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you that for Christmas, my husband gave me three really cool books. Let the planning commence!


If we were having coffee…..

I’d tell you that I recently bought a phone stand that folds up flat like a credit card (Kim first told me about it after seeing something similar on social media). Flattened, it easily slips into my capri pocket when I run or walk and my jersey back pocket when I ride. Gone are the days of me looking for a rock or stick to prop my phone against for a selfie.


If we were having coffee…..
I’d tell you about Pablo’s promotion to CTO (chief therapy officer). When he’s visiting us he loves to go down to the basement to our gym and hang out with my clients. One day he plopped down on the mat at my client’s head and used his paw to bring the clients hands forward for a scratch. I later thanked my client for his patience and indulging Pablo. My client told me he could feel himself relaxing and was sure his blood pressure had dropped while petting Pablo. On the spot, Pablo was given a promotion!


If we were having coffee…..
I’d ask if you have any races coming up, and if so, I’d wish you good luck and to have a fun time!


  • Questions:
  • • If you take your camera on runs, walks, or rides, what do you use to prop up your phone? ~ I also have a little tripod, but it’s too bulky to carry very far.
  • • Have you had any pet therapy recently? ~ My pet therapist went home on Saturday. 🙁
  • • If we were having coffee, what would you tell me?