~ Runfessions ~
A collection of statements admitting
that one is guilty of a variety of running crimes…


It’s time again to join in on the fun and clear my conscience of recent running, biking, fitness, nutrition, and life in general faux pas. I know I’ll feel better when I’m done, and maybe, just maybe, I’ll give you a laugh or two in the process!


I runfess: I am not loyal to any particular running shoe brand and buy what feels comfortable. I ran all of my marathons in ASICS; however, shortly thereafter I switched to Brooks which felt just as good, but were prettier. Soon Brooks no longer worked for me (and neither did ASICS by that point) so I tried New Balance and then Altras. Recently, my physical therapist suggested I try Hoka’s so I’m now giving them a try, and so far, so good. Of course, I’m not running at the moment, but they’re quite comfortable for working and walking.

I was thrilled when the Potomac River Running sales guy suggested I try women’s wide in the Bondi 8, the shoe I liked best and I didn’t have to resort to the drabber men’s color in order to get more width in the toe box. It may look like I’ve got a giant Easter egg on each foot, but I love the color.


I runfess: One morning during my virtual cardio workout with Kim, our call started breaking up and I wondered if Kim had walked to an area she normally didn’t go to because we always have a good connection – I was still on our neighborhood circle. It wasn’t until our call dropped and I reached into my SPIbelt to get out my phone to call her back that I realized that I’d left my phone on the kitchen counter. I have to admit that I was impressed with the range my AirPods reached before losing connection.


I bikefess: While stopped at Maverick Bikes and Cafe during a ride I ordered a hot chocolate because I thought it would take the mechanic 15-30 minutes to fix an issue I was having with my chain dropping. It ended up being a quick fix and he rolled the bike out after a couple of minutes. We chatted while I sipped my drink and enjoyed Girl Scout cookies another employee had offered us – it was a regular party in there. I even took a picture of my hot chocolate and bike to post to Instagram stories.

I finished my drink, dropped my empty cup in the trash, said my goodbyes, and rolled out of the shop. Once home, I realized that I hadn’t paid for my drink so I immediately called the shop and offered to give them a credit card number over the phone. The guy laughed and said not to worry about it. I’m an honest girl, so on my next ride I rode by the shop to pay for my drink. They refused to accept my money and told me that the drink was on the house. A little niceness goes a long way. I already liked the staff, but now I love them!


I walkfess: My older running Garmin has options for run, indoor run, bike, and other, with no walk option. Until recently, when I walked I quickly changed my Strava type of workout to walk so it didn’t look like I was running at a walking pace. Imagine my distress when I came in from a walk and Garmin Connect was down and I couldn’t change my “run” to “walk” before going into client sessions, knowing I wouldn’t have time to keep checking to see when the outage had been restored.


I additionally runfess that I recently changed Strava to be visible to me only until I have a chance to update the workout before making it visible to my followers. 😉


There you have it, my most recent runfessions; and you can bet that it feels good to get another set off of my chest! See you soon in the runfessional.


  • Questions:
  • • Do you get stressed out when Garmin or Strava are down? ~ sometimes, sometimes not
  • • Have you ever accidentally walked out without paying for something? ~ my hot chocolate was a first
  • • What are your runfessions?




Today I’m linking up with Marcia at Marcia’s Healthy Slice for her monthly Runfessions linkup.  Be sure to check out her blog and those of the other great bloggers linking up.


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