It’s time to sit down once again with a beverage of your choice and chat – I’ll remind you that I don’t like coffee or tea so my drink of choice today will be water. Let’s chat about things other than just running, cycling, strength training, yoga, and complaining about our most recent injuries. Sound good? I’ll go first…


If we were having coffee…..

I’d tell you that in the fall I was accepted as a Honey Stinger ambassador. I regularly use their chews and gels when on long rides, and in the past when running marathons and halves. I love the product because it’s one of the few that doesn’t upset my stomach when running.

Oddly, though, I’ve never received a welcome email, no fanfare, just two emails offering very generous discounts. I even created my own badge for my blog linking to their website because I do want to promote their products.

Photo from 2013

If we were having coffee…..

I’d tell you that I got my hair cut a couple of weeks ago and shorter than it’s been in years. After the Big Sur Marathon in 2001 where my hair doubled in size, I knew I needed to grow out the layers so I could pull it back in a ponytail to keep it under control.


Allan, my hair dresser who I’ve seen for years, knows to never cut my hair too short so I can’t pull it back into at least a short little ponytail, but this time he followed my instructions and added some layers just as I’d asked. With the summer humidity my hair has had a mind of its own while out walking/running these last two weeks. I managed to get it into the tiniest of high ponytails yesterday so things are looking up and I’m looking less wild. BTW, I really like the cut and it looks great when I flat iron it and stay clear of humidity.


If we were having coffee…..

I’d tell you that after having my hair stuffed under a bike hat and helmet for several hours it’s a mess of a different kind – sweaty and stuck to my head. I’ve started wearing cute baseball caps after our rides when we go out for lunch with our friends and just ordered this one from Etsy. Isn’t it cute?


If we were having coffee…..

I’d tell you that my husband and I watched professional gravel cyclist Dylan Johnson’s YouTube videos as we trained for our first bike race. With an exercise science degree, he breaks down all facets of cycling into easy to understand videos for even the most novice cyclist. In one episode he focused on drag and what can be done to avoid being slowed while racing. In other episodes he focuses on nutrition, weight training during the off season, etc.

Imagine our surprise when after Dylan placed 10th at Unbound 200 (that’s 200 miles) last Saturday, we learned that he’s the son of one of our Gravel Rat friends. So cool!


If we were having coffee…..

I’d ask if you have any races coming up, and if so, I’d wish you good luck and to have a fun time!


  • Questions:
  • • Bloggers, if you’re a Honey Stinger ambassador is this similar to what you’ve experienced?
  • • What kind of hair do you have: flat and limp, curly and frizzy, or no complaints? ~ curly and frizzy, but I can do wonders with a flat iron
  • • If we were having coffee, what would you tell me?