It’s time to sit down once again with a beverage of your choice and chat – I’ll remind you that I don’t like coffee or tea so my drink of choice today will be hot chocolate. Let’s chat about things other than just running, cycling, strength training, yoga, and complaining about our most recent injuries. Sound good? I’ll go first…


If we were having coffee…..

I’d tell you that the above picture is from 2022 because it’s currently so windy that I can’t keep my hot chocolate cup from blowing away in the 14 MPH winds with 25 MPH gusts.


If we were having coffee…..

I’d tell you that I’ve finished decorating for Christmas, my husband ordered our cards which should arrive soon, and most of our shopping is complete. I’ve done zero baking, but it’s my favorite thing to do for Christmas prep.


If we were having coffee…..

I’d tell you that last week while out on a walk, I witnessed a terrifying accident and was very lucky not to become a victim. After noticing a fire red bush still holding onto its fall color on the other side of the parkway from our little neighborhood circle, I decided to go take a picture. I had two options: turn right and walk a very short distance on the path paralleling the parkway before heading down another path to the tunnel that goes under the parkway, or to simply cross the street at grade. With very little traffic on the road the morning after Thanksgiving, I looked both ways, saw no cars, and began crossing.

By the time I got halfway to the median I saw a black car with a police car in chase come flying out of nowhere toward me (I’d heard the siren, but it sounded more like a house alarm). By the time I got to the median the black car had lost control and was sliding sideways straight toward me! I sprinted to the other side of the parkway without even looking to make sure there were still no cars coming from that direction because I knew I was in serious danger. The black car spun around heading back toward the direction from which I’d just come, crossed over the path I could have been walking on, and skinned three trees paralleling the parkway before crashing.

I was extremely lucky the car didn’t slide into me or that I didn’t dash out in front of oncoming traffic while fleeing the unfolding accident. And even though I experienced a close encounter on the parkway, thank goodness I’d decided to cross the street instead of walking down the trail to go through the tunnel; otherwise, I’d surely have been hit…

People from the nearby houses came rushing out to see what had happened. One of my neighbors saw me and came over to stay with me until I’d spoken with a sheriff’s deputy. While giving my witness statement, my neighbor went back to his house to get me a thermos of coffee. I thanked him profusely and felt badly telling him that I don’t like coffee…

I checked the sheriff’s office online incident reports and this accident wasn’t mentioned. I’m really curious as to what the bad guy had done to be that intent on evading the police and I’d really love to know how fast they were going (I’m guessing 80-90 MPH or faster, but that’s just a wild guess).


If we were having coffee…..

I’d ask if you have any races coming up, and if so, I’d wish you good luck and to have a fun time!


  • Questions:
  • • Has it been windy where you live? ~ It’s like March here!
  • • Do you like hot chocolate? ~ I love it with a shot of peppermint or almond flavoring.
  • • If we were having coffee, what would you tell me?