It’s time to sit down once again with a beverage of your choice and chat – I’ll remind you that I don’t like coffee or tea so my drink of choice today will be water. Let’s chat about things other than just running, cycling, strength training, yoga, and complaining about our most recent injuries. Sound good? I’ll go first…


If we were having coffee…..

I’d tell you that we’ve only had snow flurries and one light dusting of snow so far this winter, but we might be hunkering down if the European model is right and the east coast gets socked with the snow storm that’s forecasted to hit late Sunday into Monday. Last year we had no measurable snowfall.


If we were having coffee…..

I’d tell you that my husband gifted me with a paid Strava subscription for Christmas and the first thing it told me was that my workouts were below my normal average. Thanks, Strava, I can get that kind of disrespect from Garmin for free. 😉


If we were having coffee…..

I’d tell you that I also received a Tenikle flexible tentacle tripod (as seen on Shark Tank) for Christmas. Expect blog and Instagram pictures taken from more interesting angles in the future, especially if I can actually get it to stick to the wall…


If we were having coffee…..

I’d tell you that I have thoroughly been enjoying houseplants for the past few years. I took an indoor houseplants class as an elective my senior year of collage, but had gradually gotten away from the hobby until I started training a new client about five years ago who’s really into plants.

This pink Aglaonema is just one of my favorites. It’s waist-high and brings a smile to my face every time I walk by the room. Kim and I recently discovered our mutual love of houseplants and when comparing notes often wish we could share propagations.


If we were having coffee…..

I’d tell you that I wore these cute new black boots to a Christmas party (we walked to and from our friends’ house) and my feet were in a world of hurt the next day. They felt great when I tried them on, but by the end of the night they were cutting across my instep. I stretched them with 1-pound dumbbells and they felt great when I wore them a few nights later to Christmas Eve mass.

When a shoe cobbler isn’t available, dumbbells just might do the trick!


  • Questions:
  • • Do you enjoy houseplants? If so, what’s your favorite? ~ Currently this pink Aglaonema is my favorite.
  • • What’s the most creative “outside the box” way you’ve fixed something?
  • • If we were having coffee, what would you tell me?