Dumb Luck Brings Me to Finding that Pesky 15.1-Mile Discrepancy

Out of sheer dumb luck, I found the 15.1-mile cycling discrepancy between Strava and Garmin that I mentioned last week. I found it when I saw on my Garmin app’s year end review that I’d gone on a 15-mile run in September. No I didn’t. When I pulled up the day in question, Garmin showed that I’d gone on a 15.17-mile run at a 4:13 pace. I’d also gone on a 4.24-mile walk the same day and when editing my 4.24-mile run to a walk, I’d edited that day’s wrong event, accidentally changing a ride to a run instead. Remember, I have a basic Garmin watch that doesn’t have a walk feature so walks are recorded as runs and I have to manually go into Garmin Connect after my workout to make the correction.

Once that 15.17-mile run was switched back to a bike ride again, Garmin and Strava’s cycling miles for the year matched. Now I can sleep better! 😉


Exploring Segments of America

With 2024 in the rearview mirror, I’m looking forward to an exciting 2025 with three planned road trips which will include touring another chunk of the USA on our gravel bikes!

  • • Late January to early February – Florida
  • • Late June to mid July – gulf coast states, north to Utah, north to Wyoming, home through the midwest
  • • Early October – New England


Overview of the Week

Before getting into each day’s workouts, here’s an overview of my workouts from this past week. Scroll beyond the infographic for daily details…



Cycling: 34 miles
• Bike: Life Fitness Lifecycle GX Spin
• Average speed: 16.6 MPH
• Surface: N/A
• Elevation gain: N/A
• Start time: 8:53 AM
• Location: basement
• Weather: 66° in basement, 57° and mostly cloudy outside
• What I wore: bike shorts and sports bra

Walking: 2.06 miles
• Average pace: 14:41 minute/mile
• Elevation gain: 79 feet
• Start time: 1:58 PM
• Location: neighborhood circle
• Weather: 67°, mostly cloudy, and windy
• What I wore: capris and s/s shirt

I slept in until almost 8 AM, did a few things around the house and then hopped on my spin bike without any distance in mind. After my ride, I procrastinated (read my book) and eventually made my way out for a walk. I couldn’t believe how delightfully warm it was, even with quite the breeze kicking around.



Strength training: 1 hour of total body

Walking: 3.26 miles
• Average pace: 14:47 minute/mile
• Elevation gain: 60 feet
• Start time: 3:14 PM
• Location: neighborhood streets
• Weather: 59° and sunny
• What I wore: capris, s/s shirt, and nylon shell

I dropped my car off at a nearby shop and went for a walk while it was getting its annual safety inspection – I love being able to make good use of my time!



Cycling: 22 miles
• Bike: Life Fitness Lifecycle GX Spin
• Average speed: 16.3 MPH
• Surface: N/A
• Elevation gain: N/A
• Start time: 5:34 AM
• Location: basement
• Weather: 61° in basement, 33° and mostly clear outside
• What I wore: bike shorts and sports bra

Christmas undecorating: 2 hours

I started taking down our Christmas decorations by carrying items to the basement which gave me lots of additional steps up and down the stairs. I wrapped things up at 4 PM when overnight guests arrived to help celebrate New Year’s Eve. After an evening of pizza making and cookie baking we tucked our little guests into bed by 8:45 and I was asleep before 10 PM.



Strength training: 15 minutes of core

Walking: 2.06 miles
• Average pace: 15:31 minute/mile
• Elevation gain: 108 feet
• Start time: 3:30 PM
• Location: neighborhood circle
• Weather: 43° (feels like 39°) and mostly sunny
• What I wore: capris, s/s shirt, fleece jacket, knit hat, and mittens over gloves

Christmas undecorating: 6+ hours

For the third Wednesday in a row, fitting a full hour lifting session didn’t fit into my busy schedule. Our New Year’s Eve guests didn’t leave until around 11 AM (a good thing) and then I was all over continuing to take our Christmas decorations down and packing them away for the next eleven months.

I’m not going to lie, I hadn’t planned to fit a walk into my busy day until I saw Kim’s shinny Garmin badge and decided to go out and earn my own.



Cycling: 17 Miles
• Bike: Life Fitness Lifecycle GX Spin
• Average speed: 16.3 MPH
• Surface: N/A
• Elevation gain: N/A
• Start time: 5:34 AM
• Location: basement
• Weather: 62° in basement, 36° (feels like 29°) and clear outside
• What I wore: bike shorts and sports bra

Christmas undecorating: 4 hours

After a fun morning spin with Kim, I trained one client and then it was time to tackle the rest of our Christmas undecorating, well almost all of it.

Our Christmas tree isn’t that huge – 7.5-feet tall – but it’s chocked full with many years of memories hanging from every branch. My mom and dad gave me an ornament every year from 1976 until Covid hit, my husband and I buy an ornament while on many or our trips (always at a national park), and there are an assortment of homemade ornaments from my craftier days and our sons’ elementary school years. Taking them down isn’t quick.


I moved the glass table with our large Nativity from the living room to the family room, placing the last piece of displaced furniture back in its original space. The Nativity will be a quick take down after the Epiphany.



Strength training: 1 hour of total body

Balance and stretching: 45 minutes



Cycling: 53 miles
• Bike: Life Fitness Lifecycle GX Spin
• Average speed: 16.3 MPH
• Surface: N/A
• Elevation gain: N/A
• Start time: 7:21 AM
• Location: basement
• Weather: 62° in basement, 27° (feels like 19°) and clear outside
• What I wore: bike shorts and sports bra

I had no plan for how far I’d ride, but was on a roll (not literally LOL) so I just kept going. There have been rumblings from my husband that he’d like to ride 500 miles per month in 2025 and once an idea gets planted in my head… Wait, didn’t I declare about two weeks ago that I need to chill on the long indoor rides? Hopefully, we’ll have some nice days and I can get back outside soon.


  • • Do you set goals or resolutions for the year? ~ My goals are usually to keep up with regular strength and cardio workouts, but this year my husband may influence me to set a distance goal in cycling (rather than waiting until early December like 2024, LOL).
  • • What was your most productive workout of the week? ~ If taking down Christmas decorations counts as a workout… 😉
  • • Did you run in a race this weekend? ~ no


And that’s my rundown… Have a great week!