The Beauty of Snow Days

I’ll be the first to admit that I love a pretty snowfall. Growing up in the mountains of southwest Virginia we got plenty of snow. I have fond memories of riding a sled without stopping from my dad’s dairy barn right down the middle of the gravel road to our house about a half mile away or snurfing on the hill behind my grandmother’s house.

My mom, a teacher, would also have snow days off and we’d make homemade doughnuts, whoopie pies, etc. I carried on the tradition with our sons, baking cookies or some other delicious treat while enjoying a day off.

As much as I enjoyed those snow days and look forward to our first snowfall each winter, I tire of it quickly and yearn for spring. Last week gave us two snowfalls and now I’m looking forward to seeing our first Robins and have my fingers crossed that the groundhog doesn’t see his shadow.


Overview of the Week

Before getting into each day’s workouts, here’s an overview of my workouts from this past week. Scroll beyond the infographic for daily details…



Cycling: 50 miles
• Bike: Life Fitness Lifecycle GX Spin
• Average speed: 17.2 MPH
• Surface: N/A
• Elevation gain: N/A
• Start time: 8:26 AM
• Location: basement
• Weather: 62° in basement, 24° (feels like 17°) and mostly clear outside
• What I wore: bike shorts and sports bra

Walking: 2.05 miles
• Average pace: 14:42 minute/mile
• Elevation gain: 110 feet
• Start time: 12:56 PM
• Location: neighborhood circle
• Weather: 33° (feels like 25°) and mostly sunny, turning partly cloudy
• What I wore: leggings, l/s shirt, puffer jacket, knit hat, and mittens over gloves

I was lucky enough to be joined by Kim for the first half of the ride on my spin bike. A little later I headed out for a walk, not sure that would be possible the following day. My cold hands reminded me that I needed to recharge the batteries in my heated gloves.



Strength training: 1 hour of total body

Walking: 2.05 miles
• Average pace: 17:40 minute/mile
• Elevation gain: 93 feet
• Start time: 11:15 AM
• Location: neighborhood circle
• Weather: 25° and snowing
• What I wore: leggings, l/s shirt, puffer jacket, knit hat, boots, and heated gloves

I got outside for a walk between two heavy snow bands. At that time the snow was about 4 inches deep, but we eventually got around 6 inches, short of our forecasted 8 to 10 inches. The snow was fluffy and it wasn’t the least bit slick. A snow plow had already made one trip around our circle, skimming the top layer of snow which gave me a great place to walk.

I saw neighbors out snow blowing their driveways, neighbors I rarely see outside. I may not have been fast, but it was a really nice walk.



Cycling: 25 miles
• Bike: Life Fitness Lifecycle GX Spin
• Average speed: 15.9 MPH
• Surface: N/A
• Elevation gain: N/A
• Start time: 6:29 AM
• Location: basement
• Weather: 60° in basement, 22° (feels like 8°) and clear outside
• What I wore: bike shorts and sports bra

Snow shoveling: 10 minutes

After cycling in our cozy basement, I did a little touch up shoveling on our driveway where the snow plow had thrown large chunks of snow onto the apron overnight (rather than shoveling, we had paid teenagers next door to shovel our driveway, walk, and front porch). They did a great job, but the snow plow undid some of their work.

I started out on a short walk, but turned around almost immediately when I slipped on the icy street. I maintained my balance, but didn’t want to temp fate and carefully made my way back to our house.



Strength training: 1 hour of total body

Snow Shoveling: 7 minutes

Once again I got outside to do some snow shoveling. As I mentioned, we’d hired the teenagers next door to shovel our driveway, but I hadn’t had them do the public sidewalk. I’d forgotten it the day before so it was on my agenda, plus the snow that slid off of our roof and onto our driveway and walkway. Even though the sun was shining brightly, it was too cold for the once slushy, now icy snow to budge. I should have done it the afternoon before…



Cycling: 55 Miles
• Bike: Life Fitness Lifecycle GX Spin
• Average speed: 16.4 MPH
• Surface: N/A
• Elevation gain: N/A
• Start time: 5:30 AM
• Location: basement
• Weather: 58° in basement, 22° (feels like 13°) and clear outside; 63° in basement, 26° (feels like 17°) and sunny outside
• What I wore: bike shorts and sports bra

Kim and I met for our weekly virtual cardio workout. After we said our goodbyes I continued spinning until I reached 40 miles at about the same time my client arrived. Once she left I finished up my ride with an additional 15 miles.



Strength training: 1 hour of total body

Walking: 2 miles
• Average pace: 14:28 minute/mile
• Elevation gain: N/A
• Start time: 9:28 AM
• Location: basement
• Weather: 65° in basement, 25° (feels like 17°) and partly cloudy outside
• What I wore: shorts and sports bra

Snow Shoveling: 8 minutes

Balance and stretching: 45 minutes

Our side streets and trails still had patchy ice so I walked on my treadmill even though I really didn’t want to be inside. To get some fresh air I shoveled a pathway on our deck for my clients with the hopes of them eventually being able to resume entering through the basement door. After that, I was off to teach my balance and stretching class at the 55+ community.



Snow Shoveling: 1 hour

Cycling: 12 miles
• Bike: Life Fitness Lifecycle GX Spin
• Average speed: 17.2 MPH
• Surface: N/A
• Elevation gain: N/A
• Start time: 3:59 PM
• Location: basement
• Weather: 68° in basement, 35° (feels like 30°) and mostly sunny outside
• What I wore: bike shorts and sports bra

We woke up to about two inches of powdery fresh snow and I couldn’t wait to get outside to shovel, but first we had breakfast to make for our two little visitors who’d had a sleepover with us. I didn’t get on my bike until late in the afternoon after they’d gone home.


  • • Did you get snow this week? ~ Yes, twice.
  • • Did you have any workouts that you really didn’t want to do? ~ That rarely happens to me, but I really wasn’t feeling my treadmill walk on Friday or my spin on Saturday afternoon which made both feel even better to complete.
  • • Did you run in a race this weekend? ~ no


And that’s my rundown… Have a great week!