We’ve all heard the old adage, “If your cold is above the neck it’s okay to continue running and working out, but if it’s below the neck you should take some time off.” I decided to check in with WebMD and see if this bit of advice is still true today and found that indeed it is.

So why the sudden concern? I woke up yesterday feeling pretty rough and seriously considered going back to bed; however, I’d carefully planned my timing according to when friends were meeting me, so I decided to plow ahead and not let my friends down. In reality though, I was half hoping that I’d get to the parking lot after my friends had taken off and I could run at my own pace, taking walk breaks or even quitting if I felt like it.
Fortunately, that was not to be the case, and I quickly realized that in addition to my MRTT friends, some of my Cruiser friends were at the trail ready to run. It’s always great running with friends who you haven’t seen in a while, and catching up with these guys helped me take my mind off my afflictions.
We timed it so I’d be back at the parking lot after my first seven miles just as my good friends (and Cruisers) Shawn and Alan arrived for their three-mile run. By this time my sore throat and headache were raging and I debated on heading home.
Stubbornness won, and I headed back out on the trail telling myself it was only three more miles and I could nap once home. Shawn and Alan were kind enough to let me stop and rest for a few minutes at our turnaround and at least once on our way back because I was definitely struggling toward the end as compared to when I started.
Don’t let the smiles in the pictures fool you. Smiling helped me forget my headache, body ache, and a sore throat and get my run completed. I finished in a pool of sweat – possibly the worse ever for me. Once home and showered, I took a three hour nap.
Today I still feel crappy, but I’m happy to have gotten my run completed yesterday with a little help from my friends. I skipped my walk this morning and for the rest of the day, I’m resting and taking care of my body. I’m also hoping that this out-of-character August virus moves on quickly because I have big plans for later this week and they don’t include lying on the sofa moping.
Speaking of lying on the sofa taking it easy and not working out much today, here’s how my workouts went down earlier this week…

Fitness tools beyond the equipment in my gym that I used during the week included:
- Rodney Yee’s Complete Yoga For Beginners (affiliate link)
- Rodney Yee’s Intermediate Yoga (affiliate link)
- Rodney Yee’s Yoga Conditioning For Athletes (affiliate link)
- Teeter Hang Ups Inversion (affiliate link)
Cameras used for blog photography include:
- GoPro Hero 4 (affiliate link)
- Canon Power Shot Elph (affiliate link)
- iPhone 6S (affiliate link)
- Questions:
- Do you usually run through illnesses?
- Do you use a Fitbit or other type of tracker? ~ My replacement came in the mail on Thursday! Also I was able to glue my old one back together and I will save it for the future when I need to run in heavy rain.
- Did you race this weekend?
Have a great week!
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means if you click on the blue product link and then make a purchase, I will receive a commission for referring you. You will pay no more or less for the product; however, Amazon will show their gratitude for my referral by paying me.
I’m linking up with Holly at HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin for their Weekly Wrap. Be sure to check out not only the hosts, but the other great bloggers joining in on the fun!

My husband is really suffering with allergies this weekend. At least we think it’s allergies. I am trying to keep my distance from him . . . hope you are on the mend soon!
Thanks, Judy! Bill got sick on Tuesday with the same thing I have now. Great anniversary gift, no? LOL
Wow! You really pushed through those two runs. I hope you feel better soon. I get sore throats quite often. Thankfully, they don’t develop into anything else and I typically can run through. Anytime you get sick in the summer, it just feels so much worse! Thanks for linking, Deb!
Yep, summer illnesses seem so much worse than during the winter. I’m feeling much better already, but Bill is still fighting the same thing that he got a few days before me.
Glad to hear that you pushed through the workout. I was sick last week and luckily it only lasted for one day and I was back to normal. I had a fitbit and traded it in for an apple watch.
Glad to hear your bug only lasted one day. I’m definitely felling better already. Apparently, it’s going around because I know a few other people with the same thing.
As a medical provider, I don’t know if I agree with that above/below the neck adage. I think you really have to gauge how you feel! I’m pretty good about knowing when I can push it and when I can hold back. Hopefully most of us are pretty good at reading our bodies.
Feel better!
Yeah, obviously there are exceptions. If I had a raging sinus infection, I’d lie low, too. Whatever it is, it’s going around…
Hope you feel better soon! I know that if I skip a run, I am feeling really bad! Great week!
Thanks, Christy. Yeah, it usually takes a lot to keep us runners off the trail! 😉
Did I read that correctly…a 3-hour nap? WoW! I sometimes run through illness (I don’t get sick that often), but it depends on the severity. I do not wear a tracker (and seldom ever wear a GPS device) HA! I don’t have any races for until next month (a couple of 13.1’s). I do have my first-ever obstacle event next weekend, but I do NOT consider that a race because I will not be pushing my pace at all…I’ll be focusing on my footing and not spraining/twisting/breaking anything.
Yes, you did! I’d only gotten about five hours sleep the night before and we were entertaining that night so I knew I’d better get some food rest.
Good luck at your obstacle race! Those sound fun, but I’m a little bit chicken to do one. Ha!
I love your workout infographic – you did a great job! Hopefully you enjoyed that day of rest and are taking it easy to recover! Running with friends definitely helps when you’re not feeling the best!
Thanks, Janelle! I used a template, but I’m still very happy with it. I didn’t know where to start without a template. 🙂
I hope you feel better soon! And love your infographic. Rest up, friend!
Thanks, Courtney!
Wow, I think I would have stayed home if I was feeling that way. 🙂 I hope you feel better.
So, for the above pictures you took them with a selfie stick? Do you normally run with it?
I have a GoPro with a little tripod thing that expands into a self stick. It’s very cool! 🙂
I had known about that “rule” for running sick, but fortunately i’ve never had to cancel a schedule run due to illness. Of course I hope I can get through this next training cycle without being sick!
Fingers crossed that you didn’t just jinx yourself! 😉
It’s truly a toss-up on whether to continue or to not run at all. I think a summer time cold is way worse than a winter time one anyway. I hope it does leave as fast as it came!
Thanks, Trish! I’m already starting to feel pretty good, unlike my poor hubby who is still fighting it.
Hope you are feeling better!!! When I am sick, I take it easy. It’s usually my body’s way of telling me to slow it down when I get sick.
Thanks, Michelle! I think if I’d gotten sick on Friday evening I would have skipped, but since I’d lined up friends at different times to meet, I decided to go ahead and run.
For me it really depends on how bad I feel if I take a break from my workouts. There is just a certain level I get to where I know that I would be better served with a day off and some extra sleep.
Exactly – a good rule of thumb is to “listen to your body.”