It’s that time of year again when you can’t necessarily depend on the weather cooperating…
This week was all about being flexible and adapting my runs to the demands of winter approaching the mid-Atlantic region. Monday and Tuesday started the week off without causing any workout headaches, but the weather forecast for Thursday morning was dreadful enough to send a chill though our bones – enough so, that Angela texted our Thursday morning running group asking if anyone wanted to run on Wednesday before the single digit wind chill and 40 MPH winds of Thursday morning hit!
I immediately took Angela up on moving our running date a day earlier, but unfortunately, our other friends could not. We agreed to run a little slower since we’d run the day before, yet we finished our run at an 8:46 average pace – over 30 seconds faster than the previous day. Neither of us felt we were working that hard so it was all good.
I had planned to meet my MRTT friends for an early morning run on Saturday, but Mother Nature had other plans. She socked us in with a beautiful coating of ice making it treacherous to walk on the driveway, much less drive to meet my friends. I quickly adapted to plan B, stayed in the safely of our home, and hit the basement to run on my treadmill.

This coming week will be crazy with work, the usual last minute Christmas preparations, our family arriving into town, and my participation in the Real Runners Virtual Summit (more on that later).
Life threw a little curveball my way when I found out on Wednesday that I have a melanoma on my left cheek and go in for surgery tomorrow. Once again, we caught it in it’s earliest stage so I am abundantly grateful. I have no idea what to expect as to what restrictions my surgeon will give me when it comes to working out, so this coming week I may find myself with a little more time on my hands when I would normally be working out.
This past week, though, was another great week for moving, and here’s how it went down…
Fitness tools beyond the equipment in my gym that I used during the week included:
- Rodney Yee’s Complete Yoga For Beginners (affiliate link)
- Rodney Yee’s Intermediate Yoga (affiliate link)
- Rodney Yee’s Yoga Conditioning For Athletes (affiliate link)
- Teeter Hang Ups Inversion (affiliate link)
Cameras used for blog photography include:
- GoPro Hero 4 (affiliate link)
- Canon Power Shot Elph (affiliate link)
- iPhone 6S (affiliate link)
- And the occasional picture taken by Bill
- Questions:
- Do you let a little bad weather slow you down?
- What weather conditions do you refuse to run in? ~Ice and dangerous winds (especially if I’m running near trees) for me.
- Did you race this weekend?
Have a great week!
Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links which means if you click on the blue product link and then make a purchase, I will receive a commission for referring you. You will pay no more or less for the product; however, Amazon will show their gratitude for my referral by paying me.
I’m linking up with Holly at HoHo Runs and Tricia from MissSippiPiddlin for their Weekly Wrap. Be sure to check out not only the hosts, but the other great bloggers joining in on the fun!

Normally I do not let cold weather stop me from running outdoors, however, this week in Iowa has been very, very frigid. Today we have windchills of -30! So I will be pulling out a fitness video to do at home. I haven’t run in a week, my motivation has been shot so I sat down today and wrote out some goals and I am determined to stick to them.
When it’s cold but not too bad to be out I have a layering system and super sweet insulated NB tights and out the door I go!
I don’t mind running in the cold once I get warmed up, but I can’t imagine running in windchills of -30°. If you run where the windchill temp gets that low, I bet you have to run in far colder weather than I ever do. Good for you for getting out there, and I agree that it’s all about layering!
it was a challenging week for running around here for sure!
This week should be much better weather-wise, but I’m not allowed to run for a week after yesterday’s surgery. 🙁
Reading posts like this make me so grateful to live in Las Vegas, where it’s pretty rare that weather prevents me from working out.
Oh yes, that’s got to be a great perk of living in a warmer climate!
Yikes to the melanoma! Curious how it presented. I’m so paranoid about skin stuff. I have so many moles, freckles, and whatnot…
Best of luck with the surgery!
Thank you! Surgery went well and I’m now the proud owner of an incision from my cheek bone to my jawline. I will be writing about it sometime in January, but since you asked about how it presented I’ll fill you in. I had what looked like an age spot for a few years that the doctor was watching, but late this summer a very irregular shaped red spot appeared all around it with a tiny black’ish spot in it (about the size of a pinhead). Having had a previous melanoma on my shin, I knew this needed to be looked at and brought it to the attention of my dermatologist.
Wow…sorry to hear about the melanoma scare. Hope all goes well with the surgery/recovery. I pretty much run in everything…if I can. I finally broke down and “treadmilled” it this morning… -11 with a -30 “feels like” on the app. UGH.
Thank you – surgery went really well.
Yeah, -11° would keep me inside, and -30° windchill would have me hiding under a big pile of blankets! 😀
I hope your surgery goes well! I am sure no sweating will be in order for just a bit, but you will back at it soon enough 🙂
I can’t do icy since I run in roads, I just have to ride it out till things clear up.
Hope you have a wonderful holiday 🙂
Thank you, Karen! Surgery went well and I can’t do much exercise for a week. I’m going to try a few easy yoga poses just to feel like I’m doing something…
Our weather has definitely kept us guessing, but nothing as cold as what you folks got. The wind is such a game changer too. I’m sorry to hear about the melanoma. It sounds like you are diligent about getting checked — which is so important. Good luck with the surgery. Hopefully, your restrictions will not last long. Thanks for linking, Deb@
Thanks, Holly! Surgery went well and I feel great today. I’ve had a full body check twice a year by my dermatologist for the last 15+ years.
I hear you, I dislike running in the wind pretty much more than any other weather condition.
The cold weather stops me more than I’d like! It’s usually a combination that does me in – it’s cold and dark, it’s cold and icy, it’s cold and windy etc. This weekend I learned that I do not do well in WIND! I was fine until the wind picked up. I then decided I’d rather run in the cold or wet, but wind is not my friend.
I agree, running in the wind is the worst! I dislike running in the wind pretty much more than any other weather condition.
Deb, I am sending a prayer up for your procedure! Glad they caught it early — your reward for your diligence. And yes, Saturday was a treadmill day if ever there was one. It was yoga-at-home for me but was thankfully able to get into the gym yesterday.
I hope that your surgery doesn’t derail much by way of plans this week. Knowing you, not a chance. 🙂
Thank you, Anne! I was nervous about not being able to sleep last night which we both know can ruin the following day; but I slept like a baby and felt fine enough to meet my clients this morning as usual.
Speaking of weather, I had the worse race of 2016 in my book just this past weekend! I forgot what it was like running in high humidity and warm temps! But you know it was better than what would be my breaking point of snow and ice. I’m so scared to falling! Thank you Deb for supporting us and I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!
Ugh on the bad race, but congrats on the great attitude!